
"Okay so tiny little mission for Y/N."

Soobin spoke once the meeting on monday was over.


She asked, stopping in her tracks.

"I want you to execute these four people."

He spoke, giving her a piece of paper with faces on it.


She wanted to know.

"Welll they were caught spying on our actual houses sooooo"

"Ohh right right, so where are they?"

"You have to find them. Consider this your first mission, apart from twice who you murdered without my permission."

Soobin mumbled the last part before giving her a smile.

"How am I supposed to do that?"

She asked the boy who started to walk away.

"Deal with it!"

He half yelled before walking into his room.

Y/N looked over to Taehyun, Beomgyu, Hannah and Kai who collectively whistled and left the dorm room.

Groaning, Y/N walked to Yeonjun's room.


Y/N called, opening the door.

"Ew don't call me that."

Yeonjun spoke with disgust.

"You think I'd willingly call you that?"

She asked, walking in and sitting on the chair there.

"Meh. anyways, what do you want?"

He asked, getting up from his position and walking over to sit closer to her.

"Soobin hyung told me to kill these dudes."

Y/N spoke, handing Yeonjun the papers.

"Ohh these guys... I remember him talking about them spying on the mansions and stuff."

He spoke, looking at the pictures.

"So can you help me find them?"

The girl asked, hoping for an affirmative response.

"He didn't tell you the location?" -Yeonjun.

"Huh?" -Y/N.

"He usually tell us the location of the target if he assigns a murder..."

"Why didn't he help me then?"

"Probably to increase your detective skills or something. Anyways, sure, I'll help you."


"No problem."

"Come, I'll buy you mint choco."

Y/N said, getting up and pulling the boy with him.

"But it's winter."


"Nothing let's call the others too."


"And then she started yelling at me saying that I was over the speed limit when I was clearly not!"

Y/N exclaimed, taking a sip from the icecream-something-drink she had ordered.

"What highway has one hundred and seventy as it's speed limit!?"

Hannah half yelled, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Y/N just because we got you a bike doesn't exactly mean you can exceed the speed limit."

Beomgyu spoke, sipping his iced-americano.

"Not like Huening kai didn't exceed the limit by just a few hundred kilometres when we went to that amuzement park."

Y/N said while slowly rolling her eyes.

"Hey Y/N, try this."

Taehyun said, sliding his drink to the girl and looking at Kai afterwards, who gave him a slightly excited thumbs up.


She said before trying the boy's overly sweet drink. Aka, caramel macchiato.

"Still too sweet."

She said, sliding the drink back with an unnoticable grimace.

Taehyun huffed before looking back at Kai, who gave him a disappointed look while slowly turning his head from side to side.

"Hey Y/N, I sent you something, you might wanna look at it."

Yeonjun, who was on his laptop this whole time, spoke.

Y/N quickly took out her phone and saw a text from Yeonjun.

"What is it?"

She asked, looking up.

Yeonjun pressed his lips together and eyed Soobin.


Y/N quickly, understood.

"'s- it's a funny meme.."

Y/N chuckled awkwardly, glancing at Soobin who was looking at her with a questioning look.

"Huh let me see."

Taehyun said, leaning in to his right to see what was on her phone to find a gps map.

Y/N turned around and glared at the boy. Almost as if it said 'don't you dare say something.'

Taehyun chuckled awkwardly, glancing at Y/N and back at the phone.

"Tone down and go back to your drink or I'll fill your room with carbon monoxide."

Y/N warned the boy through gritted teeth.


"Y/N for the umpteenth time, where are we!?"

Huening kai asked, turning around to face the girl.

"What do you think!? We're behind a huge wall, standing on fucking dumpsters and just gawking around!"

Y/N spoke, tip toeing on the dumpster she was standing on top of.

Y/N begged Hueningkai to help her find the four targets who were located in some shady neighbourhood behind a casino.

How cliché?

"Is this about that case Soobin hyung told you to solve?"

Huening inquired, holding the girl's forearm so that she wouldn't fall down.


Y/N exclaimed, almost loosing balance.

"So what do they look like?"

Huening kai asked.

"Uhh One's wearing a neon green hat, one's really tall and has blonde hair, one is having blue hair and is surprisingly only five foot two and the last one's uhh wearing a complete grunge outfit. Man these guys have terrible fashion sense."

Y/N spoke, standing on her feet completely instead of tiptoeing.

"You mean those guys?"

Huening kai asked, pointing to the same four guys on Y/N's papers.


She asked, tiptoeing again.


He pointed again.

"Yes! Where were they?"

She asked turning around.

"They were there the whole time."


"Where are your glasses?"

Huening kai asked, folding his arms.


Y/N thought. Where are they afterall?

Hueningkai sighed before shoving his hands inside his pocket.


He said, giving her her spectacles she had been searching for.

"Thanks, now that I've found them. You can go I guess....."

"I'm not leaving you alone in a place like this."

"Aww how sweet of you, now if you mind."

Y/N said, giving him a gun.

Hueningkai checked inside to see how many bullets were inside to see none.

"Where are the bullets?"

"It's a tranquilizer gun mate."

Y/N said, handing him the tranquilizers and bluetooth earphones and jumping off of the dumpster.

"Shoot them when I say so."

She said before walking away.

"Why did Beomgyu hyung agree to let her join? She's going insane."

Hueningkai spoke to himself before loading the gun.


"Hey! Don't you know loitering is illegal?"

Y/N yelled, approaching the four men.


They looked up frpm what seemed to be a pile of cards.


"I said, Don't you know loitering is illegal?"

"And who are you?"

The tall blonde man asked, pointing a gun to the girl.

Y/N sighed before muttering a quick 'Shoot already' and raising her hands.

"Oh right right."

And he shot.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The loud sounds of gunshots rung through the warehouse.

The mafia stood there , pointing her gun at the last of the four men she was told to kill by her leader.

"Who....who are you?"

The remaining man asked, his raised hands trembled in fear.



