Ahh, shite.
I left heaven and walked straight into stupid-town.
I really didn't think about that.
There is a door in the way. Duh.
Can Riolu break it open with Confusion? If she breaks the lock, sure. But maybe it has some security alarm?
I can't risk it.
I need to find some kind of key card for the door. If this was a game, I would just need to defeat some grunts to get it. Probably that Jimbob Bob Dylan guy. He seems creepy enough to be a mid-level boss.
But life isn't a game, and Domino is a professional. She wouldn't just let some autistic pervert hold her keycard or forget locking the door when walking out--
The door is unlocked.
I simply tried the handle, and the door opened.
Finally, some lucky break for me.
After looking left and right down the hallway, I swiftly move inside, closing the door behind me.
A near identical sight to Mars' apartment greets me, except there is no mess at all. Domino has exactly two shoes neatly placed next to each other at the edge of the entryway.
Soft, fluffy, and pink house shoes.
The floor is pristine. Not a single speck of dirt, hair, or dust is anywhere to be seen.
Any dirt I leave behind will reveal my break-in.
That's why I unlace my boots before stashing them in my backpack.
"Riolu, can you keep track of her?"
Riolu nods slowly. Her face shows focus and concentration. It's the first time she had to trace anything for so long. "Keep it up. You're doing good."
The entryway and living room are connected. Domino's coffee table is placed perfectly in the center. The leather sofa hugs the very middle of the room's wall, with the table in front of it. Two plastic potted plants stand on either side of the TV in perfect symmetry.
The laminate floor is polished to a sheen. Some grunt probably had to go over the floor three or four times to make it this reflective.
Does she keep any sensitive info here?
Probably not in the living room.
If I were a psychopath, where would I hide my incriminating evidence?
My bedroom.
After opening the door matching Mars' layout, I find a bed with white sheets and white pillows. All of her furniture is arranged along the middle lines of her room.
A mirror built into her wardrobe stretches from the floor to the ceiling. Opening it up reveals countless costumes. A clown outfit, a farmer, a scientist, a racist - someone who rides pokemon very fast - and a grunt uniform are just the first five costumes I check.
A drawer contains her underwear.
The pair of black lace underwear on top of the stack triggers a memory.
It's the bra I used to gag her mouth and the dripping wet panties she wore. The strap of the bra had been cut for easy removal.
... I put them both in my pocket as evidence.
The drawer beneath it-- Bingo. A stack of documents and photographs. What are they doing inside a drawer inside her closet?
The photographs are printouts of the pictures she took inside the historical museum. The first document beneath that is a building plan.
She wants to steal the Adamant Orb. It would be Team Rocket's second attempt at stealing it.
But why? Selling it would be impossible. Nobody can buy it. It's too recognizable as one of Sinnoh's greatest treasures.
The document underneath is a "mission report."
Mission report -redacted date-, concerning the progress of Operation Deep Dive. Agent 009.
I extracted from Operation Deep Dive after a partial success. We have identified and recruited a total of 57 people who appear to be willing to commit violence.
The numbers were lower than expected due to an unexpected encounter with a capable trainer who was acting as a guard.
His name is Swole Solo, from Twinleaf Town. His team consists of a Buneary and Salandit.
Amendment: Buneary evolved to Lopunny. A Riolu joined his team. Salandit's ability is confirmed to be Corrosion.
Amendment 2: Riolu has access to an unusual moveset. Ice Beam and Confusion are confirmed to be in its repertoire.
When he escaped with the other prisoners, we initiated the second phase early, starting by evacuating the new recruits.
After assuming new identities, 008 and 593 remained on board to help transition into phase three.
Amendment: Phase three was a success. As per your request, the children have been sent to orphanages, while the adults are being prepared for further processing.
Operation Master Ball is still within expected mission parameters. I have identified a new source for pokeball manufacturing to replace our losses at Silph Co.
As you have predicted, according to the paper trails, she is located inside Team Galactic's headquarters in Veilstone City.
The incompetent trio has caused a minor setback in the retrieval of the Adamant Orb. The museum is closed and renovating to increase the security. I will wait until things calm down--
~"She's moving up again."
Already?! Shit!
I leaf through the stack of documents and snap pictures of everything I can.
