Pure Soul From Hell - Nova The Hell Fairy

"Relax. It's not dead... Probably." Jiten /Apocalyph said.

Looking in the direction the moth-man was knocked towards, Nova sighed inwardly. He was still alive, albeit with most of his bones now broken.

"I figured it'd be harder for you to fight with your hands full."

"Well I could just make another clone." Nova replied sternly.

"My bad then. I'll leave you to your business."

Nova's golden irises shone brighter as her black pupils turned into small white clouds. Looking at Jiten's body with her [Piercing Cloud] eyes made it seem like she was looking in a mirror; she could neither see through it, and it only reflected her face.


And because of this peculiarity that was derived from Apocalyph's ability, she couldn't see the fish-man below her, and was too late to move away from his jump attack.