Brimming Determination

Scott suddenly get numb with the words Leon spoke but seeing that his future would be at stake, he just couldn't back down and allow Leon to have his way. He is the proud scion of the his family and he is sure that even if he doesn't scare Leon, his family's influence would definitely do.

With this thought in his mind, Scott frantically yells, "You can't break any of my limbs! If you do, the Lance family will never let you off."

Leon's face turns black, his gaze becoming colder when he hears the threat Scott issued. Chuckling coldly, he said a statement that cause Scott to almost feel worthless.

"Do you really think I care about the retaliation from your family? You are only the first before I come for the rest of your family. Don't forget, your family has a lot of debt in their hands, most of which must be paid in full."

Having dropped that statement, Leon moves towards Scott and before he could realise what is happening, a crisp sound fills the atmosphere causing a ear deafening scream to erupt from his throat.

Leon dares to break his arm. He actually broke his arm!

Scott is sweating profusely as he grabbed his right arm which was bent at an awkward angle. He glared viciously at Leon, wishing he could strangle him right where he was standing.

"I broke one of your arm this time, as a warning and as a reminder. Next time, I won't be so kind to let you see the light of the next day if you cross path with me!" Leon said in a low but stern tone before walking away, leaving Scott to curse him in his heart.

*Ding: Wow! Master, you really showed him who is boss. But do you think he would actually back down just because you broke an arm. Have you forgotten the ability he actually possess?*

Leon ponders on the words the Omnitrix just said. He didn't think in that direction before as he now remembers that Scott's ability is osteo manipulation and cellular regeneration which only means that Scott would be able to recover from whatever injury he suffers.

*Ding: Master, I think it would be better to silence him in order to eliminate future troubles.*

Leon was completely shock at the suggestion of the Omnitrix.He might have used death to threaten Scott and he might have take several lives before, but that doesn't imply that he is ruthless enough to actually take a fellow human's life as those he eliminated are disgusting aliens who were obstructing his chance for survival.

"Don't you think that is a too vicious? Eliminating a fellow human just to avert future troubles. I don't think I am ready for that."

*Ding: Master, you seem to have forgotten that living is not for the weak but for the fittest and those without a ruthless mind are not suitable to exist in the world. If eliminating Scott would grant you peace of mind in the future, why not just take the chances?*

Leon let out a long sigh, "You are right but it is not as simple as you made it sound like. Besides, I still need Scott for the downfall of his family. After all, I came back from the island with only one purpose..."

*Ding: And what purpose is that Master.*

"The purpose of taking back what was once my family's and to bring back the glory that use to belong to us." Leon replies, his eyes brimming with determination and hatred.

*Ding: That seem too farfetched Master, considering that you are only a boy and the fact that you have no powerful person to back you up.*

"Omnitrix, you speak as though you are naive. Don't you think that being fused with the most powerful being in the whole universe has literally made me the most strongest person in the world. Therefore, what support do I still need at this point?" Loen ask smiling.

*Ding: You flatter me Master. You are also right about not needing support because the support you need is already your backbone. Therefore there is no need for you to fear anybody.*

"You are definitely correct. I have a very strong backbone, one if which is am pretty sure would never break nor falter at the presence of extreme pressure."

While Leon was busy conversing with the Omnitrix, he did not notice the questioning look the passer-by were shooting at him as they looked at him like he was a crazy being.

Leon came across an intersection that led to the house his parents lived in. He let out a devastating sigh as he walked into the courtyard.

Looking at the familiar courtyard, he shook his head as memories from the past begins to flood his mind. He remembers when the courtyard is usually filled the sound of people going in and out of his house as they came to visit his parents for one purpose or the other.

Before the Great war, his family was one of th most respected family in Quatron. Most people would always try to please them in order to curry favour. He remembers when his family use to rule Quatron, along with the mayor and they were living peacefully.

Even during the time of the Great War, his parents had contributed to the research of the Cyber Crux, whether mentally, physically or financially. His father even helped create the mechatron familiar which he now struggles to sync with today, well all of that was due to the Omnitrix refusing to allow the familiars sync with him.

But who knew that one messy trip to a cursed island would end all the glorious legacies is family strived for. Right after their departure, the other families took into motion the plan of acquiring their assets and ruthlessly split it amongst themselves.

His grandfather, who was left at home, couldn't do anything and could only watch as they trample his parents legacy under their filthy feet. With the investments his parents had left behind, the other families are able to snatch it to boost their development without much thought for what would become of them.

Even the mayor of Quatron, who was considered a friend, allied himself with those people to spoil his family. But it is not a problem anymore.

Now he is back and he is back for one major purpose, Revenge. He won't stop until he snatch back everything that rightfully belongs to him and his family and he especially won't stop until he revives the legacies his parents has struggled so hard to lay.