Dossiers on high-ranking people like Cynthia, Cyrus, and Princess Platinum.
Blueprints for critical infrastructure buildings like the Valley Windworks power plant, the Team Galactic headquarters, mission reports, a detailed map of Mt. Coronet, and the Galaxy Bomb.
The front door opens.
That's too fast!
~"She's still inside the elevator."
What?! Who else opened the front door?!
The person turns around the corner and - "Dad?" - and walks straight to me with Kricketune by his side.
"Be silent. Play along." He says as he tidies up the documents, closes the drawer with the evidence, and pulls out one of Domino's panties from the other drawer.
He lets out the deepest sigh I've ever heard before he pulls it over his face like a mask. He stuffs some more of her underwear in my hands.
~"She's running towards her room now."
"Kricketune, stay ready." Dad's voice sounds muffled through the mask.
I hear Domino's high-heeled steps approaching. "Riolu, get ready for Protect."
Her body almost folds into itself when she releases her concentration on aura, but she pulls herself together, readying herself.
"Well, well, well." She turns the corner only to jump when she sees my father's mask. "... Two panty thieves? Really?"
"Just some harmless father-and-son bonding. Can you blame us, Venus?"
"Yes. Yes, I can, Mercury. What the fuck is wrong with you? HR will hear from this."
"They won't do anything. I'm too good at my job. Come on, son. We're busted. Let's see if Mars left her door open."
His heavy hand lands on my shoulder to drag me along, just like when he kicked me out of the house to search for a pokemon.
"Are you serious?" Domino blocks the way out. "You're not walking out of here with all of my underwear!"
"Oh. Okay. Here you go." He gives her the one he carried in his hand before tapping me to do the same.
"Your mask too."
"... Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure you disgusting old man!"
Dad lets out another sigh. "Here. Are you happy now? Ruining a perfectly fine, family-friendly panty raid like that?"
"No. I'm still unhappy." Her teeth gnash against each other. Her face says she's livid and pissed beyond reason. "Now. Leave."
"Bye. See you tomorrow."
Her fists clench. She literally snarls. "See. You. At. Work."
We leave her apartment, closing the door behind us.
"Follow me."
We pass through the hallway in silence. The only sounds are our muffled feet on the red carpet.
Another sound is the opening and closing of a door to yet another identical apartment layout.
The living room has been renovated, turned into a home gym. Instead of the TV, Dad owns a squat rack. Instead of the couch, he has a tatami mat and some weird-looking roller equipment.
There are all sorts of weights. Even a weighted vest hangs from a rack where the coffee table would stand.
"Not here."
He continues to lead me deeper into his apartment, into what should be the bedroom. Instead of a bed, there is a desk facing a large window.
Dad's Alakazam floats in the darkest corner of the room.
"Magic Room." He orders, prompting Alakazam to hover higher before a flash of light swaps out the walls, ceiling, and floor with rainbow-colored tiles.
The computer screen on Dad's desk turns itself on before flickering and showing swirling, color-changing lines and waves.
Dad lets out another sigh. "You shouldn't have been there."
He takes his seat by the desk - even the window behind him has been replaced by the technicolor tiles of Magic Room - he turns around to look at me.
"Now she knows we were on to her." His gravelly voice sounds as if that was supposed to tell me everything I was supposed to know.
"What did you find?"
"Say what one more time."
"..." What the hell is going on?! "How did you know I was there?"
"Knowing things is my job."
"Wh-- ahem. And your job is?"
Last time I checked, consultants aren't all-knowing spies.
"You have a meeting with Cynthia later, right?" He asks.
How did he know?! "Yes."
"Then you can just tell her your findings later. How is your mother doing?"
"What?" He nods towards Alakazam, and I feel a mental slap on the back of my head. "Ouch. She didn't answer her phone when I called."
"That's unusual."
"Maybe she was on the road to buy food?"
"Perhaps." He turns around in his chair, picking up a few pieces of paper that were lying on his desk before checking things off on them. "I saw your battle against Roark."
Is he working while talking?!
"You managed to catch yourself a strong first partner pokemon."
No way. Is he building himself up to say that he's proud of me?
"Don't let the success get to your head. Confidence breeds stupid mistakes. The top is still so far away."
