
"Oh Nuri! You're here, meet Mr.Park."


"If you want to kill us, do it fair and square."


"Y/N! Y/N can you hear me!?"


"Y/N! Please wake up!"


"So you're telling me we shouldn't take weapons with us? Hyung that's a horrible idea."

Y/N asked through her earbud while parking her bike, shaking her head as she asked about Soobin's careless planning.

"I'm telling you, their arms base is in the ground floor, come on! Just go in there as the monthly checkers and shoot."

He replied, speeding up the car.

"Yah Choi Soobin! We are a group of seven, and Hannah's already in there! And even after that who would get six gun repairers."

She said, leaning on her bike.

"You got a point. But too late."

Soobin said as he parked the car beside her bike.

"Plus, they have a metal scanner."

Soobin spoke, hanging up from the call.

"That's why we're in the back gate? To not cross any?"

Y/N said, Soobin came oit from the car.

"Hey I'm the leader here, just follow what I'm saying."

He said before the rest came out.


Y/N rolled her eyes before walking over to Huening kai.

"So what's in that giant backpack of yours that you carry it everywhere?"

Huening kai asked while walking.

"I'm not telling."

Y/N huffed, taking out her phone to text Hannah that she's there.

"She either has a gun or her axe in it."

Taehyun whispered into Hueningkai's ears, tiptoeing a little.

"Ahh....who would've thought?"

He said before nodding.

"Wanna hang out later?"

"Taehyun, we live together."



"So did you see the new movie that came out? The zombie one?"

"Oh yeah I was about to watch it with yo-"

"Focus you two."

Beomgyu interrupted them.


All six took out their masks and wore them before walking into the building. Until,


"So tell me sir, why would we call five gun repairers?"

The worker there asked, Y/N rolled her eyes.

This is exactly what I said.

"No you don't get it, this is my team. This area has a lot of guns and I will not be able to check them all by myself."

Soobin explained, the worker sighed before muttering something into his walkie-talkie. He nodded before letting the six in.

"nO yOu dOn'T gEt iT!"

Y/N mocked before walking over to Hannah who was sobbing infront of an unknown man.


Y/N asked and Hannah looked up at her.

"Oh Nuri! You're here, meet Mr.Park. He was such a father figure to Chris."

Hannah said and put one arm around her and the other on her arm.

Y/N slightly bowed and the man gave her a weird look before nodding and shaking hands with her.

"You look familiar."

He muttered, not letting go of her hand.

"Oh do I? I get that alot."

Y/N said before releasing her hand from his hand and walking away with Hannah who bid goodbyes with him.

"Who was that?"

She asked, putting her hair in a bun.

"Uhh JYP? The leader of this dang clan?"

"Oh the enemy guy...right, let's go."

She said before pulling Hannah by the arm and walking to the rest of the group.

"Okay, Yeonjun and I will go to the arms room. You two, Beomgyu and Hannah, go find out where the six are and make sure they all stay in one place. Huening and Taehyun, cut all signals in the building.

Y/N, make sure no one comes in and no one gets out."

Soobin instructed before walking away with Yeonjun.

Huening kai, Beomgyu and Taehyun Nodded at Y/N who nodded back before walking away.

"Let's roll."

Hannah said before guiding Y/N to where the girls might be.


"So what exactly goes on when you block signals and stuff?"

Taehyun asked, sitting down beside Huening kai in the waiting area.

"You block the signals and wait till Soobin hyung yells 'Huening! Hurry up over here!'"

The younger answered before taking out his laptop and a signal jammer from the laptop bag he had slinged across his shoulder.

"Ahh right."

"So what do you do usually when hyung says to 'take care of them'"

Huening asked, making air quotations with his fingers.

"You know, I just punch them a little until they say the truth and then tie 'em up until I get orders to either let them go or kill them."

Taehyun answered.

About 30 minutes of waiting later,

They heard Soobin's voice in their earbud.

"Huening kai, Taehyun! Nmixx are located and Beomgyu and Hannah are stalling them, Me and Yeonjun are on our way there with the guns, go quickly."

Soobin said before a small beep was heard.

"Let's go."

Huening looked at Taehyun and smiled.



"Hey! You!"

Y/N yelled, the guard by the entrance raised his head and looked at her questioningly.


He asked.

"Would ya mind if I block these doors for a few hours?"

She asked, shoving her hands in her pocket.

"I can't do that miss."

"I can offer you two grands but yeah totally understandable if you don't want to close the doors."

Y/N said, about to turn around.

"Wait wait. Both the doors?"


"How about two and a half?"


And the man shut the doors, blocking any soul that would want to leave or enter.

