New names

"Hyung! Wake up, quick."

Y/N violently shook her brother, who tossed away from her hold.


The older boy whined while shaking his head.

"I don't know, Soobin hyung said it was an emergency."

Y/N said before taking her phone out from her pocket.

"Wake up pleeeease? The others are already there!"

Y/N begged her brother to wake up.

Beomgyu shot up and looked her in the eye.

"If I go, will you buy me food?"

He asked the girl with droopy eyes.

"Fine just come!"

She yelled, holding the boy's wrists and pulling him out of the bed.

"Can I brush my teeeeeeth?"

Y/N stared at him with a scrutinizing gaze causing the boy to go back on his words.

"You know wh-"

"You get five minutes."


And then he ran off.

Except he came back seventeen minutes and 35 seconds later.

"You brushed your teeth for fifteen minutes?"

"No I showered."


"We don't wanna be late now do we?"

Y/N rolled her eyes to Beomgyu's comment before walking out of the dorm to Yeonjun and Soobin's.

"You're late."

Four voices spoke the moment the door creeked open.

"His fault."

Y/N pointed her thumb at her brother before spotting a familiar girl sitting there.


"Yeah bitch."

"What're you doing here?"

"Oh you know, helping you with your crisis."


The two stopped when Soobin, very loudly cleared his throat.

"Sorry, what is it?"

"As I was saying, this rookie group called Nmixx or something found out our names and are threatening to send it to the police."

Soobin informed the group, making a few let out audible gasps.


Huening kai asked, entering the scene with a bag of chips in his hands.

"Bro you won't believe it, you guys were dumb enough to say your actual names in that mafia shit group chat of yours."

Hannah mocked making Y/N's eyes go wide.

"So It's because of me?"

She asked.

"No ofcourse not."

Yeonjun reassured the girl-


Yeonjun yelled, getting up from his seat and pointed his finger at the girl.


She yelled from her seat, her hands raised in defense.


"Yes sir."

"Yeah Hannah will be helping us in uhh....killing them."

Soobin spoke, before standing up.

"Fun fact! Lily from that group is your classmate!"

Yeonjun yelled while looked at his phone.

"Oh- well. We get a holiday."

Y/N spoke.

"The next meeting is on..." Soobin paused, checking his calendar. "Tuesday."

"But it's Sunday?" -Beomgyu.

"You get two days off." -Soobin.

"That's it?" -Taehyun.

"No we're meeting tomorrow to find new names cuz well....the old ones are as good as trash."

Soobin spoke before leaving to his room.


Taehyun called the girl.

"Holy sh- you scared me. What is it?"

The girl asked, shoving her hands into her pockets.

"Nothing, go back to sleep, it's still pretty  early."

Taehyun quickly said before walking away.

Hannah and Hueningkai who were watching intently, groaned in annoyance.

"Wait, you....?" -Hannah.

"You too....?" -Huening kai.


"Yeah me too. Wanna go talk about their rants over boba?"

"Hell yeah."

Yeonjun eyed Y/N with a look that screamed 'Girl what was that!?'.

Y/N eyed him back with a look that could only mean- 'I don't know!'

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and walked to his room.

Y/N, having nothing better to do left to her dorm room.

Beomgyu and Taehyun decided to hang out in Taehyun's dorm for the day.

"Meeting's changed to this evening- where's everyone?"

Soobin entered the room with papers and stopped to look around the emlty room.

"I'll just text them in the groupchat or something.....yeah."

He nodded to himself before walking back to his room.

"Well then, more sleep for me."

He muttered before yeeting himself onto his bed and drifting off to dreamland.


"This better be something serious, I was about to get coffee."

Y/N spoke upon entering Soobin and Yeonjun's shared dorm.

"It is, sit down."

Soobin said, signing for her to sit inbetween Taehyun and Beomgyu.


Taehyun greeted with a small smile to which Y/N greeted back.

"So the reason I called you in today-"


Beomgyu spoke over Soobin, earning a few snickers from Kai and Yeonjun.

"Shut up. Anyways, we're gonna pick new names!"

Soobin half yelled with fake enthusiasm.


Yeonjun whined while falling backwards into the couch.


Soobin spoke, grabbing Yeonjun's wrist and pulling him out of the couch to stand next to them.

"You all are also getting new numbers."

Yeonjun said nonchalanly before pulling out a few sim card packs and handing it to each person sitting there.

"But I had so many contacts!"

Beomgyu yelled while looking up at Soobin.

"Transfer them to your mail?"

Soobin spoke before clearing his throat.

"Anyways, names."

He said with a smile before clasping his hands together.

"Can't we just have our real names like everyone else!?"

Huening kai groaned while grabbing his hair.

"And increase our chamce of getting caught by the police? Sure."

"My bad."

"Yeah so, hyung, you can go first. Suggest something for yourself."


"Perfect. Now Beomgyu?"

"Uhhhh Ben?"

"Wh- sure. Taehyun?"


"No- fine."


"I think Kai's fine-"


"I don't know Kamal!?"

"Wonderful. Y/N."


"All set."

Soobin spoke before starting to walk to his room. However,he got held back by Y/N's call for him.

"What about you hyung? What's your name?"

She asked, folding her arms.

"Umm Steve."

He answered.

"Pfft- Steve? Out of all the names!?"

Taehyun asked, laughing.

"Shut up you're literally Terry."

Stev- Soobin shotback, huffing and stomping his feet to his room.

"Hey ben~ get me food."

Y/N spoke with a fake smile.

"Get it yourself bitch."

"I'll just go with Yeonjun hyung the-"

"I ordered rice cakes, sit your ass down."

Beomgyu spoke with a glare.

"Why is he so made about someone else buying you food?"

"Because I'll be the one to pay them back."

Beomgyu answered Hueningkai before walking out of the room.

