Feral Paw Tournament: Part 3

  They struck the gongs, signaling both combatants to step into the arena. You can already tell the height and size difference as Ume's opponent was much larger, with a bulky physique. Though, it may have just been the fact that they're a hippopotamus.

  "I honestly wasn't expecting to fight the Champion herself in the very first round. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I don't feel like it." She rubbed the back of her head nervously, somewhat regretting the situation. It was clear she wasn't expecting this matchup.

  "Nonsense. In fact, I would consider it an honor for most people to encounter me personally. Though probably not in this kind of setting, more or less. I couldn't imagine who'd think that fighting me would be something they'd take joy in doing."

  "Yeah~... Violence isn't really something I'd favor either. A spar or a consenting match now and again is more suitable, but I'd prefer hanging out or doing things aside from fighting with someone. I hope to give you a splendid match."

  The contestants shared a bow of respect as they got into their fighting stances. The area grew silent as Ume took a breath, shifting her focus to the fight at hand. This was a common breathing technique used to clear one's mind and psyche themselves intently for battle. From here on out, it's serious business.

  They struck the gong to start the match; Ume was the first to take advantage of using her physical advantage to kick the hippo from the side. However, the attack proved fruitless, as Li remained unphased, going for a swing of her own. Ume, who flipped backwards to evade the attack, effortlessly avoided it. Neither competitor could land a solid blow. One fighter was swift but not strong, while the other remained strong, but not fast enough.

  The battle didn't go anywhere due to them being evenly matched. Ume adjusted her breathing to increase damage output but sacrificed speed and reflexes. Li noticed that Ume's attacks changed and sensed increased pressure when struck.

  "So that's your style, huh? I can see why you are a force in the ring. Better show you what I can do too." She blocked one last attack from the rodent before striking her with an unknown force, sending them back a bit from the force alone.

  It surprised Ume for a moment, preventing herself from getting knocked back any further, taking a moment to assess the situation. What was that attack??? Li didn't make any sudden movements and yet something struck Ume very hard.

  The rodent was forced to think on how to proceed. If she couldn't strike them directly, then maybe a more indirect approach could suffice. She exhaled, loosening her tension as energy drew to her left palm. She clutched it and pulled back, soon releasing a ball of energy towards Li.

  The attack made her stumble back a bit, but there wasn't any immediate retaliation. Taking advantage of the realization, Ume pelted Li with a barrage of ranged attacks, nearly forcing her to the edge of the ring. Everyone thought this was going to be the end, but little did they know, this wasn't gonna go out in the way being anticipated.

  As Ume went for the presumably final blow, Li's aura started to flare. She formed her energy into a ball and ate it. The maneuver was bewildering to those that watched it. Just what was the result supposed to be from doing something like that? The answer to that burning question was soon to be answered by the sound of Li swallowing the solidified construct.

  "It's better if I show you. So don't blink."

  The flow of Li's energy began to build up to her throat, emitting a visible glow. Only the Pillars knew what was about to happen while Ume could sense something big was about to happen. The glow subsided for a moment as Li opened her mouth. For a brief moment, you can tell that the energy was drawing in to a focal point.

  Not long until a widespread blast emitted from Li's mouth, aiming straight for Ume. It completely engulfed the attack Ume launched and was still approaching at an alarming rate. There wasn't any room to dodge without falling back into the blast. With not much option, Ume resorted to a technique she was always known for.

  "Don't worry. I'm not letting this up one bit." She took a deep breath and stood firm, holding a defensive stance.

  She was more than ready to take the attack head on and the entire audience knew exactly what was about to happen. It was the moment they've all been waiting to see, no matter the circumstance. They were about to witness the Iron Mouse in action, living up to their title.

  "Defensive Stance: Full Body Shell..."

  The energy within flowed throughout her body, causing her muscles to become more dense. It was almost as if she became a solid statue. When the attack connected, it spread out across the arena, causing the crowd to flinch the moment it connected with the barrier. As for Ume, she stood her ground, withstanding the attack until it subsided.

  Li couldn't believe her eyes, but the audience went wild, roaring in applause of witnessing the equivalent of a spectacle. That attack took a toll on Li, leaving her vulnerable and you could imagine who took the moment to capitalize on this opportunity.

  "You've fought well, but I do apologize that it has to end this way."

  The mouse approached the hippo faster than she could track and with one breath, a strong fist to the gut was all it took to send the behemoth crashing onto the ground below. The audience cheered, chanting Ume's title repeatedly as the Announcer stepped onto the stage.

  "You've seen it here and seen it live~! Our Champion has come out on top and will be moving on to the quarter-finals. What a stunning display of power from both participants, but it was clear who going to take the gold~! If there are no further objections, I will announce the next two fighters to wrap up the end of the first round."

  The visual billboard was rolled out, showing to the audience and those observing who the next fighters are going to be.

  "As expected, we have a newcomer to this tournament, and from the Kuroda Clan to boot. That's not all. Our runner up from last year's tournament will also be participating in this round~. So let's welcome our two competitors to the ring, Maya Kuroda and Gale Hhitoryu~!!!"

  The previous fighters were escorted off the ring, allowing the next competitors to take the stage. Gale was first to greet the audience and surprisingly enough, she had a small fanbase cheering for her success. Despite not being as big as the Champion's, it still meant a lot to her.

  "It must be nice to have motivation from outside sources. Can't say I'm familiar with it."

  It was easy to tell that Maya's species was a common one among the inhabitants, with that being a dog. However, you can notice that her eyes were all grayed out. Gale was about to say something but Maya was ahead of the conversation to respond before she could ask the question.

  "Yes... It's been quite some time since I've lost my vision but there is no need to share any condolences or the sort." She waved her hand as if dismissing any further notions. "No need to pretend since we're just complete strangers here."

  "Pretend??? I don't think calling you impressive for making the best out of your life to be considered an act of pretend. We may be complete strangers, but noting one's accomplishments should merit a notice of recognition." She smiled back, even if the canine couldn't see it.

  Maya's expression turned into one of brief shock before giving a soft grin of acknowledgment. She was taken aback by the compliment.

  "Well... I suppose you're right about that much. I can tell you're being genuine with your speech, and for that, you have my sincere thanks. Though I believe we have a match to attend do above all else."

  Gale recognized the hint and nervously rubbed her head. The two combatants took to their sides of the arena and bowed before taking their fighting stances. Meanwhile, both Rumin and Ume were observing from the lobby monitor.

  "Really knock them out of the ring sis! I know you can do it!!" She was excited as ever to see the match, but was still too sore to make any sudden movements without inflicting pain onto herself.

  She giggled, watching Rumin be so hyper despite the condition that she's in. "Your enthusiasm is something else, but don't get too confident in winning. There were many stories where new upstarts make quick work of veterans; so I wouldn't underestimate them even if they were new."

  "Yeah... Big things come in small packages. Just like you right?" She joked at the mouse.

  She smirked. "Apparently so, but let's focus our attention to the match. It's about to start any moment now. You just might learn a thing or two."