Good grief. I should have known. "I know. I want to go on a training trip closer to Mt. Coronet for a week or two before I challenge Gardenia."
"Good." He finishes one piece of paper and grabs the next. "You found a good fiancée in Akari. Don't mess it up."
"Like you did?"
He holds up his right hand holding a fountain pen. His golden wedding ring sparkles in the colorful lights of the room. "I haven't messed up yet. I'm just giving her space. She will come around eventually."
"Are you sure about that?" I still remember how livid she was. She actually threatened to cut off his arm, for fuck's sake.
"Let me give you a piece of advice on women." His hand returns to work. "Women want reassurance more than anything else. A woman who is the number two in your life won't mind it so long as she knows her place as number two is secure."
That sounds like bullshit.
With his free hand, he reaches towards his infinite space suitcase, opening it up without looking.
"Of course, women prefer being number one even more. Ultimately, they weigh it in their minds: is being your number two worth more than someone else's number one? If the answer is yes, they stay."
That makes a little more sense. It's essentially the same process humans use to make any decision.
Dad pulls out a little plastic case from within the suitcase.
"My number one will always be the dream of becoming the champion. My number two is Elizabeth. She will come around one day, because I will always be her best option. Here, catch."
He tosses the plastic case at me without looking. Alakazam makes sure it falls perfectly into my hands.
It's skin-tone makeup.
"If you want success with your girlfriends, you need to be the best man you can possibly be. On that note, you shouldn't run around with a hickey from Mars."
My hand lands on the spot on my neck where Mars kissed me.
The skin feels slightly tender.
I flip open the makeup case to look at myself through the tiny mirror inside. She left a red spot where she kissed and suckled on my skin.
"The world is in a dangerous state right now." He continues. "Reassurance is becoming more important every day."
Dad stops working on the sheet in front of him, looking up but facing the window instead of me. "Don't make any more stupid mistakes, alright? Be reassured that things are working out. Stay focused on your dream."
His work resumes, leaving me in awkward silence. Only the scratching of his pen on papers accompanies me as his words echo through my mind over and over again.
Who is my number one? Certainly not the dream of becoming the champion.
My hands argue no. The right went to the pokeballs at my belt while the left reached up to pet Riolu the moment my mind drifted off.
I love my pokemon over everything else. That much is clear, even if they don't listen to me sometimes.
Number two... Can I still claim I would put my dream above the girls? When Dawn got abducted, I was willing to risk my life to get her back.
When Zoey was gone, I was ready to abandon the championship and conquer Dialga instead to turn back time. However successful my endeavor might have been, I would have tried to, at least.
My dream isn't even number two anymore.
I would sacrifice it in a heartbeat for Akari, Dawn, Zoey... Mary.
It went down to number six.
The makeup has done a good job at covering the blemish on my skin.
Why did I make out with Mars? Was it just because I could?
The girls and my pokemon are the most important people in my life, and I just go around smooching other women. Why? Confidence, maybe?
I got too confident and made a stupid mistake.
I need to be confident and careful. Purposeful.
"Oh." He turns around in his chair. "You're still here?"
"Dad, you should apologize to Mom."
"There is nothing to apologize for. I was right."
"You're too confident, and you are making a mistake if you don't."
He grins. "Perhaps I am. I'll think about it."
"Goodbye." I turn to walk away.
"One last thing, son. Before you fight in the gym, you need to go to the bicycle shop near the pokemon center and purchase the bicycle with the ridiculous price tag. Don't let yourself be seen going there."
"... Okay? Bye."
"Hm. Goodbye."
Magic Room's tiles fade away the moment I open the bedroom door to leave--
"Pick up the watch on the way out! It's yours!"
There is a poketch watch on one of the weight racks. Sweet. I equip my loot before going out into the hallway.
Mars is out of her room, dressed in her uniform. She can be seen talking with another uniformed woman who stands in the doorway of her apartment.
The purple-haired woman rolls her purple eyes when Mars blows me a kiss while I approach them.
The apartment's sign says it belongs to Jupiter. Ah. Now I recognize her from the news.
As I pass the pair, I give Mars' ass a meaty smack before continuing into the elevator.
Grunts join me on the way down at the different levels, filling the elevator up. None bother me this time.
