A Transfiguration Dungeon

[A/ N: The words, 'Dungeon' and 'Innerverse' will be used interchangeably.]

In the cold, lonely forest of makeshift Neath, the cold night breeze and the rattling leaves seemed just like home.

It was so peaceful and calm, it was sickening. This place was not reality, so its desperate attempt to look and feel like one was what drove it even further from that reality.

Why? It is because nothing in this forest is alive, not the trees, nor the critters. One didn't really need a special type of sight to know if there was life around them. The essence and the chaotic blend of life forces was something that had gradually been assimilated and taught into the memories of living things since birth.

And since that blend of feeling didn't exist in this place, a man's soul and skin could feel nothing but depravity and an eerie itch.