
Excitement surge in the atmosphere as a convoy slowly hovers into the entrance of the tower.

Everyone fixated their gaze, most especially on the vehicle in the middle which has the logo of Quatron on it as their blood boil in excitement.

Whispers began to compliment the atmosphere while followed by looks of admiration.

"She is here! OMG, I can't believe she is actually here!"

A scream erupted from the crowd as a young girl begins to jump up like a teenager in love while pointing at the fleet of cars.

"I think I am hallucinating. Is this for real?!" A boy said while rubbing his eyes, staring wide eyed with his mouth agape at the convoy which slowly came to an halt by the gate.

Leon is totally confused. Could a fleet of cars be the reason for a crowd to go crazy?!

He certainly doesn't think so. Therefore whoever is accompanied by that type of entourage must definitely be an imposter person.

"Why are you all so excited?!"

He turns to ask the young girl who he had just seen jumped up.

The girl snorted in disgust as she looks at him with irritation,

"Are you blind or ignorant? Don't you know that is the entourage of the princess?!"

Leon didn't answer her first question but he asks a question to answer her second question.

"What princess?! Since when does a Quatron have a princess?"

He doesn't get it. Could it be that he had been away for so long that he has missed some changes while he was on the island?

The girl is totally annoyed at the rhetorical question Leon throwed at her but before she could retort, a realization soon dawm on her.

"Wait a minute, aren't you the fiance of the princess?" The girl asks with scruples.

Hearing this, the crowd turned their attention towards Leon who was dumbstruck.

What does she mean 'fiance'?.

Last time he checked, he was only engaged to the mayor's daughter and not to a girl of roya---

Of course. Why didn't he figure it out earlier?. These fools were referring to the mayor's daughter as a princess and come to think of it, who else in Quatron could have such an influence besides the Mayor.

He had been such an idiot. Upon realizing this, Leon suddenly lost interest as he walks away from the crowd while ignoring the taunts of those around him.

"Gina, take a look. Isn't that your fiance?!" Anna, Gina's best friend, pointed at the retreating back of Regaleon through the tinted window of the car.

A flash of disdain appears across Gina's eyes as her mouth twitched involuntarily.

She is a proud girl to begin with and just referring to that good for nothing as her fiance bruised her ego real bad.

"What nonsense are you spouting?"

Gina asks calmly as she regains her composure. "He was never my fiance, we are only engaged with words and in paper"

Gina said firmly but Anna still have a teasing look on her face as she raise her hands in surrender, "but I still think the both of you are created for each other".

Gina glares playfully at Anna before alighting from the vehicle as it came to halt. However, Regaleon has already entered the tower immersing himself in his thoughts in the knid of mechatronic familiar he should choose.