More friends?


A loud voice yelled from beside the sleeping girl's face causing her to shoot her eyes open and look around frantically.

She caught sight of Yeonjun standing there with a smug smile and a literal microphone in his hands.



Yeonjun yelled entusiastically.

"Can I call Hannah?"


He sang before skipping out of the room.

Y/N sighed.

What friends?


Classes went by smoothly and Y/N was currently in the living room of the dorm with Hannah, waiting for her friends and the friends of her friends to arrive.

Ding dong!

Y/N went to the door and saw an unfamiliar girl standing there with a nervous look.

"O-oh! You must be Y/N, I'm Ara... Beomgyu invited me over to hangout with his friends and-"

Before the girl could continue, Y/N chuckled and opened the wider for her to step in.

"I'm not sure what he told about me that makes you speak so quickly. Anyways, nice to meet you....Ara."

Y/N completed with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too."

Ara smiled back at the taller girl.

"Anyways, that's Hannah."

Y/N said, her hand pointing at said girl.

Hannah stood up and slightly bowed at the older female.

In Y/N's eyes, she saw right past the girl.

She was a fun and playful girl disguised in an elegant and poised manner.

In Hannah's eyes, Ara was a really really pretty. Ara's long brown hair was tied in a ponytail. Her eyes were a deep shade of brown, roaming around the room. Her hands clutched onto her small purse.

"You should be like her."

Hannah commented after 'checking out' Ara.

"You should be like her."

Y/N shot back.

"I meant her style!"

"Well I meant her height!"

Hannah gasped in disbelief before scoffing.

"Uhh I don't mean to interrupt but...Can we sit down? My dorm is really far from here.."

Ara spoke softly, gaining the attention of the taller female.

"Ofcourse. Do you want anything to drink?"

The girl asked with a smile.

"No, it's fine, come. Sit."

The older said, patting the empty seat beside her.

Y/N nodded before sitting down.

Hannah's eyes went wide at the girl's kindness. She had never seen this side of Y/N. She was calm, composed even.

The Y/N she knew was the dead looking girl who got help to kill people from her.

"Wowww look at you putting up that facade-"

Ding dong!

Y/N sighed before muttering a nonchalant 'I'll get it' and walking to the door.

She peeked her head throught the door and saw Yeonjun standing there.

Quickly opening the door wider for the male to come in, the girl was shocked at what laid infront of her.

One, two, three...12 guys?

"Oh hey hyung....who are they-"

"They're friends! And I got snacks!"

He said before shoving past the girl.

Y/N sighed before holding the door open for everyone to come in.

She smiled at her friends before she caught sight of a familiar face.

"Choi Y/N?"

The last person to enter asked.


Y/N asked slowly, in order to not mispronounce or say the wrong name.

"Yeah, what're you doing here?"

The boy asked back.

"I live here?"

She replied, closing the door.

"But this is Beomgyu's dorm....wait. You're his sister!?"

He asked yet again.


Y/N replied shortly before walking away.

However, once she had stepped into the room, she caught sight of the person she despised. Park Jongseong.


The girl muttered, looking at him with daggers in her eyes.

"Aw why are you here?"

He asked.

"Jokes on you, I live here."

The girl stated, rolling her eyes and sitting between Hannah and Ara, who seemed to be having a light conversation.

"Pfft- like I'm gonna believe that-"

"Do you have a grudge against my sister Mr.Jay?"

Beomgyu interrupted, giving the boy a playfult yet warning glare.


"Why is everyone so surprised?"

Y/N, Hannah and Hueningkai stated together.

"Yes! Now, why do you seem to.....ahem, hate my sister?"

Beomgyu asked slowly.

By now, everyone had settled down either on the floor or on one of the couches. Beomgyu stood in the centre, questioning the two.

"She put mentos in my coke."

He muttered, rolling his eyes.


Beomgyu asked, turning around.

"Hey! Don't just tell half! You spilt coke on a borrowed book and my arm first!"

Y/N half-yelled, pointing her finger at the boy.

"Let's all calm down shall we?"

The boy who Y/N identified as Jaeyun or rather Jake, stated, getting up from his seat.

"Well who wants food?"

Soobin asked cheerfully, pulling out the things from the bag.

"Who is the mint choco for?"

One of the new comers spoke, who Y/N was yet to put a name on.

"Yeah who's is it?"

The boy whom Y/N knew as Sunghoon asked.

Y/N looked over to Yeonjun to see him pouting.

"It's for me."

He stated, Hannah swore she heard his pout in his voice.


Everyone fell silent.

Yeonjun was the oldest there and they had practically just disrespected them.

Ding dong!

Y/N stood up and went towards the door.

Upon opening it, she saw two female versions of Huening kai standing there.

"Ayo what the fu-"

"Hi there!"

The shorter one with brown hair spoke.


The taller girl with blonde hair spoke next.

"Oh Y/N, don't get freaked out they're my sisters."

Huening kai popped out from the back.

Y/N kinda guessed.

"Yeah, who would've guessed?"

She mocked, stepping aside so they could come in.

"More friends!!"

Beomgyu and Sunoo yelled enthusiastically.

"More friends....."

Taehyun and Jungwon said with a montone voice.

"I'm Bahiyyih!"

The blonde female said cheerfully.

"It's Lea bitches!"

The brunette one said before the two got embarrassed and sat on the side where the remaining three girls sat.


Later that night.

Y/N and the girls had grown close to each other. And the other boys didn't seem like going to bed anytime soon.

So now, Y/N, Hannah, Ara, Lea and Bahiyyih were in Y/N's room talking about...well a bit of everything.

"You know, I used to be the youngest in my old friend group."

Ara commented.

"Well now you ain't."

Hannah joked.

They were sitting in a line, with their backs against the wall on Y/N's bed.


Ara agreed with a chuckle.

"Wait no.... I was born in 2000."

Lea intervened.

"Oh shi- I am so sorry."

Ara apologized quickly, bowing her head a few times.

"It's okay~"

"Who votes for groupchat!?"

Hiyyih asked with her phone in her hands.

"Sure." -Ara.

"Eh why not?" -Y/N.

"If the powerpole's in, them I am too."-Hannah.

"Sounds like fun." -Lea.

"My number is- [insert a random no.] Just send your name so I can save it and make the gc."

Hiyyih said.


Outside of Y/N's room.

The now twelve boys were doing kareoke. Yelling, singing, getting noise complaints from the room beside and whatnot.

Y/N excused herself for a bottle of water to see Jay playing with the light switches.

His face suddenly looked as if drained of energy.

Sensing something's up, Y/N walked over and saw the switch hanging off with the support of three wires.

"You broke the switchboard Jay"

Y/N spoke from behind the boy, startling him.

"Holy sh- yeah no I didn't, it was like that from the start."

"Dude I've been watching you slowly break that for the past five minutes, you're fooling no one."

"I'll pay for it, don't tell your brother."

"I want an extra twenty bucks with it for not taking photo proof."

"Fine, take the money."

"Pleasure doing business with you Park."

Y/N said before taking the money and walking off to her room.


The next day, Y/N made some repairers to come fix the switchboard before Beomgyu woke up but she took a picture of the broken one before fixing them.

Yawning, she went and plopped on the couch.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open by a frantic looking Yeonjun and Soobin.


The two yelled before they slammed the door close.


