Mission accomplished 033

Lucy Sullivan made a few more jars of vanishing cream following the same order she just used, adding rose petals and honeysuckle in addition to the bitter melon.

She placed each jar on the table, then rushed Samuel Smithson to the place where the soap solution was left to rest and asked him to fetch another container. She used a newly purchased cheesecloth to filter the mixture.

She couldn't lift the large basin on her own, and deep down, she knew that next time she'd have to make less. She wouldn't be able to finish all of the work by herself if Samuel went to work. Waiting for him to come back would not only waste time, but also make things harder on him when he couldn't have a proper rest.

After filtering the mixture several times, Lucy put it back on the stove to heat. As she stirred, she added the rose-infused liquid to enhance the aroma.