Back on the ground floor, the receptionist gives me a friendly smile and a goodbye, which I return.
She resumes talking with the person in front of her. It's Asshole with a recruitment poster in his hands.
I exit the building, heading off their campus in a straight line.
Using my inner eye, I spot Akari not too far from here, in a nearby dark alley together with her pokemon.
She sees me coming. With hurried steps, we meet halfway.
"How did it go--"
As soon as I can, I wrap my arms around her. With one hand, I hold the back of her head while groping her butt roughly.
"Y-y-you--" Her words falter as I claim her lips with a fiery kiss as passionate as the one I shared with Mars.
Time blurs, dragging on for an eternity as I dig deep within her mouth. Hands steadying her trembling face, as my thumb caresses her cheek. When I pull back, it's only to trail kisses down to her neck, suckling on the spot to mark her with the undeniable proof; she is my number two.
"W-w-what? Y-y-you can't just do that!" She gasps; her protests dissolve into hushed, shocked whispers. "W-w-we are in public!"
Her face flushes to a shade of crimson so vivid, it puts even Tamato Berries to shame. Much deeper than anything I ever managed to paint on Dawn's face as well.
"I felt like letting the public know you are mine. And I feel like doing it again."
She ieps when I wiggle my eyebrows.
"S-shameful!" Her eyes betray her, giving her true feelings away. They dart to my lips over and over again. Her body seems to be weakening every second.
I gently push her along back into the alley.
She doesn't complain when I descend on her neck again, leaving behind a second spot on the other side before trailing up her cheek to her lips.
Her face is free of any makeup, her lips devoid of taste. There is no strong scent on her either for me to smell. She is simply pure.
Biting her earlobe, another gasp escapes her. I take a deep breath of her hair, clearly smelling Marley's shampoo in the mix of muted scents.
"Swole, what has gotten into you?" Her voice is husky and shaky. She is filled with uncertainty.
I pull back to look her deep in the eyes, darting back in to give her a peck on the lips. "I have come to the realization that I love you. And I want to let you know it. And to give you a little reminder while I'm off."
Her face has turned completely red; ears, neck, and all. "Y-y-you should wait until marriage before giving me a child..." Her hands fold themselves in front of her stomach.
"That's not what I meant as the reminder. Try to find a mirror later." I wink. "I'd better get going. Cynthia never gave an exact time to meet her."
I lean in to give her another proper kiss.
It might just be my imagination, but she seems far less reluctant to return the kiss this time. Usually she tries to keep it short and chaste. But now, she lingers, even chasing after me before her decorum catches up.
Deep breaths sound out in the alleyway before she straightens out her kimono. "I will see you at the apartment then." Her face is still flushed, and two hickeys shine brightly on her neck, one on each side.
Typhlosion emerges out of her shadow to support her as she walks out of the alley with shaky steps.
Strangers immediately notice, showering her with knowing, patronizing looks, but she simply holds her head higher in defiance, proudly showing off my work in the process.
~"That was mean." Riolu's grin tells me otherwise. ~"Good job."
Cynthia is not here yet. The meeting place is the rooftop cafe directly opposite Team Galactic's building.
I have a perfect view into the fifth floor. Dad stands at his window right now, looking at me. Probably just my imagination. He's just looking into the air.
Domino's window should be two to the right, but she's not visible through it right now. I haven't seen her at all since I sat down.
Last but not least, Mars has her curtains drawn. Probably at all times, so people can't look at her walking around in her underwear, trying to seduce just-barely legal men.
Who could have known that she's such a slob and shotacon?
Well, the hints were there.
Riolu handles the teacup with grace, despite her paws being sub-optimally shaped for holding delicate objects.
Meanwhile, Salandit and Sewaddle sit on the small, black table, enjoying the afternoon sun.
I'm scratching Salandit's tummy while feeding Sewaddle some cookies.
Lopunny is still inside her pokeball. She didn't even want to come out for food since yesterday.
I'm going to force myself to trust her again. I don't care about the rape anymore. She's more important than some stupid grudge, or distrust, or whatever else I have.
No matter what my problem is, I will conquer it so that Lopunny can return to being the most important person in my life.
I snack on the other half of the cookie before feeding Sewaddle with the next one.
"You are so cute, you know that?"
