Point Distribution and Exploration 3

Luckily the pain didn't last long, maybe 5 seconds, but they were the most agonizing seconds of my life. It was like being stabbed by a red-hot Sega sword that melted as it entered my body, with the liquid metal spreading and mixing with my blood until it reached all of my organs.


I heard someone say but there was a ringing in my ear that I couldn't be sure of who, when I felt a hand on my back I realized that I had bent over and had my hands on the floor. I soon raised my head and saw everyone above me with expressions of concern and fear, I also realized that the mother was from Cali who had tried to catch me when I fell but couldn't in time, she had the worst expression I think she felt guilty somehow.

—Everything, huff, okay guys, huff, I just... I need a moment. — I said, sitting on the floor and getting used to the changes I was starting to feel in my body, probably the feeling I felt before was the Aeter forcefully entering my body and going to the places it should, that was the feeling. What does one have when one rises out of the Ordeal?!.

Now everyone feels astonished when they arrived here for the first time, that was torture, imagine going through that several times in your life... In fact, I don't even want to.

—How do you feel friend? — Mav asked, handing me a glass of water.

—.... Haaa, better now thanks. — I said handing the glass back. — And to answer the question you're still going to ask, no, I don't feel anything wrong. I actually feel great, it was a horrible pain, but now I feel like I can dodge the blows of the hairy monsters, even though they are surrounding me from all sides.

It was no joke I really felt like I could do it, it was a strange feeling but I was sure of it.

—What exactly did you feel? — asked Max, I answered as best I could the feeling of being stabbed and the feeling afterwards. How my body felt light, warm and energized without pain but with a strange discomfort coming from senses that seemed to be higher, not refined or sharp like when I lifted myself up, but something close to that.

After my explanation, they stopped and thought about what to do.

—Well from what Connor said, it seems like a normal elevation... But I don't know, it seems like there's something strange about it. — Anna said after much thought.

—I agree, is it because of the Ordeal itself? — Mav suggested.

—Probably, but I think it also has to do with the way Connor distributed his "points." — Cali said.

—How he distributed the points. How does this have anything to do with it? — Max asked.

—Um, I think I understand. — I said — Basically, the choice of category directs the Aeter to the corresponding part of the body, as I chose speed my senses felt stronger than in a normal elevation and I also feel that now my body is much lighter but also resistant in some way. .

—I still don't see many differences between this and a normal elevation, but I think that like you we will only understand it well after trying it. —Max said, picking up the sign I had dropped and then offering me his hand to lift it.

—If no one minds now I'll do this, point allocation.

—Wait!!, from what I read, it is recommended that you only allocate more points in categories that you already have a good affinity with or that you want to develop a new path to. —Cali warned.

—Hmm, in my case it would be defense and strength, right.

—Basically, but wouldn't it be better if you also improved your speed and health to withstand more attacks? — Mav asked, looking at Cali waiting for confirmation.

—I don't know if adding speed would be very advisable, yes he could move the shield and sword faster in theory. But since his body would also improve with the "reinforcement" of both attack and defense and possibly also HP... I can't guarantee that the effect would be better or not.

—Hey, calm down, you're just making theories, in this case it's better to check in practice, Connor already said that his body feels lighter and more resistant due to the improvements in speed, attack and HP (I still have no idea what this does). So now let's see how I do improving defense, attack and HP. - he said. — And so we will also have a basis with which to verify your theories, right?

And before anyone could agree or disagree with him he had already allocated his points and pressed confirmation. Contrary to what I had found, there was no shine at all, perhaps it was something that only the affected person saw. But just like me, Max also ended up falling on all fours to the floor, before being hit, but it was by Mav who was already ready in case something like that happened again, while Anna caught the board before it hit the floor (again). Looking worriedly at his brother he asked.

—And then you still think it's the same as normal elevations?

—No way, and it's definitely not like I felt the Aeter enter me like normal, you know the same old excruciating pain. — this really is how elevations usually work!!!, I really feel grateful that I only elevated myself in the Ordeal then. — As always, you feel the Aeter circulate through your body, but instead of it just going around your body and you telling it to go where it should go with your mind. She went alone, soon after entering, towards the center of my body and the upper part of my belly.

— And how do you feel now, empty head? Cali asked.

—Yes, I'm fine too, thank you very much, and I feel stronger, like a lot stronger in the same way I feel after helping to take all the crates of food to the restaurant warehouse, but without the tiredness, just the feeling of the muscles. loose and "pulsating". - He explained.

Before anyone could ask anything else, Anna already had the board in her hand and was ready to make the allocation herself.