Chapter 42: Assistance

Rowan POV

Indigo had just spurted out that he had a vision of Ylana while looking into the fireplace. Rowan was in complete shock.

“Indigo,” Ginger said with soothing tones like she was trying to talk someone off the edge of a building. “That’s impossible.”

Lily stepped in front of Indigo. “He saw it. You guys were still upstairs when it happened. Why would he make this up?”

Harkin heaved out a loud sigh. “People don’t just look into a fire and have visions about their loved ones. It’s not a thing that happens in the real world.”

Lily scoffed. “Four out of the five people in this room can turn into wolves at will, and you’re doubting there’s a possibility Indigo can see where Ylana is?”

“It’s just because he wants Ylana back,” Rowan said. He wanted so badly for it to be true. A connection to Ylana would be marvelous – they couldn’t even track her cell phone since it had been left in the car. It was the hope he needed, but he couldn’t take it.