Concerns 2

[You said this was one of your concerns. Would there be more reasons why you continued to bore me with that never-ending insistent question other than that?]

Yes, of course I have more concerns than that, but for some reason I don't feel like saying them right now ( ̄⁠皿⁠ ̄⁠)

[This reaction would be considered by many to be extremely childish.]

Why is Sys's androgynous, somewhat robotic voice suddenly sounding particularly irritating now?

[If you do not wish to speak, I will not be able to give an answer that could help with the issue. If that happens we could both end up ceasing to exist. Naturally, if that's what you want, come and respect your wish, Kaio.]

..... Ok I think I'm being quite hypocritical and even getting a little irritated in this case, and not the irritant that I like to be, but the irritant that I would generally clean the floor with if I had the chance.

'Okay you're right, I was really stupid and I deserved that. But you better be prepared, there will still be change.'


'Anyway, my main concern would be the inherent abilities of the creatures you spawn.'

[? Explain please.]

'Think of it this way, there are some creatures with inherent characteristics generally linked to the soul, such as the ability that dragons have to grow stronger even when sleeping, the absorption capacity that slimes have, the fierce combat nature that Orcs have, etc.'

'And what would happen if a goblin had the "reused soul" of a dragon or a giant, even if he may not have the ability to use dragon breaths or be able to strengthen himself by sleeping he would still have a very powerful soul that it would facilitate the acquisition of experience and almost immunity to mental attacks like dragons.'

I explained, trying to be as rational as possible.

'If these characteristics are passed on to descendants, even if it takes years it would generate a myriad of goblins in which low level spells, which would be what most of the mages who would appear here managed to do.'

'Wouldn't that effectively end the dungeon's balance?'

And this was using the example of goblins but it could happen on any floor with any type of monster. Even a werewolf with the strength of a giant, or a giant eagle with the call immunity of a phoenix, etc.'

I've finished and I'm waiting for Sys to answer me, this is a concern and doubt that I've had since I noticed Grumpy's willingness to fight.

Of course, the examples I gave were a little extreme since I don't even know if there would be dragons, phoenixes or giants (you might think it's absurd but there are fantasy stories without them, you know). But one thing I know is that Sys also uses the souls of creatures that died near or in the dungeon itself (which would be kind of like our shared body, which I still find weird as hell), and when I think about that I always remember that animal with a skull face and a mane of black thorns that appears in the middle of a fog and what that did to the "wolves with tentacles".

Seriously, that wasn't pretty at all.

[... I understand your proposal now, and yes it would be a very valid power of attorney. I relocate captured souls to the bodies best suited to receive them but this does not take into question the original creature from which the soul came.]

I felt cold sweat running down my back, which for someone who is basically a sigh of smoke is quite worrying.


[Meaning that until you can improve the dungeon further, your concern is a valid and real risk.]

Yeah I definitely felt cold sweat on my back and my blood ran cold, that's very worrying.


Connor's POV

After helping Kamila (A/N: she is the "official receptionist" who appeared at the beginning) with the crowd at the table, explaining what we knew, understanding the crystal tablet but having no idea how the ball worked or its function the group can deliver the spoils from the battles to the people responsible for storing them and make quick money from it. Of course, we could have kept the spoils like the fish that the twins had, but then they would have had to find where to store them in their homes, which for some (Anna) would be easy while for others (Me) not so much.

With the money from the estate, the help in calming the crowd (not to brag but we are quite well known since an incident a few days ago) and sharing what we knew we got out of the ordeal without much trouble, except when Anna and I had to stopping to literally drag Cali in front of the images on the walls, it seems that she was right about the things written on them being the same as those in the tomes and even if we could also read this now and were slightly curious we were much more tired than anyone thing.

Even though I feel more comfortable in the Ordeal than most, this is still an environment saturated with Energy which is tiring to put up with in the long run, almost the same feeling as entering the forest in a semi-dense fog in the morning, but not obstructed. your vision but it remained with you the entire time you were there.

Besides the fact that today we had to fight more than usual for me against several strong opponents, if that wasn't enough we also discovered (Cali actually discovered) a new way of using the tomes that give us more abilities and improve further (in addition to being very interesting), along with the existence of Statuses that can improve us even further through crystal tablets, identification crystals and finding a way to the "village" of ver demons - that is, the village of goblins. Just one of these things would be enough to make a knight tired, but all together?

...Honestly I congratulate us for not fainting on the way back.

—Hey Connor you should lighten up a little man! — Max said, slapping me hard on the back but not so much that I tripped. It was then that I realized that I was making one of my characteristic pessimistic faces that my friends already know so well and that they were looking at me as we walked to the village.

—Ah, no, I was just thinking a little.

—I hope you weren't thinking something like, "now that I know where they live I'll be able to have my revenge" or something like that, right?— Anna asked, half joking, half serious.

Everyone stopped and looked at me carefully, I also stopped to think about the brief moments in which we observed the goblin village. Especially when the chief goblin, at least that's what I think it was, looked straight at me and I felt both a wave of cold fear engulf me, and a scalding rage appear from the pit of my stomach that spread through my body so quickly that I impulsively I almost grabbed my bow and did something stupid if Mav hadn't held me back.

Just by the look he gave me I knew he recognized me, showing that he also remembered and I was sure he became even stronger. What I want to do?. That's obvious, I do want to beat that dam-goblin, but last time we had 200 people, including wizards (even low level) and some knights (low and one medium level) and we still lost, to the point that almost all personnel including the highest level members or end up dead or seriously injured like my master Dairem.

—I was just thinking about what I should tell my master about what happened today, if I should say that we found the village and everything. — I replied, being parcially honest, I was thinking about that too, just wasn't the main thing, but it wasn't the least important.

—Hmm, I know...— Anna said, looking at me carefully.

Due to her somewhat childish and energetic nature, I sometimes forget, but there is a reason why her house is one of the most powerful in the kingdom with strong connections in several other countries on the continent. It was obvious that she didn't completely believe what I said but decided not to question it.

—Well if that's all it's easy to say.— Max said seriously. Not only me but others also looked at him.

—You just need to say that we beat up several strong demons and found their hiding place. And now we have more time to get stronger, so he'll soon be able to come and help us give these greenies an even bigger beating. Oh and also remember to write that they are called goblins not green demons.

He said with complete certainty and a smile on his face.