Intermission Week: Part 4 (R18 Warning)

  Hiraku gulped, unsure on how he's supposed to answer such a straightforward question.  "I-I don't what all you have available Miss. This is my first time here as you can tell."

  The woman looked at him with a serious glare that sent a shiver down his spine, but then she gave a coy smile.  "Just like I know that you're one of those village boys coming all the way out here just to have some fun. You'd think that all the high and mighty talk from those braggarts would make any form in sense. Way I see it, there's not much to stop one from giving in to their root instinct. Even those Pillars you all praise so highly fell victim to this."

  She scoffed as if finding the statement amusing to the ears while Hiraku looks on, more confused than before.  "W-What do you mean? You people were the ones who committed these actions in the first place. If everyone was on one accord, none of you would be in a place like this. Is it wrong to be punished justly for negative actions?"

  The woman huffed a smoke one more time before slapping the man and stood up to get in front of him.  "You got balls but honestly, you're not putting them to good use. Look where you are for fuck's sake. How is anyone going to believe someone who came here to engage in actions that clearly defy their own morality? There are no saints in this world  honey and you just have to face that reality, whether you like it or not."

  She had a really good point there. Even if he didn't know much about the Pillars, there was obviously a flaw in his logic. Everyone is capable of sin, no matter the circumstance. Whether it be out of desperation or just an overwhelming urge to act on an instinct. Despite the benefits, you can't quite put a stop to that natural tendency to take action on one's emotion.

  "I just don't get it... This is not something I've ever thought about. I've only-"

  "That you're just following what you've been told right?" The woman chimed in, getting behind the man, wrapping her arms around his neck as her tail teased his face with light; sultry brushes.  "You were just being a good little boy, following the orders of those that reign over you out of age or authority. How blind you must have been? Such a waste, but you have came to the right place."

  She leaned in close to his ear and exhales a warm breath against it, causing him to flinch slightly, but not enough to exactly escape the situation. To him, it felt like sweet nothings were lathering his senses with a captivating embrace.  "I-I don't know... It just feels all wrong in a sense."

  She nipped at his ear lightly before caressing his face with the utmost care.  "Yet you can't deny just how good it feels at the same time right? We've all been there darling. Some of us resisted until it drove us crazy. As for others, we seized the moment and relished in every aspect while it lasted. I can already tell that you've been experiencing these 'urges'. No need to deny it hun."

  At this point, he was unable to think straight. Paralyzed with confusion as she slid around to look him in the eye, still holding his chin before pressing a single finger against it.  "How... How did you know?" He gulped hard, panic and hysteria wreaking havoc through his mind as sweat trickles down his quivering skin.

  The woman only smirked before flicking his chin.  "The smell you give off doesn't lead much to the imagination. You're still a virgin, but you've been doing more than just 'polishing the iron'. Though I suppose we'll be fixing that momentarily since I'll be the one taking care of you personally."

  Hiraku was too distracted by the woman's seduction to utter a response. She found the act a little cute, stifling a giggle before licking her lips. Her predatory gaze made it harder for him to decide, but she took the initiative and led him into one of the unused rooms.

  By the time he finally came to his senses, he was already sitting at the edge of the bed.  "M-Maybe we're moving a little too fast here... I-I mean... It's not that I don't want to but -" His ramblings were put to a halt as he gazed up and witnessed something breathtaking.

  "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue~?" He was too distracted to notice that shed had already taken the liberty of changing out of her clothes. Nothing was left to the imagination as she posed with her tail wrapped around her frame, making the intention purposefully clear.

  He held in his words to not sound like an idiot, but his eyes alone were already telling the whole story. Despite the difference in age between them, she found the act rather sentimental.  "I know that it isn't your first time seeing a woman, but I do appreciate the confidence boost."

  She walked up to him, leaning over to take a hold of his face.  "Tell me... Do you like what you see~?" Even if he was too flustered to respond, she guided his head to look at every inch of her flesh. From head to toe, he couldn't stop casting gazes at certain parts of her body.  "Guess you're not much of a talker after all. Not that I mind of course."

  Once she stopped handling his field of view, he tried to look her straight in the eyes but couldn't quite stop taking glances. She already took a good note of this and sensually stripped the man down until he was in the nude. One good look at him could tell her everything about his experience and demeanor.  "Such a shy one you are~. All of your needs will be taken care of; so don't worry hun."

  She pushed him onto the center of the bed, taking a brief seat at the edge before crawling closer to him. Her mouth opened as if she was about to consume him, but instead gentle licks was placed against his face. She trailed her tongue down to his crotch, planting a soft kiss to the genitals before spreading his legs enough for her to sit between them.

