Point Distribution and Exploration 2

[Name: Connor Steel (+5)

Level: 7

HP: 26/26 (+)

MP: 18/18 (+)

Strength: 19(15+4) (+)

Agility: 24 (17+7) (+)

Defense: 14 (9+5) (+)

Wisdom: 7 (+)

Ability: Sharp Vision, Conceal —> Camouflage (1 MP), Tracking (Basic ll), Hand-to-Hand Combat (General l), Blade Fighting (Basic lll), Archery (General lll), Rapid Shooting (3 MP), Triple Shot(4 MP)]

I had seen this before after the fight with the mounted green demon, but I didn't know what to do and I still don't know.

—Um so this is what the statuses look like... Yes, as described... So the method should be...

Huh... Cali, could you please stop mumbling and help me with this because I have no idea what to do?!

—Okay very well, the first part is over, are you feeling any kind of change or strange sensation Connor? — she asked, half worried, half excited.

—No, nothing out of the ordinary other than the pension from when my Ener— Aeter was sucked into the board.

—Um, is there anything different that you're feeling?

—Not feeling, but a number appeared next to the meat and on the board that I'm almost certain wasn't there before.

When Cali heard this her eyes lit up and she said with great enthusiasm.

-AND THAT!!!. 

We all took a step back at this uncharacteristic outburst from the usually calm (when she's not focused on things she likes or picking on Max) Cali.

—Huhum, sorry about that.... Again. — she said blushing and looking away from all of us.

—Well, it doesn't matter, what did you mean by: that's it. — Max was kind enough to return the conversation to its original path.

—Okay, it's actually quite simple and even embarrassing actually. — she said moving her hands.

—When I was studying the notes and tomes I accidentally bumped into the crystal and it hit the crystal tablet hard. At the time they were the last thing on my mind, as I didn't think those words would help much and the crystal hasn't done anything since we got it. But when I went to catch it without having closed the Aeter channels in my haste, it also absorbed my Aeter and projected an image in the air similar to the tablet. — she said, more and more excited.

—However, in this case there were no statuses that appeared. Well, not exactly status, what appeared was an explanation of what the board was and its use in words that I could understand, even though it wasn't our language. By cross-analyzing this information, along with the description of various objects and my own statuses, I can decipher the tomes and understand how to use the tablet.

It wasn't just once that I thought that Cali should be a tutor for some noble in the capital and if anyone still had any doubts that she would be great in the role of tutor, after that that doubt was gone.

—And what would this use of the Cali board be like? — asked Anna, who had remained quiet listening to the entire explanation.

—It's simple, Connor — he said, turning towards me and looking straight into my eyes. — Each of these categories listed in the status represents your physical capabilities in numbers, and the numbers in front of your name are concerted Aeter points that your body has not absorbed yet.

I had to try hard not to scream after hearing this, the others did too, amazed, to the point that our loudest Max was petrified with a look of disbelief on his face. Not that you can blame him, something like having Aeter not absorbed after an elevation is unthinkable, it's the same as a person not needing to drink water after walking in a scorching desert for hours or even days.

—I know what you're thinking, but you can calm down. Strictly speaking, it is not just Aeter, it is also a special form of energy that exists in the Ordeal alongside unabsorbed Aeter. This is just my estimate, but I think it would be something around 2 Aeter for 8 of this energy to form 1 point of improvement, as the crystal put it.

This already made me feel a little more relieved, after all I've heard stories of knights and wizards who were unable to absorb Aeter after an elevation, the result for them was very bad, having their Aeter channels damaged and disabled for the rest of their lives. or killed instantly.

—Apart from the fact that according to some analyzes by various orders of wizards and temples, it is normal not to absorb all of the Aeter when it rises, it is believed that around 20% are even dissipated into the air after a rise. My theory is that somehow the Ordeal takes this dissipated Aeter and refines it with this energy, and sends it back to us as a reward for our elevation.

—Do you realize that the way you're talking makes it seem like the Ordeal itself is aware of its own actions? — Mav said after contemplating the entire conversation so far.

—Considering everything we've experienced so far, what Connor told us, the stories that came before and what was disclosed about the expedition, would this really be such an absurd idea? — Cali asked completely naturally. And I thought about everything I've seen happen in the Ordeal in the months since it appeared and the answer I came up with was:

'No, it is not at all absurd to think that every trial actually has some kind of conscience.'

—Haram, this conversation is very interesting but you remember that we have time to leave this "river cabin", don't you. Cali can explain at once how this board works, I'm also very curious to know my status now. — Anna told us all and made us come back to focus on what we were doing.

—Well from what you've said so far Cali, all I need to do is tap this symbol (+) next to the numbers in the categories and the Aeter that I hadn't been absorbed will return to my body? — I asked to be sure.

—Actually, it's a little different. — she said and we waited for her to elaborate. — These categories are not there for nothing, as I said they represent your physical capabilities, but they were separated to apply the Aeter in a much more punctual way than the natural absorption causes. Theoretically, instead of the feeling of comfort that we didn't experience here, this specific absorption will be painful like those that happen outside the Ordeal, but the changes will be much more noticeable and easier to adapt too. So I recommend you only increase the features you use most.

I thought about it and it makes sense, I don't need to know many things being a hunter so wisdom can be discarded, the same goes for defense since my strong suit is stealth and long-range attacks so I think I'll add 2 points in speed, 1 in strength and 2 in HP, which reminds me.

—Cali, what does this HP mean?

—From what I understand it represents your physical state. If he has a lot of injuries he will lower himself as well as if he is completely exhausted, sleepy, hungry and thirsty.

—So if I invest Aeter in this aspect, I will become healthier, without having to exercise? — I asked with high expectations.

—In theory, yes. — she said awkwardly.

Very well I decide what I'm going to "invest my improvement points" in, I decided to press the symbols, soon after a light appeared and I felt one of the worst pains of my life.