Sewaddle looks up at me with huge eyes while she stuffs her cheeks with the chocolate cookie.
"Yes. I'm talking to you. You're sooo cute." I can't help but chuckle as I rub her chin, causing her to squee in delight.
"Haha." That wasn't me.
After turning around, Cynthia looks down at me while covering a smile with a hand.
She circles around the table, bracing her hands on the tabletop to lower herself into a seat that pulls itself closer on its own.
How did she do that? Spiritomb? She's so cool. Also, her boobs looked nice while bending forwards.
"Swole Solo. We meet again."
I take one last deep breath before I fling myself into the conversation.
"Cynthia Shirona. How are you doing?"
"I could use a vacation." Her soft voice betrays just a hint of exhaustion.
"Really? I have to say, you look beautiful despite the stress."
She pauses completely. Her face, her voice, it's as if she is frozen in time for just a moment. Then, motions return together with a scalding glare. "You are far too weak to try and flirt with me. I only date men who are stronger than me."
Doesn't that mean she's just not dating at all? Nice! I still have a chance!
"To answer why I still look good: makeup. You should consider using it to hide the bags under your eyes."
They have grown smaller ever since I arrived at Eterna City. Still, they persist. I doubt I will ever get rid of them again.
"I think they are cool. They make me look more like a bad-ass."
She smirks. "Cute." I lose my grin. "How was your time in the historical museum?"
"I briefly saw you inside. I wore a disguise."
"It was nice. I feel like I learned a lot from it."
Her head bobs up and down. "That's why I love history. There is so much to learn from it, as long as you inspect it with open eyes. Did you see their new exhibit? The ancient stories collected from Hisui and Kanto?"
I feel my face heat up. "Yes. The ones where they would f-- have relations with their pokemon?"
"Ahem. Yes." She blushes too. "Those ones. But they also contain some great lessons. Maybe a censored version would make for a great children's book."
"What if the... unusual part was the actual lesson they wanted to teach?"
"... My grandmother would like you."
"I met her before." I'm nodding sagely. "She does like me. Enough even to give me the number of her grandchild with the rather explicit instructions to--"
"Alright! I get it! Please don't bring her up again! Let's get to the topic we are actually here for." Her face turns serious. Her steel-gray eyes pierce deep into my soul, trying to gander at the truth of anything I will reply. "Why are you so deeply involved whenever there is any trouble?"
"The world is out to get me." Her gaze persists. "I wish I knew why. Whenever I go anywhere, it's like problems just appear out of nowhere. Literally. Two times, the universe just fell apart around me."
"But what did you do that causes all of that?" She looks me straight in the face when asking, but I can tell that she's not only questioning me but herself as well. "Did you pick up some kind of ancient artifact?"
The necklace and Zoey's brooch. I reveal the necklace I wear. "This, and there is also a brooch I got in Canalave City. When Zoey came back to life in Alamos Town, the gemstone in her brooch was glowing."
"The brooch would be too late. The event on Route 218 happened before you visited Canalave City. When did you get the necklace?"
"Also after Canalave City."
"Did anything special happen before you went there? Is there anything else that you could have picked up? Something you interacted with?"
"Aren't you being... a little too esoteric? You're acting like I am haunted."
"You could be." She says with a straight face. Not a hint of a lie, exaggeration, or prank. "Magic is real. Just because it's not wands and colorful effects doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Time travel, space-time convergences, ghosts, aura, pocket dimensions; it's all real, even though conventional physics can't explain it."
"... Nobody knows how it works."
"Exactly. A very apt way to describe it. We have no clue how. We only know that it works."
No fucking way. Barry was right all along.
"So, any idea?"
I try to remember when it all began while her eyes bore holes into me. Route 218?
No... Ash. Back in the Bewilder Forest, he remembered me before we ever met. Before that, the wild Ariados came from the wilderness when they weren't supposed to be there.
Come to think of it, their lair had been webbed as if they had been there for weeks already... Two to three weeks, to be exact.
"The lake..."
"Which lake?"
"Lake Verity. There was nothing unusual in my life until I went there."
"Mesprit's lake? What in Arceus' name were you doing there?"
Life used to be so much simpler. "Capturing my Lopunny." All I cared about was getting the strongest pokemon, and showing off. "Wait. Did you say Mesprit? I met her before. On Route 218."