  "You've certainly been holding back. You should know better than to deprive your body of what it desires. Speaking of, it's a little surprising at just how depraved you actually are. You've been looking at these pretty often." She stretched a leg out, letting her foot press against his shaft.

  Hiraku was surprised with the woman's action, which made him even more alarmed than before. His weakness was targeted near instantly. No matter how he puts it, there wasn't a shadow of doubt, indicating that she knew exactly how to assault him.

  "I bet it must feel good to get your cock stepped on like this doesn't it?"  She teased, pressing her foot down harder, rubbing it slowly as she seemed to have a wicked grin on her face.  "Though you should pay good attention since it pays well to watch."

  She pressed her breasts together to grab his attention, using one hand to fondle herself while using the other to masturbate. The goal was to give the man something to look at, and it sure paid off.  "Now be a good boy and maybe I'll let you in on a treat."

  Hiraku was having a difficult time holding himself back. Despite the reputation of the place that he's in, there was no point in trying to deny the pleasures he is experiencing. Was the woman really into him, or was she just putting on a show like she does for all the others?

  All of that didn't matter in this moment. His body continued to betray him by relishing in the experience. His hips started to pivot on their own; his cock was remaining firm, standing tall as it was being stroked. The scent in the air was almost intoxicating, causing him to take hot breaths of air as he struggled to retain focus.

  The woman started picking up the pace. She knew that she was getting herself close to the point of orgasm, but knew better than to end the show this early. Stopping herself, she pinched the man's cock between her toes for a moment and beckoned him to come to her.

  Being obedient, he ultimately moved himself and positioned himself to face her crotch. It may be without knowledge but his instinct led his nostrils to sniff out the source of the situation. Acknowledging this, the woman petted him on the head.  "See? Is it so bad to trust your true feelings? Deep down, we are all driven by our personal ambitions to fulfill our very desires."

  She moved her crotch right to his face, tempting him to take a taste of the forbidden fruit. There was no point in fighting the urge any longer. Without incentive, he swallowed her crotch with his mouth and dove his tongue inside.

  This unexpected move caused the woman to briefly moan, arching herself back slightly as he explored the depths of her crevasse. The taste was like an irresistible ambrosia, despite the fleshy interior. He couldn't help but to suckle as much as he can, forcing the woman to ensnare her legs around his head, trapping her prey from escape.

  He wasn't planning to anyway. At this point, retreat was no longer an option as he had already succumbed to his desire. The woman squeezed him tighter as her insides started to contract, sucking on her own breasts to distract herself from the ravenous assault.

  For what seemed like minutes, Hiraku remained undeterred, trying to dig deeper to get more of that sweet nectar. However, she had other plans, finally having enough and took charge of the situation.  "It's about time you have your reward darling. You deserve it."

  She pushed him to lay on his back and pressed herself on top, purring and rubbing her body against his. It wasn't until she felt his member pressing against her snatch that she lets out a low growl and started to grind against it. This proved too much as Hiraku took it upon himself to insert himself, forcing the woman to dig her claws into his back.

  The pain didn't seem to bother him. In fact, it only made him lick the woman's face, which only made her growl harder as she pounds herself on top of him. Her hips bounced with a rhythm of their own as she locked lips with the man. Their tongues danced in a series of twists and knots as they tasted each other.

  It may not look like it, but there was something carnal about this act of passion. She started to slam harder and faster, maintaining a firm grip as Hiraku countered with forceful thrusts of his own. A good thing for both their sakes that the beds were much sturdier, capable of withstanding much larger clients.

  About an hour had passed until the pair finally climaxed, a gush of fluids pouring in and out of the woman before the remainder trickled down between their entwined groins. It only took a few moments for both parties to regain their senses, with Hiraku remaining shocked at what he had just done. The woman was unphased however, sitting up to light a cigarette from the nightstand to take a puff.

  "I hope you enjoyed the experience tiger. Consider your first time free of charge. If you decide to show your face again, it's gonna cost ya." She could've charged him there and then with even a little extra incentive, but something made her decide against it.

  Before she could get herself dressed, she was held into and embrace and kissed by Hiraku before he lets her go.  "I-I'm really sorry about that miss. You've... Really opened my eyes tonight and I'm not really certain on how to thank you." He bowed as the woman waved off his notion, taking another puff.

  "Cut the modesty act. I've only done my job and so did you. Just... Get out of my sight right now..." She looked down for a moment and before Hiraku could act, she hissed him away. As he hastily exited the room, the woman held a hand to her chest, noticing that there was a heartbeat.

  "Heh... It's been long since I had one of these..." She took a look at her cigarette and gave herself a pregnancy test since she forgot to use a condom. It was thought that it would be her  safe day, but her eyes grew wide as she looked at the results.
