Strategies 2

Grumpy POV


Grumpy knew they would come back, the voice said they would come back.

Even if he hadn't said it he would have known, humans were a race that didn't like to lose. Even more a fight that they were sure they would win, this Grumpy both from "birth" and from the experience of having fought with them.

Grumpy was excited that they were back, he could have a good fight again, he hadn't left the village for months on orders from the Voice that had created him, not that Grumpy complained, Grumpy liked being alive so following the Voice was the least what Grumpy could do.

This still didn't take advantage of the fact that Grumpy's life was pretty boring when there were no threats, just teaching newborns how to fight in the wild, hunting alone very occasionally and practicing fights with the giant black bear, the only fun Grumpy had since the attempt failure of human invasion.

But now they were returning and had already sent a group to probe the village, Grumpy was happy with this both because it showed that they would soon return for more fighting and because he realized that one of the humans in the group was the cub, that the other bearded human with bow and the metal-clad human had protected before.

Just by the look the cub gave, Grumpy can be sure that the bearded human managed to survive the fight, a mix of anger and care but not unbridled hatred like those metallic humans showed when their companions were killed that day.

Grumpy called his combat brothers and sisters to find out how they would distribute their forces across the land, 2 months may not be a long time for humans to recover but it is a time that goblins barely manage to recover to their previous state. Both due to natural births and those generated by the Voice, goblins only need 5 days to go from puppies to young adults capable of combat, but reaching the level of their combat brothers takes considerably longer and still has the risk of dying if fail to pass the final tests.

Because of this, there are only 6 brothers and sisters that Grumpy could count on, in addition to young people with partners.

Be that as it may, Grumpy decided that the sooner they prepared, the better the results would be for their village, the more the young people fought, the stronger they would become, the stronger they became, the closer they would be to being able to see what the outside world would be like as per the Voice had said he would show them.

Only those who proved to be truly strong could go out and see the world as a whole, and Grumpy was determined to be one of them, after all, the bigger the world was, the greater the chances he would have of meeting stronger opponents and having even more fun fights.

Grumpy couldn't stop smiling when he thought about it.









—WHAT HELL, UNHAPPY, DAMN MISERABLE, USELESS!!!!.— A thin man, with dark hair and a weathered face showing his early fifties, lay down while breaking everything he could see in front of him.

The study of the large house, previously organized and with an inviting and comfortable appearance, was now in total disarray with the table with a broken leg, scattered books and papers on the floor stained with so much blood, from the man and the 2 unfortunate people who had tried to contain him. his outburst, one who was unconscious with a cut on his head near the window, while the other lay under one of the bookshelves that the man had knocked over in his anger.

The only points still intact in the study were the clock near the fireplace, which even in a homicidal rage the man could still recognize how expensive it would be to destroy this object, and the chair that faced the table. Where another much older man sat calmly drinking a cup of tea, and looking impassively both at the tossing room and at the man shouting and shouting nearby, the cause and master of this house Viscount Alisander.

—You've calmed down a little now, my lord.— The man asked, placing the cup directly in the air next to the set he had brought.


"That's why dealing with nobles, even more noble idiots is always irritating, they can't see things objectively, they couldn't have sent one of the order's new apprentices in my place"

—Take it easy, Mr. Alisander, remember that if your business is discovered, ours will be discovered too and none of us want that to happen, right?— said Kornelium calmly, looking at the man with eyes half-glazed with anger and fear. .

Anger that his schemes are in danger of being discovered, even more so, that they could be discovered by the only honorary Marquis the kingdom, not the entire continent, has ever seen.

"Really the King is either a genius or a fool for having given the title of Marquis to a commoner, regardless of the merits he has gained in a war." Kornelium thought briefly, but as he looked at the man and what he had done in the studio still with the two poor loyal servants. Even his stereotypical view of internet plebeian idiocy had to be revised.

"Although if the King depended on men like that, the kingdom wouldn't even last 2 years. Not that a chaotic kingdom would be so bad, Asim would make it easier to get samples and servants." Kornelius thought with a slight smile.


And another decorative vase was smashed against the wall.

—Mister Alisander, destroying your own house won't help anything, unless spending money to repair it helps you in some way to calm down.

With that Alisander calmed down, losing money for nothing is one of the things he hated most. He picked up a small, slightly dented bell from the top of the fireplace mantle. Soon one of his servants entered and saw the destruction of the place, but did not show any reaction as if the state of the room had been expected.

—Barnan, prepare a new room for Master Kornelium and I to finish our conversation and make sure this place is cleaned immediately and get rid of those things on the floor, I hope everything is clean by tomorrow.— he barked.

—Understood, sir.— the servant replied and signaled for three others to enter.—Please follow me to the other room.

Kornelium quickly stood up, waved his hand and the tea set disappeared into thin air. Now they could finally start discussing matters seriously, especially how they would deal with the possible repercussions of their actions both with business and the attempt to retain information regarding the mysterious place known as Ordeal.


It was bad for those who still read the novel, I had some problems here, including writing 2 other ideas for a novel that I can start writing, but I intend to go back to writing this and my other novel with 2 too many chapters each this week if everything goes well right. Thank you dnv for those who still 😁😁😁😁😁