A Beach to Remember (Part 4) (R18+ Warning)

 The force of the impact alone was enough to cause Ume to squeak loudly, quickly holding her breath from the foreign jolt to the forbidden chamber. As repercussion, Maya soon discovered that her fingers were imprisoned. -"Fuck... This wasn't how it's supposed to be..."-

 She desperately tried to pull back, but it appears that Ume lives up to the title of 'Iron Mouse' internally as well. Thankfully, Ume wasn't paying attention to whoever was behind her. Being fully under the influence, she piston her lower body, gliding up and down whatever was lodged inside of her.

 Maya had no choice but to stay put and let the mouse relieve herself, enduring the feel of something viscous coating her fingers with each passing motion. The ironclad grip had no intention of letting her slip away from its clutches. However, this caused some of the warmth transferring to Maya, intent on infecting her with its bewitching zeal.

 -"If she doesn't let up soon, I think I'm gonna- No no no!!! Stupid tail..."- Maya's tail started to wag side to side, picking up speed as her body began to squirm. The infectious process has already taken hold, welling her insides with the same familiar fervor.

 In minutes, Maya had also fallen victim to the allure of pleasure. Her tail would bend in a way to repeatedly brush against her honeypot. The hands that were once stationary have begun to move in tandem to Ume's thrusts, opposing her motion, resulting in them being devoured up to her wrists.

 For several minutes, there was a back and forth between the two, holding onto their moans to not draw attention. Thankfully for Maya, Ume was the first to let out a squeak as a fluid began to flow out of her, freeing the trapped appendages from their captor. The sudden release made Maya gasp, almost falling backwards.

 Unluckily, her release of fluids finished the deed of making her fall on her ass as it trickles out. The pair struggled to catch breaths, making an effort to regain composure. Maya was lucky to be the first, immediately making her escape before she could be spotted.

 "Everything feels so foggy... What was that all about? I was only cooking until-" Realization hit her as she hurriedly check the griddle. Some of the food was far from salvation, while enough remained for her to sigh with relief.

 Later, she felt a cold trail running down her legs. It didn't hit her immediately, but all it took was one whiff to make her blush hard, rushing to get herself cleaned up before anyone can notice the scent.

 Some time after, everyone was gathered by the fire, each given their own portion of kebabs. Ume never bothered to change back, leaving her as the only one that remained unclothed. "I do apologize that I couldn't get all of it readily available."

 Gale and Rumin assumed that she had likely lost track of the food and ended up burning them. "It's no big deal. This is already more than enough for us anyway. To top it all off, it's really good."

 "Yeah... First time I ever had anything made by you and it isn't half bad." Gale had already downed at least five, letting out a belch. It was clear that she was enjoying it more than the others.

 As they ate, Maya came up with an idea. "Since we're all here in one spot, why don't we play a game? Nothing big or anything mind you. Just a little question and answer. There's a lot that we don't know about each other; so this would be a pretty good start on 'breaking the ice' among us.

 Ume was already suspicious, but didn't see the harm in learning more about her newfound friends. Since the opportunity presented itself, she took the initiative of being the first one to ask a question. "I think it's only fair that the most foreign member of our group is interrogated first. So mind telling us exactly how you got those scars?"

 Only Maya knew what they all had ingested, making the situation a lot more dire. She tried to stop herself from answering, but the chemicals from the meal had already started to kick in. Something clicked in her mind, and she began to speak.

 "It's a long story but, growing up on my own wasn't the most ideal. Ends had to be met, and that led to collaborating with unsavory characters. One of which just happens to be the landlord of the house I was left in after Dad got arrested...

 There wasn't much a child can do in terms of actually paying rent. Which led to a chain of unintended tasks that no regular person should be subjected to. If it shouldn't happen, it likely already has been afflicted upon me...

 Who would think that there were more than one way to get your hands dirty?" She weakly laughed, unphased by whatever reactions everyone else were having. "It's not all bad though... Much as I would've more than likely wished that none of it ever happened to begin with."

 It was quite a bit of information to take in. Nobody really knew what to properly respond with, but Gale decided to speak up. "Nothing you can do about it but move on am I right? No reason to let the past determine who you are after all.

 Just look at me and Rumin. We were literally something you can just toss into a dumpster, light it on fire, and call it a day without a single care in the world. You can imagine how lucky we were to encounter Dad..."

 She hugged herself, rocking back and forth as she looked at the sky. "I really wish he was here right now... Don't get me wrong, Hiraku is doing an okay job so far, but he gives off a really creepy vibe. In a strange way, I just feel like he's doing some shady stuff that we don't know about.

 He keeps his distance, looks at us weirdly since we've grown and let's not forget whatever oddities take place during the night. Don't know what it is just yet, but it's been having us feel sore in the morning."

 Rumin nodded, shifting her gaze to the fire. "As gross as it may sound, I think he just 'really~' likes us." Everyone gagged at the thought of an older man taking an interest in young girls.

 "I pray that you're joking on that statement..." Ume couldn't let something like that slide easily. "If he so much as 'tip' in the wrong direction, don't bother stopping me from administering a well-deserved punishment."

 With such a confident saying, everyone shared a laugh in unison, giggling at the thought. All gazes switched over to Ume. "I think it's your turn now to lighten up the vibe around here after such concerning news. You said that you've met their Father before right? Care to tell~?"

 Ume started to shrink down in her spot to make herself seem invisible, but realized it was all for naught. She wasn't all too comfortable with having to share such information due to its embarrassing nature, but she wasn't the one piloting her vocal cords as her mouth opened up to speak.

 "Well... It's a bit of a long story... I did encounter him during to first ever tournament. He seemed to have caused quite a fuss among the public with how much they resented his mere presence. That's when I learned about a whole list of offences under their name.

 At first I thought that he was nothing more than a criminal, wondering how they would allow someone like that participate in such an honorable event. It wasn't until I lost the second round that my Mother reassured me on the matter."

 She looked up to the sky as night was drawing near. Seems that it was almost time for them to leave, which made her expression sour a little. "She told me that he is a man that holds many burdens... That he did something no normal person would've done in the situation they got involved in.

 At first, I thought that she was just making excuses, but then she added on that he was the one responsible for this tournament even existing in the first place. To this day, I still wonder what it all meant. What I do know is that he disappeared before I can even ask anything.

 Guess that was round the time he had left you two in the care of that man. Do be careful around him. He may have been entrusted to take care of you, but with the way he's currently acting, I wouldn't be surprised if there was anything fishy going on."

 Everyone agreed on that statement, finishing the last of their meal as the stars enveloped the sky. They all pitched in, packing up all that they've brought for the day. "Only a day or so left huh?... Time sure flies." Gale acknowledged the short time they spent together, etching the memory to smile back on in the near future.