Goong crazy?

Y/N groggily opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings,almost yeeting herself off of her bed when she realized she was in her room.

"Oh, you're awake."

Taehyun spoke, opening the door to her room.

"How did I..."

"You fell asleep so I woke you up and brought you to your room...Here, have some water, you almost got hypothermia yesterday."

He said, giving her a glass of water.

"Ohh thanks."


Taehyun and Y/N were laying down on the snow covered rooftop, marvelling at the sky.

But it was eerily quiet, Y/N and Taehyun were talking about the one year they were apart from each other when suddenly, Y/N got too quiet.


Taehyun turned around to face Y/N only to see her eyes closed as she was sleeping peacefully.

"Awww- stop. Beomgyu hyung will kill you."

He spoke to himself before crouching down beside her.

"Just a littttle bit won't hurt."

He compromised to himself, poking her cheek and seeing her sniffle while turning around in the snow.

Giggling to himself, Taehyun slowly picked Y/N up and walked to the open door that leads inside.

He sighed before looking at the close doorknob.

Taehyun looked around before walking backwards and taking off his shoe.

He raised one of his feet and turned the doorknob before pushing it wide.

"Gosh Y/N."

Taehyun slowly layed the girl on her bed and took the covers that were now on the floor before draping them over the sleeping girl.

'Y/N wasn't a deep sleeper, So why didn't she wake up to me calling?'

"Meh I'll just go and sleep."

Taehyun whispered before walking out her room and closing the doorknob behind him softly.

However, instead of walking to his dorm that was a few doors away, he

walked all the way to the couch and knocked himself out on it.


"So the plan is, we meet them at this cliché abadoned building near the outskirts of Seoul and we fight them and  win by killing them or lose by dieing, is that clear?"

Soobin asked, clasping his hands together.

"Why can't we just disguise and surprise attack them? You know, as workers in their territory and then just pulling out a gun and shooting them. Now I know you're gonna ask how we're gonna escape, we can use a grappling hook on a rope and scale down...orrrrrr we can   use the pipes but that would look wayyyy lamer if you ask me...yeah."

Y/N spoke of her idea, leaning back into the couch.


Soobin quickly denied, standing up and offering a hand for Yeonjun.

"Come on pleeeeeeeeeeeeease? If you want me as a member, you gotta atleast let me give you one idea."

"Then don't be a member."

He muttered, taking out his phone.

"I will roundhouse kick you in the face."

Y/N spoke, standing up from her seat only to be pulled down by Hueningkai.

"Come on Soobin, give the kid a chance."

Yeonjun pleaded before sending Y/N an unnoticable wink making her smile to herself.


Soobin sighed.

"Let's gooooo!!!!! Who wants coffee!?"

Y/N asked, getting up from her seat.

Everyone shook their heads except Hannah, who stood up and put on her sunglasses.

"Let's roll bitch, I'm calling the girls."

She said before walking away.

"Isn't she like two years younger than you?"

Yeonjun asked, looking at her with a shocked pikachu face.

"Yes. She is."

Y/N answered before walking away too.


"Soo any progress?"

Huening kai asked from beside Taehyun.

"I carried her to her room when she fell asleep last night."

Taehyun answered a little bit too casually.

"Too much progress."

"I know like she was sooooo adorable and- and her cheeks were all puffed up that I could barely see her eyes and I wanted to just squish them sooooo bad.

And her new red highlights are sooooooo pretty and- and she was wearing the sweats I gave her like-"

Taehyun squealed falling back on the couch.

"I know, I know."

Huening kai pursed his lips, thinking of his non existent love life before sighing.

"I'm going crazy."


"Sooo any progress?"

Ara asked, sipping her drink that she had bought.

Ara had grew close to Y/N. Almost like an older sister. She helps her, cooks with her, gives her advice and whatnot.

A few days back, when Beomgyu invited Ara and Y/N out, Ara and Y/N ditched Beomgyu and played around by themselves.

"I had a cliché dance moment with him earlier when it started snowing."

Y/N said, sighing.

"So much progress."

"I know like, his eyes are so wide even though it was like two in the morning and he looked so perfect under the moonlight. And his black hair is literally driving me crazy and he even gave me headache pills when I woke up!"

Y/N rushed her words, forgetting about the presence of Huening kai's sisters sitting there.

"Hold on, he gave you medicines because he thought you were gonna get sick? Gr-een flag."

Lea spoke, placing her phone down on her table.

"Yeah sis, first come first serve, what if someone else comes and bags him. Huh?"

Bahiyyih said, sipping her drink.

"Yeah man, she's got a point."

"I'm going crazy."


"Alright come on, what's wrong?"

Yeonjun asked, following Soobin into the kitchen he just walked into.


He replied.

"Soobin." -Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun." -Soobin.

"What is it?"



"Her plan, it seems so dangerous."

"Come on have some thrill man, it sounds fun."

"I don't know hyung."

"Yes you do. You know her plan is good. You just don't wanna let go of your pride as the leader."

"That is so not true."

"If you say sooo"

"How do you do a roundhouse kick?"


"You know, the one Y/N said."

"Ahh you twist lift your leg and then kick."