Y/N looked around the place and went straight to the cafeteria.

A good 27 minutes later,

"Y/N hurry up! We got 'em! Taehyun and Huening are already here! I'll send you the place."

Beomgyu spoke before she heard a beep.

Y/N got up before she threw her empty coffee cup into the dustbin and dusted off the crumbs of the cupcake she had eaten before walking over to the place Beomgyu had texted her.


"Dang, I could totally use these in my collection."

Yeonjun said, looking around the room.

"Take whatever you need, after our work is done, their yours."

Soobin smiled before looking at the camera in the far corner of the room, whose faint red light had just turned off.

Yeonjun glanced at Soobin before taking a glock 17 and placed it into his pocket.

Soobin looked at Yeonjun before shoving an MK14 and a CM901 into his zebra bag.

Yeonjun lifted his hoodie slightly, took a glock 34 and shoved it into the gun holder he hand wrapled around his left thigh.

The younger male looked around for ammo and boy did he find a stash.

He took a good amount of the Winchester Magnum and shoved them into his pocket. But as if those weren't enough, he searched more for something else, Something so common you can find it anywhere.

And finally, he found it.

Grabbing a whole box of Boat tail bullets, he kept them in his bag and turned to Yeonjun, who was leaning on the wall. He looked the same from before, minus the three small arms he had with him now.

"All done?"

Yeonjun asked, Soobin nodded before they heard Hannah.

"Guys! We got sight of them, come to the fifth floor and call Kai and Taehyun, Beomgyu's calling Y/N."

And they heard a beep.

Quickly telling Huening and Taehyun, the two rushed out of the room before they were bumped into by a familiar looking girl.

"I am so sorry- Hiyyih?"

Yeonjun started but interrupted himself when he saw his buddy's younger sister.


"What are you doing here?"

"Kai called me, he wanted me to take care of the signal jammer he set up not so far from here."

"Right, Bye! Gotta go!"

Soobin interrupted their conversation and pulled Yeonjun's arm before fast walking to the lift.

Tapping his feet, Soobin looked at the little display in the lift. They had been standing there idle and the display still showed 0.

The lift was questionably slow, they've been in it for atleast five minutes before Yeonjun realised it doesn't work.

"Soobin.....this lift doesn't work....that's why we're still in the ground floor."

Yeonjun said before guiding the younger out and to another lift.

Soobin, embarrassed, looked down for the entire 14 seconds the lift lasted.

Ding! Floor five.

"Let's go?"

Yeonjun asked before pulling Soobin by the arm.

Suddenly, the rushing two heard a loud gunshot coming from one of the rooms.


Following that came an ear-piercing scream.

And following that came a villainous laugh that sounded a lot like....


Quickly glancing at each other, the two rushed there to see Y/N standing there with a gun pointed to the now, bleeding girl on the floor.

"You guys are late."

Y/N informed the two, putting her gun down.

"Where did you get that gun from?"

Was the first question that came to Soobin's mind, Y/N pointed to her bag with her eyes before aiming her gun on the other five girls who had their hands raised into fists.

"If you want to kill us, do it fair and square."

The girl who seemed to be the leader, said glaring at Y/N.

"Ohh no guns....okay."

Y/N said before slowly placing her gun on the floor.

"Well I'm going to hang out with Hiyyih."

Hannah said before walking out of the door Yeonjun and Soobin had come in through, locking it from the outside and sliding the key inside.

Kai had noticed this and squatted down to take the keys and shoved them in his pocket.

Y/N and Haewon's fists collided relentlessly, anger fueling each punch. The room echoed with the intensity of their clash, a symphony of grunts and strained breaths. Sweat dripped down their faces as they fought, their emotions entwined in the brutal dance of combat, leaving the air thick with tension. Y/N held the Haewon's arms and held her down on the floor so that she wouldn't be able to move.

The former took the pistol her senior had slid to her and pressed the tip of it on the latter's forehead.

Soobin and Jinsol's fists met in a rapid exchange, the sound of impact echoing through the room. Each strike carried the weight of a brewing storm, their determination evident in every calculated move. A fierce energy pulsed between them, creating a palpable atmosphere of rivalry.

Soobin pushed Jinsol against the wall and blocked her neck with his forearm while his other hand held a gun against jer head.

Yeonjun and Yoona's fists clashed in a chaotic ballet of aggression. Their bodies moved with precision and power, each punch a declaration of unyielding resolve. The room seemed to vibrate with the force of their confrontation, the clash of wills leaving a lingering tension in the air.

The latter pushed the lass's head to the table and pressed a gun against her temple.

