Intermission Week: Part 5

 The girls had finally gathered everything they needed for their day at the beach. Rumin was excited as ever, hopping around the group as they made their way. Gale found it endearing while Maya and Ume couldn't help but to giggle at how lively her sister is.

 "It's surprising that she still has this much energy after just waking up this morning."

 "You're telling me? She's been like this for as long as I can remember..."

 "Hehe... Well I suppose it makes sense since she has you to train with one occasion?"

 "Hey~! What's that supposed to mean?" Gale glared at the two, who only seemed to chuckle among themselves.

 "Come on sis! It's not a big deal or anything. They're just teasing you and having a little bit fun. You just got to loosen up and not taking things so seriously." She stopped bouncing around to walk with her.

 "Maybe... This is all still new to me." She rubbed her right arm in a nervous fashion. "You make it so easy to do and stuff. Can't say it's going the same way for me right now."

 Rumin pats her sister on the back, reassuring that things are going to be just fine. "I shouldn't expect it to be an easy experience for you. If at any time you feel overwhelmed, be sure to let us know. We want you to have a good time as well ok?"

 "Yeah... I appreciate it sis. Will make sure to do my best so you don't have to worry about me. Dad would like for us to live a healthy and happy life after all." She smiled before looking at the bags they were carrying.

 Gale was in charge of supplies, Maya was tasked with getting outfits for the group to change into; and that left Ume and Maya to take care of any recreational items they would like to use during their trip.

 "So what are these things for anyway? Just seems like a little much for a beach trip right?" She questioned, curious about the amount of items they brought with them.

 "I would love to bore you with the details, but trust me. We will have a good time out here. That, I promise you." Ume smirked with confidence, assuring her own statement.

 "Let's not forget that this was my idea to begin with." Maya chimed in, before pulling Rumin ahead of the group with her to discuss something among themselves.

 Gale was nervous, and a little concerned about what those two could be planning. If the day at the hot springs were to base anything off of, it wasn't anything good. Fearing this possibility, she nudged Ume on the shoulder to get her attention. "You think we can still trust them?"

 She simply waved her hand and raised her bag up a little, showing that she has a nice surprise in the event that those deviants get into any mischief. "I'm certain they won't try anything too far out of the ordinary. Though if you're still not swayed enough, I can let you in on a little plan if you're willing to work with me on it."

 Everyone were discussing their own topics, laughing and giggling along the way until they finally got to the destination.

 "Welcome to the Twilight Sea! Where the views are great during the early parts of the day and during the night." She proudly introduced the group, letting them gaze upon the early rise of the sun over the water. The radiant glow glistened with a sparkling, amber hue as the color shifts from dark to light.

 There was good reason that she got them to come out this early. The scenery was definitely breathtaking, as if the very waves during these times can wash away any problems or concerns one would have and start off the day with a rejuvenated mindset.

 Everyone seem to acknowledge the meaning behind the scenery, except for Gale. The more she looked on, the more she felt oddly soothed. In her mind, it was just the sun rising over water, but the feeling perplexed her in a weird way. It was then that the sounds of the others calling her name snapped her out of the trance and accompany them by the shoreline.

 "I won't lie, I've been wanting to come back here for some time now." Maya took a long stretch after resting her bags down. Her tail swished about in a rapid motion as she took off her shoes to step into the warm sand.

 "You do make me question your age sometimes." A snicker escaped Ume's lips before she took part in the activity as well.

 It didn't take long for the others to put down their things and enjoy the felt of the sand pressed against their feet. Rumin and May raced towards the water while Gale decided to help Ume set things up.

 "You're free to join them if you want. I think you should enjoy your first time as much as you can." She tried to convince Gale that she didn't really need the help. Unluckily, she fell on her butt trying to open the tall umbrellas.

 Gale could only chuckle, helping her friend up before taking the initiative to assist with some of the more larger items. "Well I can't enjoy it if we got to take 'someone' back to the healers now can I?" She laughed the statement off while Ume dusted herself off to continue prepping.

 "You have a point there. I should be looking out for myself rather than making sure everything goes well for the rest of us." That earned her a punch in the shoulder that almost made her fall over.

 "That's not the point. What I am saying is that you shouldn't hold all the burdens to yourself and accept help whenever it is being offered to you. Well... If it's the good kind of course..." She rubbed her head and got back to setting things up.

 Ume could only smile, letting out a soft giggle to herself. It's been some time since she let someone help her out. It reminded her of the times spent with her Mother. She kept ducking glances whenever she could since it was for the best.

 Once they were done, they called out for the others. The pair were just playing a game of tag, with Maya finally catching up to Rumin, taking the win.

 "You only won because we were being called." She puffed her cheeks, looking away from her opponent on the way back.

 "Sure~... I'm more than happy to play another round after we get ourselves more comfortable for the activity." There was a little more bounce in her steps, as if trying to provoke the loser.

 Once everyone had gathered, Ume went on an explanation rant on what's available for them to do today. Only Gale paid enough attention as her sister was already distracting herself mentally, making slight nods while tapping her feet to a made-up rhythm. Maya was already out cold, curled up on the ground as if it was the best bed she's ever had.

 Gale had to nudge Ume several times before she noticed just how much she was getting herself into the explanation, noticing the lack thereof attention span from the receiving party.

 "sigh~... Maybe I shouldn't have went through all~ of that... Let's all get changed and kick things off shall we?" That was the only thing that got the attention of Maya and Rumin, perking up from their dazed states with excitement in their eyes.

 The two fought over who gets to change into their outfit, resulting in Gale having to pick them up, keeping them separate as they flail about like ill-tempered children. Ume could only stifle a laugh as she went on ahead to change before everyone else.

 When she returned, the outfit certainly drew the attention of the others. She wore a two-piece swimsuit, laced with connecting drapes spanning from one arm to the other. It was reminiscent of the attire of festival dancers with its rather thin; yet fitting design.

 "I know that it's not really a 'festive' event, but what do you guys think?" Her pose turned sheepish as she fiddles with her fingers.

 It honestly left Gale speechless while the other two escaped their captor in order to rush the woman, assaulting her with a multitude of pets and cuddles. Ume squeaked at the initial impact, which only further fueled their relentless barrage. However, Gale finally broke her trance to yank the aggressors away.

 "It fits you well... You look... Cute..." Gale couldn't quite say much of a response as she wasn't well versed in socializing. Ume understood the sentiment enough to giggle.

 "I'm sure everyone's going to love your outfit Gale~." She flaunts a finger at her, which only seemed to make the others even more curious as to what kind of suit was picked out for the tall woman.

 "N-n-no thanks... I don't think it's 'that' good. Fashion isn't a forte of mine..." She wasn't confident in pulling off the outfit in such a way that would make her look appealing as the rest of the crew.

 "Nonsense sis! I bet that you'll knock the entire competition out the water. Now I 'have' to see it!" She pushed her into the changing booth and didn't move from the exit until Gale finished changing.

 Everyone waited in anticipation for what felt like hours until a knock was heard.