Feral Paw Tournament: Part 2

  There was no use in waiting for her opponent to act. Rumin was first to go on the offensive, lunging first to deliver a swift kick. However, Tang was a little too slippery, slithering out of the way and aiming for a tail swipe. With not much option, Rumin ducked under it by leaning back, but it left her wide open for a punch to the face.

  The blow was strong, but not even close to the amount needed to send her out the ring. After reeling back a few steps, Rumin was back on her feet, ready to keep the fight going.

  "I'm not going out in the first round! I worked hard for this and I intend on making sis proud of me!"

  She used her legs this time, pressing off of the ground for a faster charge, successfully crashing into the serpent as she followed up with a forceful punch of her own. Her attack had much more 'oomph' to it, but it wasn't enough to take out her opponent.

  "I was honestly hoping for an easy first match. It doesn't matter what you have to prove 'Girl' because I'm going to make you wish you've surrendered!!" Her aura emanated briefly, resulting in her muscles becoming denser, but it wasn't the only notable change that occurred.

  She was faster too, almost catching Rumin off-guard. Rumin was able to block the incoming punch, but felt something coil around her left arm. She was then flung across the arena but was able to regain her balance, only to be met with a tail swipe coming her way, attempting to finish the match.

  Unluckily for Tang, Rumin wasn't going to call it quits. Before the kangaroo was struck, she used some of her energy to jump out of the way in the nick of time. The serpent would curse under her breath as the swift victory was foiled a second time.

  "Guess you're not gonna go down because of my warning huh? If you want to stay in the ring so badly, then so be it. I'll just have to 'MAKE' you give up!!!"

  The serpent was left with no other choice but to make Rumin submit, unleashing a flurry of swift attacks before catching the kangaroo with her tail. She smirked, coiling around her into a tight squeeze before proceeding to pummel into Rumin with powerful fists, getting tighter as she intends on not letting up until her opponent surrenders. The audience were on the edge of their seats as they watch the fight take place. Some were already anticipating how this match was going to end up.

  Meanwhile in the lobby, the fight was being displayed on a monitor for the remaining contestants to watch. Most of the other contestants were already talking about Tang, noting that the serpent was known to be a brutal fighter. The most concerned was Gale, who was gripping her hands into tight fists as the urge to teach that snake a lesson welled within her. However, it was Ume that stopped her before she escalates things any further.

  "What do you think you're doing?" She snarled at the mouse, as if intimidating them to not get in her way. Her anger was already visibly clear and it wasn't going to be pretty if it was anyone else trying to stop her. However, she knew that Ume was more than capable.

  "Preventing an unnecessary conflict. You should know better by now what the end results would be if you were to step out there. I can tell that you're really upset about all this but you should really give here the chance to breathe. This is her match and you both know what you've signed up for."

  "OF COURSE I KNOW!!" She said with such ferocity that it caught a few glances from the present participants. "It doesn't mean I should openly allow for something like this to take place. That's my sister! What do you know about family anyway?"

  Gale didn't know that what she just said struck a nerve with Ume, who immediately threw her onto the ground and held a tight grip before slapping the crocodile in the face. This alone caught the attention of some contestants, but they weren't brazen enough to approach the situation.

  "I KNOW JUST ENOUGH!!! Consider yourself lucky that you even get to keep something you care about. That doesn't give you any right to insult those around you. Do you you even know what it's like to lose said FAMILY?!!"

  Several more slaps were struck against Gale before she finally gripped Ume's wrist and pulled her into a tight hug. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the mouse shed tears. The embrace only lasted a few seconds before the two finally got off the ground.

  "I don't know... With Dad overseas, she's all I have. It just wouldn't sit right with me if he were to heat that I didn't do anything to save my own sister. Let's just leave it at that..." He expression saddened but Ume only patted her on the shoulder.

  "You should know better than to think you can fight all her battles. All that hard work was to prove a point. Don't you think that alone should merit that this is her fight? Have some faith and watch how this match is going to play out. I'm sure you'll be quite surprised." She turned to look at the monitor displaying the match, urging Gale to begrudgingly observe the scene.

  As the match continues, Rumin was fending off strikes best she could. It didn't take long for her guard to slip, resulting in her taking more direct blows to the head and torso. Being constricted wasn't doing the situation any better as the coil only felt tighter with each passing blow. It seemed as if the serpent was intent on making this experience as brutal as possible.

  "You're gonna damn well learn your place girl. Since you didn't take my warning, there's no one but yourself to blame for not stepping off this ring. Now do me a favor and go limp! Surrender! There's no hope of you winning this. GIVE UP!!!"

  Her laugh was loud, brimming with confidence as she continues the relentless assault. It was getting harder for Rumin to keep focus; let alone breathe... It was then she was hit with a solution. With what little breath she could still muster, the kangaroo inhaled deeply and soon exhaled a spew of energy that felt hot to the touch. This caused the serpent to recoil, releasing her from it's grip. The audience was surprised but none were more shocked than the King of Beasts, who caught of the technique used with a raised brow.

  "You're no boss of anyone here lady. If anyone's gonna decide what I'm going to do in this ring..." Her aura emanated like steam boiling off of her body, taking the visage of flames that focused down to her feet and hands. With a raised fist, she bent her legs down, getting ready for a lunge. "It's gonna be ME!!!"

  With that final word, she leaped forward, leaving a feint remanence of her energy in the form of a blazing trail, pulling her fist back as she approached the serpent. When the distance closed, her fist thrusted forward, slamming hard into the serpent's face. The snake spiraled out of the ring, slamming hard into the barrier before hitting the ground, signaling the end of the match. Rumin took her time to catch breaths of fresh air as the Announcer stepped onto the ring.

  "What a spectacular finish~! Her opponent really thought she had the edge with her abrasive fighting style but our blazing competitor really turned up the heat, scorching her way to victory~. The winner of this round is Rumin~!!!"

  The crowd went wild with applause for the battered contestant, who then smiled at the prospect of winning. Heavy footsteps could be heard, approaching at an alarming rate. Rumin wasn't given any chance to look up, being met with a big hug, but she knew exactly who was the culprit.

  "Come on sis. It's not like I'm dying or anything. Told you I was going to hold up to what I said." She weakly smiled before wincing a bit from feeling sore in more places than one.

  "I'm just glad that you're ok but I do apologize for not thinking you could handle yourself. I always get worried sick whenever you enter the ring. Maybe I do worry too much... Should've let you be yourself more..." She looked disheartened but only got a pat on the head from her sister.

  "You really do care a little too much. I hope you can be proud of me for doing something on my own."

  "Of course I am! Who wouldn't be silly?"

  They shared a hug before stepping off of the ring, allowing the Announcer to finally continue the event.

  "Goes to show that there's no place like home folks. Regardless, the show must go on~; so without further ado, it's time to begin the third round of the tournament~! Next up, we have last year's Champion, Ume Otogi! She'll be facing against another returning competitor, Li Chiu! I know who you're all thinking is going to come out on top but let's see if that future sight will come true~!"