Taehyun and Lily's fists danced in a tumultuous tango of conflict. The space crackled with the raw energy of their clash, the room bearing witness to the tumultuous emotions driving their fierce exchange. Each punch and parry reflected the intensity of their unresolved differences, the air heavy with anticipation. He had gotten the girl into a headlock and put a glock to the back of her head.

As Beomgyu set up six grappling hooks, the room buzzed with an underlying sense of intrigue. The clinks and clatters of metal echoed alongside the ongoing fistfights, creating a chaotic symphony. Beomgyu's preparations added an unpredictable element to the already charged atmosphere, amplifying the uncertainty of the unfolding events.

Huening Kai quickly stood up as his and Kyujin's fists collided in a rapid exchange, their bodies moving with fluid aggression. The intensity of their confrontation was palpable, the room serving as a battleground for their unresolved differences. Each punch carried the weight of their rivalry, the clash of fists creating a dynamic spectacle. The energy between them crackled, mirroring the heightened tension in the air until Huening kai had pushed the girl to the floor and knelt down beside her and pressed a gun to her nape.


Beomgyu yelled once he had ensured the rope hit the ground.






"Come on, let's go!"

Soobin shouted as the group stood on their feet and they all made their ways to the ropes that had been dangling off of the window.


Taehyun asked to Y/N who was about jump beside him.


"Can y'all stop flirting- AHHHHHHHH"

Huening kai yelled from beside Taehyun before he slid down the five floors until he hit the ground with a slight stumble.


Y/N yelled as she slid down the rope.

Soobin stood there with an evil smile before he got pushed by Yeonjun from his right.


Taehyun started before he got pushed by Yeonjun too.

Yeonjun looked behind him to see the bloody scene one last time. Well that ended fast.

"Sayōnara, meinu-tachi!"

He yelled before jumping off the window like the badass main character he is.

Once he got down, he saw something red on Y/N's white sweatshirt through his peripheral vision.

"Y/N, is that blood?"

He asked, walking to the girl who had just spotted Hannah walking up to her.

"Huh? Blood?"

She asked and looked down to where Beomgyu was staring at horrified.

"Blood. Why am I? Oh wait.."

She paused as she recalled what had happened.

When Y/N had pinned down Haewon on the floor, the latter took out a knife (breaking the rules she had set) and stabbed Y/N's waist thrice, in the same place.

But Y/N, being the stubborn and persistent ✨️queen✨️ she is, held her ground and stayed calm.

"Heh, come to think of it....I actually feel kinda dizzy."

Y/N slurred as she swayed from side to side.

Just as she was about to fall backwards on the floor, Taehyun rushed to catch her. The boy helped the girl stand straight and looked at her face.

"Y/N! Y/N can you hear me?"

He asked, tapping the girl's cheeks.

"Noo not really..... you sound kinda......muffled."

She slurred before her eyes closed shut.

"I'll get the car. Soobin take her bike."

Yeonjun instructed before rushing to his car.

"What happened?"

Hannah asked, looking at the knocked out girl in the boy's arms.

"She got stabbed."

Huening kai muttered.


Hitting the brakes, Yeonjun stopped the car in the basement of the hospital they had rushed into.

Taehyun opened the door and carried the girl inside to the emergency room before the workers there laid her on a stretcher and rushed her inside.

"Y/N! Please wake up!"

Taehyun called, tapping the girl's cheeks repeatedly as he ran with the nurse beside him.

Beomgyu, Huening kai and Yeonjun ran inside with Hannah following shortly after, her height playing a big part in her slowness.

"Sir you can't go in there."

The nurse restricted Taehyun before she rushed Y/N into the operation theatre.

"I should've seen that wound sooner, I'm a horrible brother."

Beomgyu sobbed as he collapsed om the floor.

"What kind of a best friend am I if I didn't even see her bleeding?"

Huening kai asked himself as he sat on one of the chairs beside Hannah.

"Who...am I to her hyung?"

Taehyun asked Yeonjun as he looked at him teary eyed.

"You'll find out soon Taehyun, you'll find out soon."

Yeonjun assured him with a smile as he engulfed him in a warm hug.

Yeonjun pulled away with his hands still on Taehyun's shoulder. Taehyun looked down and sobbed slightly, breaking the strong facade he had infront of the girl.

"She'll be fine...right?"

Beomgyu, Huening kai and Taehyun asked as they looked up from their misery.

"She'll be fine."

Yeonjun assured them with a smile.

"Am I too late!?"

Soobin came running in.

"Kind of, she just got admitted to the OT."

Yeonjun told him and Soobin eyed Hannah who was asleep on the chairs beside Huening kai.

