Concerns 1

POV Kaio


'Hey Sys'


'I have a question'

[Is it in relation to Grumpy?]


[Does it have to do with his personality?]


[Is this the same one you do to me at least once a week since you unblocked me?]

'And yup'

I "said" without any shame knowing full well that this was one of the things I did that (most) irritated my dear incorporeal companion.

[...I really think there would be other, more productive ways of alleviating your boredom besides annoying me. You already know that the answer is the same no matter how many times you ask.]

'I know, and I know this is a huge indication of deep mental problems (even though I'm just a soul with a conscience now), in addition to my schizophrenia which seems to be gradually getting worse.'


'What's that supposed to mean?... Well it doesn't matter, the question I always ask and will keep asking until I can't keep asking it any longer: Are you sure you didn't swap Grumpy's goblin mentality with that of an orc, like , you can't help but think he's a miniature orc with that kind of train of thought?!!!'

I think I'll never stop asking that, because you agree with me, right, you saw a little of how that hobgoblin thinks!!

You're going to say that this type of thinking doesn't seem much like the type of thinking that some Orcs, from a certain online game on Earth that even had a movie, also think, considering fighting as a form of entertainment, a way of life and in a certain way even ritualistic. .

Of course you couldn't see that just in that quick glimpse into Grumpy's mind, but if you had seen how he fought in the invasion (or it would be more accurate to call it an incursion, thinking about it now ಠಿ_ಠ) you would definitely think of him more as a orc than goblin, or perhaps not, and I am exaggerating my own opinion.

But just follow the quick reasoning and then we go back to following the schedule (which is quite empty to be honest but...). Goblins are mostly described as pests, smart, treacherous and who play dirty to win, using traps and weaker limbs as bait and numbers against their opponents, when the situation gets bad for them, it becomes everyone for themselves to try to survive, against If they're winning, it's everyone for themselves to get the best loot (and in this we won't consider that goblins use females from other species to procreate, or things won't end anytime soon).

Essentially, goblins would be weaklings who use whatever means they can think of to win, fortunately most of the time they are quite idiotic, so they generally end up not being very dangerous, although this changes depending on the story. With some exceptions that end up becoming elites and leaders in the communities.

Just remembering, I'm talking about how goblins are generally represented, not mine, although they would fit well in most of these categories if I didn't interfere from time to time.

Orcs in turn would be (generally) more intelligent than goblins and much stronger, often using them as slave labor. Sometimes considered just a stronger version of goblins, or evolutions that some manage to achieve, which exchanged cunning and "dirty" tactics for brute force, combat tactics and developed a certain martial pride from that (at least in the stories I li), with their way of fighting focusing everything on the attack and almost nothing on other aspects, just like goblins in certain situations.

Weighing the two ways of acting on a scale and seeing the type of thinking that Grumpy has, I don't think anyone would blame me for not being convinced when they tell me that he really was just a goblin.

[If you kept coming back to this discussion every week, I'd say many would blame you. And they would even say what difference it would make if Grumpy was or were a "reused" orc]

'Yes they would probably do that.'


I admitted it right away, which earned another unnecessary emoji from Sys.

'But the question would be what precedent it would set.'

[.... It's the first time you have another justification that doesn't involve annoying me, go ahead.]

'Think of it this way, if an orc's soul or mentality was repurposed, when I didn't make the monsters I gained in the gacha available to be used as material for new monsters wouldn't that show that the dungeon would be absorbing wandering souls from outside spontaneously and otherwise? their energy bristles?'

[... Correct, but what does this have to do with it, you already know that the dungeon would absorb external energy along with that obtained from the challengers, this is how the passive energy gain is done.]

'Yes, true, but passive gain should be done by absorbing solar energy or magical energy that exists in this world, not from souls. Couldn't this have a negative impact on the external environment to begin with?'

[... According to a quick analysis, the dungeon only absorbs trapped souls with evil intentions in the earth by absorbing magical energy, as the host has not yet fully unlocked this function, it is carried out partially, which does influence some of the monsters . However, this does not change the nature and fundamental function of the monster.]

'Hmm... Really, from what I've seen of Grumpy since he was created, he's always been very belligerent. This quality also passed on to some of the goblins, like the one who chased and almost exterminated a group that came before Connor's group. If some more belligerent goblin manages to leave during the Stampede that I scheduled and manages to establish a fixed location outside the dungeon, wouldn't this be the start of a big problem, at least for the kingdom where I am now?'

I asked, being honest, this is a very legitimate concern, I do want to completely destroy that order of wizards that came here before, and as a bonus, give a good lesson to the master of this territory who, from what I heard from the challengers, is not a flower that smell yourself. But I don't want to end up causing unnecessary problems that could be avoided, I want to have a certain type of security here.

[Understood, you can be calm about this, in the possibility of monsters from the dungeon leaving and procreating in the outside world, their descendants would still have a certain connection with the dungeon and therefore with you.]

'Oh, and what exactly would this call let me do.'

[Insufficient authority.]



This was your way of getting revenge for me annoying you with the frequently asked questions about Grumpy, without giving a good reason until now, right?

[This is an incorrect statement, I simply conveyed the fact that your authority is insufficient for the information I wanted.]

'But I wouldn't ask the question if you hadn't deliberately brought up the topic and instigated me to ask it so that you would have the pleasure of denying the answer, would I?'

[Incorrect statement again, after all my explanation was merely consistent with your concern. The fact that you do not have enough authority for a complete answer and this causes you irritation is merely an unexpected yet predictable addition to me.]


'Well, I think it's true— Wait, so it was premeditated and a form of revenge!!!'

[...Correct, I must add that this was considerably satisfactory. <( ̄︶ ̄)>]

.... And then I'm the childish one of the duo, right!!
