New Beginning

The night passed by quickly and the dawn of a new day draws forth.

*Ding: Master, wake up. Today is the day you are suppose to go to the Academy.*

Leon slowly flutter his eyes open as he hears the words of the Omnitrix. He groans slightly as he groggily mumbles, "Omnitrix, do you have to sound as annoying as my mum? For God's sake, let me sleep a little bit more." Leon yawns as he lays his back to resume sleeping.

*Ding: Master, I am pretty sure your mum would thank me for reminding you that the bus which is to take you to the Academy is fifteen minutes away from here.*

Regaleon bolts out of bed the moment he hears the words of the Omnitrix, "What time is it Omnitrix? Why didn't you wake me up early?"

*Ding: The time is fifteen minutes to 8:00. And I didn't wake you up because I hate to sound like your mum.* The Omnitrix replies with an underlying tone of sarcasm.

*Ding: I would simply advice you to do whatever you have to do in ten minutes because in the next five minutes, the bus would park before your house.*

Regaleon immediately rush into his bathroom to do his business and was done within the next twelve minutes. Three minutes later, Leon stood by the door to his house strapped with his trusty backpack and patiently awaiting the bus of the Academy.

"You told me that the bus would be here in the next fifteen minutes but I have been standing by the door for twenty five minutes and still no sign of the bus." Regaleon complains, wearing a frown with an expression that is tinged with impatience.

*Ding: If I hadn't said those words, how else would you expect me to get your sleepy head out of bed. When it comes to things about you Master, I am here to see you through thoroughly.*

"So you intentionally got me out of bed to waste my time by the door. I should be asleep by now!" Leon is exasperated that the Omnitrix actually tricked him into getting out of bed.

*Ding: Hold your horses Master. The bus is here."

Immediately the Omnitrix finished talking, a fancy looking school bus hovers to the entrance of Leon's house. Leon was about to storm back into his house and stops in his tracks when he saw the bus stopping before his house.

The door to the bus opens and a tall figure claded in a military like costume came out of the long vehicle. The figure is a man who looks like he is in his late thirties. His haircut was low and neat and the steps he took towards Regaleon are a mixture of precision and caution, an evidence that he is a trained personnel.

"Are you Regaleon Gray?" The man's voice is deep and chilling, reverberating in the ears of Leon and the silent courtyard. Regaleon quietly nodded. "Good, then get into the bus. What are you waiting around for?"

Leon immediately move towards the bus with alacrity. He has no heavy baggages with him, hell the only thing on him is the backpack strapped to his back. Entering the bus, he opt for the seat by the door seeing that it is the only available seat left.

*Ding: Master, please explain to me again why you are going to school at the Academy seeing that you literally have an omniscient being fused to you.*

Leon has noticed that most time the Omnitrix wants to speak, it is usually bragging about it's capabilities which tends to amuse him.

"I am not going for schooling Omnitrix. I am going to gather experience on the ways to live in this world. Simply put, I want to go and gather experience." Leon explains, mumbling so as to prevent the other students in the bus from hearing his conversation with the Omnitrix.

*Ding: Master if it is experience you seek, then it is experience you will get. I can just download the experience of anything you wish to know in the universe into your consciousness. This way is much more faster and effective than spending a lifetime to gather experience.*

"You are right Omnitrix. I can be the smartest person in the world overnight but I bet you have heard of these two sayings; experience is the best teacher and seeing is believing. Tell me Omnitrix, how am I going to learn on my own and believe with my own eyes if you don't let me. Remember, I am supposed to be the one to prove my worth to you since you chose me as your host."

*Ding: Your piety still continues to impress me Master. I would have shed tears if I have eyes. Master, you are just so wise.*

"You actually know how to embarrass me Omnitrix. Will you stop being a drama queen?...."

Leon was about to say more things when the man came into the bus. The moment he stepped into the bus, the chattering and murmuring instantly stop. The man ordered the chauffeur to jerk the bus to life and they drove out of the premises of his house.

Leon looked at his diminishing house with tears in his eyes until it was no longer in his sight.

*Ding: Master if you can't bear to part with it, there is still time to turn back.*

Leon shook his head with bitterness while thinking, 'Omnitrix, everything must come to an end someday. Even the universe is not everlasting, let alone my house. It is time for me to seek a new beginning and this is a compulsory step I must take.'

The journey to Quasar Academy was enveloped in silence. Not even a murmur was heard as if any of the students is about to speak, just a glance from the disciplined man is enough to shut them up.

After five hours of journeying, the bus hovered into the premises of a state of the art infrastructure.

Leon almost glued his eyes to the window as he stares at the magnificent and fascinating structure. It is no wonder the wealthy prefers to send their kids to this Academy, it's system is just to advance for the modern world.

The concept of the Cyber Crux and mechatronic familiar tends to be a small glimpse when compared to the technological advancements that the Academy holds.

"We are here. Now remember, the Academy is the path that you all will tread upon for the journey of your lives to be easier. I wish you the best of luck in your academics." The man said with a slight smile which is contradictory to his stern face, scaring most students as they alighted the bus.

*Ding: We are finally here Master. It is time for you to seek your new beginning.*