She slams her hands on the table, making her boobs bounce and Riolu's teacup clatter. "That's it! Tell me more!"
I continue to tell her exactly what happened ever since that day.
How I caught Buneary, how the troubles have followed me ever since, about the space-time convergence on Route 218, the underground, and Eterna Forest's mansion.
I briefly recap the events of Alamos City while she orders herself some tea.
"She must have met you at the lake and followed you ever since! It matches what happened to my grandmother. She met the lake guardian, who then followed her until her journey was over."
Uh oh. That sounds awful. "Wouldn't that mean trouble will follow me until the end of my journey?"
"Probably." She shrugs, causing her boobs to jiggle again. "Stop looking at my chest with every opportunity."
I better stop, or else a new problem will arise. Two kinds of problems if she actually gets angry.
"Sigh. I will keep an eye on you--"
"I won't look again, I promise!"
"Ahem." Her glares could freeze water. "I will keep an eye on you from now on. You are clearly attracting trouble. It would help if I were able to predict where the trouble hits next."
"I'm heading to Snowpoint City after I get my third badge."
I would love to have her following me around, especially in the coldest parts of the region. Damn, she's so hot.
"Eyes up here." I trace her arm and fingers back up to her face. "Do you have anything else to add? If not, I will take my leave. You have revealed a lot that needs investigation."
She takes a sip from her teacup.
"Actually, remember Domino? The Team Rocket member you let escape?"
The cup made a sound as if cracking. "She escaped because you didn't answer your phone!"
"Let's not shift blame. It's unproductive." The cup is definitely breaking right now. "Anyway, I tracked her down. I saw her in the museum and followed her into the Team Galactic building. I copied the documents I found in her room."
She almost snags the phone from my hand before swiping through the pictures. "Where is she now? In the museum? Wasn't that just a bit over an hour ago?"
"She's probably still inside her room. 509. On the fifth floor. That window over there, to be exact."
The phone slips from her fingers as her mouth drops open. It clatters to the table. "And you have just now decided to tell me?"
I shrug. "You have led the conversation."
"Ugh!" She gets up after giving herself a facepalm. It briefly revealed both of her eyes but also smudged her makeup, allowing a bit of the heavy bags underneath her eyes to see the world.
With equally heavy steps, she approaches the rooftop's railing, looking out for the window I mentioned.
"First on the right?"
"Alright. I will see you in Snowpoint City."
"Uhh, bye?"
She's not going to jump, right? Why does she look like she's preparing to fling herself over the railing?!
With a single hop, she vaults over the barrier. Her golden hair sparkles in the evening sun as it trails behind her together with her mantle.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a shadow swoops down from the sky, rushing past the roof towards the ground like an arrow.
It's Garchomp! She caught Cynthia in the middle of the air!
They are flying straight for the window!
A Shadow Ball shoots ahead, smashing the window into pieces!
Garchomp lands inside!
That was so cool!
"Excuse me, sir?" Someone taps my shoulder.
It was one of the waitresses. "Huh?-- Ahem. I mean, yes?"
"Are you going to pay for her damages?"
"..." The teacup has a deep crack inside. The handle falls off. "Good grief. Yes, I am."
An amazing smell wafts through the door of Akari's and Marley's apartment.
I check the time using my super handy digital wristwatch and conclude they must be preparing dinner right now.
A vibration in my pocket notifies me of a message.
Cynthia: "She escaped again! Damn it!"
Me: "You're going to get her at some point. I believe in you."
Cynthia: "Thanks."
After a moment.
Cynthia: "Don't patronize me! *angry-face-emoji Next time you see her, the first thing you will do is tell me. She won't escape a third time."
Me: "Sure."
Just as I am about to enter the girls' apartment, the phone vibrates again.
Cynthia: "Stay safe out there. Don't let the troubles kill you."
Me: "Thanks. You too <3"
She sends another angry emoji. Such a tsundere... Jk. She's just not interested. Good grief. Such is life.
Maybe she will be more receptive once I am the champion?
Just as my hand is about to reach for the doorknob, the pure white pokeball at my belt shoots into my mind.
I can't join Akari for dinner yet.
