A Beach to Remember (Part 3) (R18+ Warning)

 As the pair approached, Rumin was first to notice the large pile of fish, running over to take a closer look for herself. Gale on the other hand spotted the 'elephant' in the room and decided to investigate the reasoning and chain of events that led to it. "So any reason why I shouldn't be concerned about this?"

 Maya was about the respond, but Ume stood between them to speak for herself. "You can probably say I 'made a deal with the devil' but... Of my own volition, I accepted a bet and ended up losing the game. As you can see, there's no foul play aside from my obvious mistake of straying too far from the safe zone and my inexperience of fishing."

 Despite it being entirely her own doing, Gale found it a little hard to believe. She couldn't quite take her eyes off of Ume's nude figure, stealing glances every now and again. "I guess, but this isn't like you if you ask me. Though, I don't really know that much about you for a decisive conclusion on your personality."

 "You really held me high in that regard??? Maybe I do give off the impression of a noble or something." Ume blushed slightly, fidgeting in place from the obscure compliment.

 "Are you sure everything is ok?" Gale tried to approach, but Ume made a squeak, causing her to refrain from making further advancements. "You can tell me if it's serious you know."

 Realizing what she just did sent Ume in a fluster, frantically waving her hands in front of her. "Nonono... E-Everything's fine... There's no need to press anything further. I'll start getting the food prepared for everyone; so please be patient!"

 She rushed off, leaving a trail of confusion that Gale could only glare at Maya with an urge to smite her. "What did you do?..." She stood in front of her with clenched fists, holding off the temper to hear her out. However, the intensity shows that it better be a damn good reason.

 Maya flinched, raising her hands in defense, but not in a hostile manner. "We only had a chat and I challenged her to a friendly competition. She accepted the bet and you see what it led to. I swear I did nothing of the sort in terms of corrupting what 'image' you have of her. You can say that she's finally being more of herself. Besides, you can't deny that the change was good."

 She made a coy smile, which made Gale blush slightly in acknowledgement of what she was implying. "Y-You don't know that... Smartass..." The intensity of the threat lost its luster as she looked away, trying to deny the accusation. However, it was already clear that there was no point in it, admitting to the the fact. "It's an interesting look for certain..."

 "See~? I told you that there wasn't going to be an issue about it. Course it wasn't all designed by me. What really makes it come true is you guys and the decisions that you make. That aside, I suggest you 'kiss the cook' after our meal~. I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

 Gale's blush grew redder, gripping Maya by the arms before sighing. "It's not like that ok... This is all just weird; that's all." Releasing her, Gale went off to lay under one of the umbrellas while Rumin came to see what all the commotion was about.

 "Guess that you have something to do with all of this huh?" Her hands pressed against her waist as she gave Maya the look of someone that knows exactly what you've done. "You are something else. A little too brave, but your wild spirit is to be admired."

 Since she was already found out, Maya stuck her tongue out and winked. "Nothing's wrong with having a little bit of fun you know~. I got a little 'surprise' planned for us once food is served. That's all the spoilers you're gonna get out of me; so don't bother prying~."

 She giggled, trailing off to help bring in the rest of the fish. Rumin could only snicker as she probably knew the kind of deviant acts her friend was going to execute. She would then check on her sister, taking a seat beside them.

 "So~, are you enjoying yourself sis? I know this is all new to you and stuff, but I don't want the experience feel as like we're pressing our own agendas onto you." She hugged her legs close, letting her head sink between them. "You don't always have to suck it up for my sake you know..."

 It was true that the goal was to make this an enjoyable event for all involved, including her sister. However, she couldn't help but to think that all she's been doing is making her sibling feel uncomfortable while putting constraint on them. She felt like a burden...

 "You're my sister Rumin... I've put up with a lot of things whether you were the cause or not. Sure, I may have some concerns, but it's probably due to not being used to the types of stuff you get involved in. You probably wouldn't last long if our roles were reversed."

 They both shared a chuckle, lifting Rumin's spirit enough to look at Gale. "Probably right on that one hehe... That's quite an image honestly, but I guess being the way that we are now is just as fine. I think I'd get nightmares if you were to laugh as loud as me."

 "Haha! Yeah~, that would do it for sure." Gale sat up, resting her hands behind her and looked at the horizon in front of them. "I'm glad that we're sisters Rumin... I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."

 "Same goes for me sis..." They both looked on with smiles on their faces, displaying an unspoken love between siblings. Meanwhile, Ume was busy getting things prepared while Maya was lurking about.

 Despite the amount of fish gathered, Ume was able to chop up everything into chunks of varying sizes. On a separate board, she cut up a mix of fruit and vegetables before getting a series of skewers to stick through them. It didn't take long for her get the grill going, setting up the kebabs to lay on the griddle.

 As she waited, she couldn't help but notice a peculiar smell. The scent was oddly sweet, but thick enough that she could practically taste it in her mouth as she breathed. After a few minutes, she started to feel lightheaded. Her senses felt heightened, but something was off.

 The light breeze that tickle her bare skin no longer felt chilling, bringing warmth in its stead that course throughout her body. A slight gasp would escape her lips, letting out a visible mist of air. She may not have processed it, but what she is experiencing are the telltale signs of sensual gratification.

 "What is this smell; why does it make my body feel so hot?..." It's as if every fiber of her being is crying out in a state of euphoria. She fidgeted in place, unable to oppress the feeling as an unfamiliar urge continued to fester.

 It didn't take much longer until she lost focus, paying more attention to her body over preparing the food. Only a brief glance was given, scouting the area in case anyone was paying attention. The clear coast was all she needed to do something daring, placing one hand cupped beneath her breast.

 The touch was nothing in comparison to what she would normally feel. When it came to washing herself or just putting on a bra, this was in a league of its own. She couldn't help but to fondle herself, letting the warmth take control of her conscience.

 Every motion sends her a new sensation, causing her to breathe with a rasp. It was the only way she could get herself over the pent-up heat within her that seemed to have no end. However, the remedy didn't seem to work. No matter how much she squeezed, pressed and toy with them, the warmth only continued to grow.

 Unfortunately, there remained one snake in the grass that eluded Ume's sight when she first scouted her surroundings. With peeping eyes, Maya was observing the scene from somewhere near. She knew full well what fishes she caught and the effects they would have on people.

 "Worked like a charm~." She wasn't expecting it to affect Ume so thoroughly. Though as much as it would be a spectacle to watch, Maya prefers to have a more 'involved' role in moments like these. While the mouse was distracted, she stealthily approached, remaining in a crouched position.

 Once Maya was right behind her target, she held her hands together. She extended four fingers outwards, with both her pointers stretched forward whilst her thumbs were pointer upwards. -"This will be fun~..."- Without warning, she pulled her hands back and thrusted them forward, plunging her index fingers into the rodent's most vulnerable privy part.