034 Build Trust

Samuel Smithson was surprised, he had thought Lucy Sullivan only wanted to make vanishing cream for fun, and he was happy to indulge her. But now it seemed his wife was really serious about it.

"I don't know much about women's stuff, but I think this is really good." Samuel was telling the truth, as he didn't often deal with such things. In the past, he had seen his sister use them, and he also bought a bunch for Lucy from the distribution agency, smelling them when he bought them.

Lucy's eyes were filled with hope, and she looked at Samuel with a bright twinkle, "Will people buy it if I take it out to sell?"

"Of course they will!" Samuel replied with determination. In his view, this was something Lucy had made herself, so there was no reason why people wouldn't buy it.

"Hehe, that's good. Tomorrow, I'll take it to the town and see if I can sell it in the underground trading market. But it's better to find a stable sales channel."