A Beach to Remember

 Everyone was now alert, paying close attention and Rumin finally moves out of the way. They couldn't believe their eyes once Gale stepped out. She had to break the silence since it was getting awkward to having no response to her reveal.

 "At least 'tell' me if it's really that bad. I only picked it out sense it was something that I liked in my size..." Her mind raced with thoughts of doubt as she tried to snap them out of their trance.

 She wore a tiger-striped, two-piece swimsuit with a loincloth extension wrapped around the waist, covering down to her thighs. The chest piece barely contained her breasts due to her hardy physique. It was the perfect example of accentuating the beauty of nature. 

 Rumin was first to come to her senses, reassuring her sister with a poke to the cheek. "I think that 'bad' isn't the right word. You honestly stunned us for a moment. Seeing you like this makes for a good look. I didn't think that there was an outfit that'd make your muscles appealing."

 Everyone nodded in agreement, with Maya rushing in next to change into her outfit. Gale sighed with relief and sat down on a laid-out towel. It's hard to believe sometimes how big she has grown in comparison to the others. It may have been due to her species, but she was still rather young for her build.

 "That wasn't so bad right?" Ume sat next to her, nudging against her shoulder in a joking manner. "I told you that they were gonna like it. There was nothing to worry about at all."

 "Heh... I guess you're right..." She looked down and shifted her attention to the water. "Say... Have you wondered if there was more to the world? Like I know Dad went away for his trip, but it certainly seems like it's somewhere beyond where we are."

 This has been a nagging thought in her mind even when she still gets letters from him every now and then. She wondered if he was really doing ok after all these years, remembering the promise he made back then. Will they ever see him again?

 "You must really worry about him don't you? How long has it been now?" Ume looked to face Gale, who was still paying attention to the crashing waves.

 "Give or take about six years. Me and Rumin share the same birthday believe it or not. While it may not seem accurate, we chose the day that he found us since we were too young to understand those concepts. There are just so many things that he's missing out on you know?..."

 Birthdays, achievements and milestones of life were just some of the things she wished their Father was around to be a part of. Family meant a lot to them and it was only the letters keeping them from spiraling into the despair of separation.

 "That's good... I mean, in the way that he still checks on you guys. If you think about it, he's been there in a metaphorical kind of way. Sharing memories through written form is actually how you all retain a familial bond." Ume hugged her legs against her chest, gazing at the horizon.

 "Should consider that a blessing, all things considered." She was about to say more, but the conversation was put to a stop as Maya and Rumin approached them.

 "What are you two sitting around for? Come on! We came out here to have fun." Rumin pulled her sister up by the arm and started to race off with her, heading for the water.

 "She is quite the energetic one. I almost envy her enthusiasm." Maya stood there, watching the two running off to begin their day. "So are you going to stand up or do you want me to whisk you away?" She snickered with her attention to Ume, holding out a hand to help the woman up.

 "You two are something else." She stifled a laugh before getting herself up, only to smack her in the knee just enough for it to sting a little. "With an outfit like that, it's a little hard to believe that you're out here for simple 'fun'."

  "Young girls like us deserve to have a good time every now and then. Can't just miss out on the opportunity to make memories worth remembering." She held her hand out for Ume to take hold of, helping her up.

 "You're right. I'm here with friends and I should be focusing on what's around me." She was confident that this can be something she could treasure and look back on fondly. A smile etched on her face was all the confirmation Maya needed to know that there won't be any issues.

 Rumin and Gale took their escapade to the waters, swimming laps and dunking each other under the waves to see who'd last the longest. One could mistake them for two children wrestling with how much effort they're putting into downing the other.

 Maya decided to take Ume to an undisclosed peak, a little ways from the shoreline. Just below them was the open sea, making it the perfect spot for daring divers or fishermen. "Now that you're on board, mind telling me what has you so attached to Gale lately?"

 Her question made Ume gasp before puffing her cheeks. "It's not anything like that you know. I-It's just we find common ground with one another. You should know that since you get along with her sister just fine right?"

 A smirk appeared on Maya's face as she taps her on the shoulder to snap the woman out of her flustered trance. "Guess that's one way of putting it. Though, I was honestly thinking that she would find a 'mate' of her own. I'm not opposed to it, but I guess it isn't something that hasn't been done before."

 That sent Ume into a panic, her face reddening as she hits Maya on the knee out of embarrassment. "I-I just said it's not like 'THAT'!!!"

 Even though the strike did hurt, Maya could only laugh it off while rubbing the afflicted spot. "Ok ok! No need to get so hostile over the matter. I just think that it's a little cute; that's all."

 Ume sighed and folded her arms, taking seat on a nearby rock. "I'm just taking my mind off some issues like you suggested. Even if you were teasing, you could've at least taken some consideration for your target." She looked away and pouted, an indicator that she was upset.

 Maya took a seat away from her and crossed her legs, letting her hands press backwards to lean back and look at the sky. "Maybe I could, but it wouldn't really change much now would it? Think about it. Do you honestly think that I'm nothing but a troublemaker that doesn't value her own well-being; let alone the ones of others?"

 That seemed to draw some attention with Ume, now glancing at her with curious; serious glare. "So you're ready to reveal your true colors right? There wouldn't really be any valid option considering you're not here to just tease the hell out of me and 'pretending' to be on good terms with the rest of us."

 Maya stood up and walked over to the edge of the peak. "Tell me... What do you think it means to live?" The light of the sun shined overhead, allowing Ume to see all the scars on Maya's body. It was clear that they have been there for a really long time.

 "I lost my Father at a young age. It's not a fun experience to be a parentless child in The Maw. You start to become at the mercy of its inhabitants. If anyone has the right to be jealous or filled with envy, it's me...

 Slavers, traffickers and loan sharks would see you as nothing more than a cheap commodity. A means to an end of making a quick product without the expense of effort. You all got to live a semblance of a cushy lifestyle, blissfully unaware of what people like us have to endure on the daily."

 She turned to face Ume, baring a toothy smile on her face. "But you'll just end up missing out on the good moments of life. Going for revenge is only going bring temporary relief and follow up with an entire future riddled with burdens. I saw that in Gale when she would put her life on the line to beat the odds. She's really something."

 Ume smirked, getting up from her seated position. "Well said, but in all honesty... Despite your concern over my suspicions, I'm surprised that they were even taken into consideration. Now I think that it's about time we get started on the 'fun' part of this experience."

 They both shared a giggle, prompting the start of their activities with a race off the peak. Only a splash could be seen where they dove, breaking the balance of the crashing waves.