Sully's Climax

The blue sky was especially beautiful here, the clouds were fluffy and white, drifting calmly through the air. The trees on the ground were sparse, their leaves just as red as the grass that spread for miles.

A man who looked like he could be Asher's big brother sat under a tree as he picked up a big gourd and gulped down its content. Sighing in satisfaction after, he placed one hand on his knee and looked ahead.

"Bwaah!" Another sigh sounded from the direction this man was looking.

"It's ironic, you know? How the weak get to decide how the strong live— Hik!" Desmond, Chloe's father's killer said with a hiccup.

His irises were still red, albeit, looking a lot less chaotic now. And from the expression on his face, one could tell that he was genuinely happy, and this time, not because he was shedding the blood of his enemies.