Crossing the hallway, I enter my own apartment instead.
Once inside, I recall Salandit, Sewaddle, and Riolu so Lopunny won't feel the need to show off to them.
I press the button on her pokeball.
The moment she appears before me, her arms stretch out and embrace me while I wrap mine around her.
"I'm sorry." / ~"I'm so sorry!" We both speak at the same time.
~"I'm so sorry I graped you! I didn't know that would happen! I will never do that again! I just want you to trust me again, please! I will do anything!"
My hands pull her a little tighter while I press my face in the nook of her neck.
She smells of the oh-so-pleasant aroma of caramel and hazelnut. Her fur feels so soft against my skin.
I've missed her.
It has barely been 24 hours since I last saw her, but it felt like an agonizingly long eternity.
"I love you."
Her heart skips a beat. Her ears suddenly stand up as if not believing what they have just heard. She sniffles.
~"Y-you do?"
I never expected her to be truly sorry; that she would always insist she never did anything wrong.
Yet here she is. "Yes." She hugs me tighter as well.
"Thanks to my father, I was able to realize what is most important in my life: and that is you. And Salandit, Riolu, and Sewaddle too. My pokemon are the most important people in the world. I won't let a little slight like that come between us anymore."
In the end, it really was just a slight.
Like a prank gone wrong, and I just made a mountain out of a molehill because... Well, because it is what society expects me to do.
But no more. What if the stories are right? The world will never know unless someone tests it out!
I pull away from her neck before placing my forehead against hers.
Without her ears, we are the exact same height. Her body has the perfect shape for hugging.
Her face is all I see. Her large, purple eyes with tears in their corners. Her stubby nose and barely visible whiskers.
She is so unbelievably cute, and her smell is intoxicating. I can't get enough of her.
Her ears are still directed at me. She expects me to say something else, but there is nothing more to add.
Instead, I angle my face to feel her fuzzy lips on mine again.
She closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling without daring to take it any further.
As I retreat, her head follows until her eyes flutter open. Our lips separate.
I rest my head against her neck, and she copies me.
We stay standing like that for a few moments.
And then a few more.
They drag on until at least a few minutes have passed.
Her stomach growls.
The aroma of Akari's cooking still lingers in the air.
"Let's get you some food, so you can stay strong and healthy."
She shakes her head before hugging me tighter.
"You haven't eaten in a day." Lopunny's eyes widen in surprise. "Akari made dinner."
Her stomach lets out another few arguments before she relents, allowing my escape from our shared hold.
Three flashes of lights shoot out when I press the other pokeball buttons.
As a complete unit - with Sewaddle hanging on my left arm, Riolu and Sewaddle riding my shoulder, and Lopunny holding my right hand - we return to the hallway before going inside the girls' apartment.
Only to be greeted by an upskirt view of Marley, who was relaxing on her bed.
"Plain white. Good choice."
She pulls her skirt lower to hide it but doesn't seem embarrassed at all. "... Hi, Swole... How are you doing?"
"Me?" The young hero asks with a smug look on his face. "I'm doing better than ever. And not just because I got a good long look at your underwear."
Indeed. The wicked Domino might have managed a miraculous escape. And his father failed to praise him in the traditional sense. But his day could barely have gone any better!
His future wife stalks out of the kitchen, with a stern look on her face that could bore holes through skulls.
"You!" She shouts, smacking a soup ladle against her palm.
"You made me walk through half the city with two 'hickeys' on my neck!"
"Whaaat? No way. I would never do that."
"They all looked at me funny. Everyone knew what we did!"
"Oh no. That is terrible."
"You're so lucky. Marley told me what was going on before I had a meeting with my new tenants and settlers. The shame--"
"You only let me cover the spots after the meeting, though..."
"... What? I'm just telling the truth..."
From Akari's shadow comes the laughter of her pokemon.
"A-anyway! I made food. Kimchi, rice with eggs, and steak. Come eat before it gets cold."
"Sometimes, your resemblance to Dawn is creepy."
The hero and his entourage of pokemon enter the little kitchen with the tiny table inside. Squeezing themselves together, they all enjoy the tasty meal together.
They talk, play cards, and watch television for the rest of the evening. Plain, simple fun. Just what our hero needed to finish off the day.