
The last time he checked, Cyber Crux weren't designed to be sentient, even with the advancement in technology over the years, so how come did the Cybernetic Crux his parents fuses to him gain a mind of it's own.

It seems like the world has finally gone crazy!

*Ding: The world hasn't gone crazy Master. Only your ignorance has clouded your thoughts to see me for what I truly am.*

"And what are you?!" Leon blurts out the first question that he could think of for that statement. If the device on his spine isn't a Crux, then what is it? As far as he his concerned, he believes that his parents would not try harming him or try using him as a guinea pig for one of their experiments as they have stated clearly that their main purpose to fusing this device to his spine is for his protection.

Therefore if the device isn't just for his protection, then what is it's true function?!

*Ding: I am what most people would describe as the beginning and the end. But before you Master, just call me Omnitrix.*

"Omnitrix? What does that word even means?" At this point, Leon is more than confused. He is also filled with curiosity and fear, but mostly curiousity about the word the device just used to describe itself.

"Ding: Master, have you ever heard of the theory of The Big Bang?*

"What does that have to do with the word 'omnitrix'?"

*Ding: Then you should be aware that right after the creation of the universe, I appeared as a guardian to the infant universe which at that time, was prone to attack and several constraint that pose a threat to its development.*

At this point, Regaleon felt that all the knowledge he accumulated about astronomy are just basics when compared to what he is listening to. He had heard of the theory of The Big Bang, but he had never heard of a guardian which helps to nurture the universe in its infant state.

How come nobody knew about this kind of information?, Regaleon ponders.

"So, how does you being a guardian connects with the name you just called yourself?"

*Ding: The name I call myself is like an acronym for the abilities I actually possess*

"And this abilities are what exactly?..."

"Ding: Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence.*

"Are you implying that you are God and you are now fused to my spine?" Regaleon is shocked beyond words. God exists and his parents had literally fused him to his spine!

He feels like they had committed the most grievous sin. How is he sure that they are going to make heaven?!

*Ding: Hah! God doesn't exist only the perceptions of the religions humans created that caused them to believe in this illusion.*

Regaleon frowned at this revelation. If he was religious, he would say that the words of the Omnitrix are blasphemous but since he isn't, then it is probably fine.

*Ding: Anyways, since I have these abilities, I simply attached the Omni before them to the amount of abilities I have which are trio. And there, you have the Omnitrix. Isn't that genius Master?*

Regaleon wasn't concerned about the question the Omnitrix just asked him. He was just pondering on the most important issue before him which struck his mind in the form of the question of how the Omnitrix landed on earth and what was it doing on earth in the first instance.

"Since that is the case, how did you arrive on earth?, And why did you leave your post as the guardian of the universe to come to earth? Please enlighten me."

*Ding: Master, I never knew you are this intelligent.*

Regaleon eyes twitched as he heard the statement, but knowing that he couldn't do anything to the Omnitrix, he lets the anger brewing within him subside.

*Ding: You are correct about my position of being the guardian of the universe but for your first question, I traveled all the way from the end of the universe to earth by propelling myself across space for a billion years. I am guessing you haven't witnessed my true form but don't worry, you shall see it soon.*

*Ding: As for the second question, there is one saying you humans have. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I had journeyed a billion miles across space in search for a worthy host through whom, I am actually going to perform to the best of my abilities the role of guarding the universe from harm.*

"Okay, so you propelled yourself across space in search of a worthy successor and then you found me. But tell me, this role of guarding the universe, what threat are you actually protecting the universe from?"

*Ding: The apocalypse that is too take place in the future! That is the threat I am protecting the universe from.*

"What apocalypse are you talking about? A billion years ago to this moment, I had never heard of an apocalypse that is threatening the very existence of the universe."

*Ding: You are right Master and as I have said earlier, I am Omniscience but this ability is limited to the present and the past. However, my companion tends to predict a future where the universe would be in chaos and the very fabric of space and time would be ripped from reality. Therefore, I have journeyed to earth and have chosen you as a worthy host to help me stop this apocalypse before it dooms the universe.*

"Companion? Did you just say companion? What companion?!"

*Ding: Master, I might be the one to guard the universe but my companion is the one in charge of guiding the universe in order to enable it grow maturely. Simply put, we work hand in hand.*

"What is the abilities of this your companion?"

*Ding: Nice question Master. While my abilities are concerned about the present and the past, my companion's abilities are mainly concerned with the future. She has the ability of seeing the future and predicting the trajectory of the universal course.*

"This companion of yours, what is it's name?"

*Ding: Her name is Oracle.*

"And where is Oracle presently?....."