Infected: An Inheritor Of Clean Energy?

#I can risk attacking you. Because I still have enough power to take the brunt of your own attack...#

Enzo cleared his mind, trying as much as he could to not think of anything. Because there was that slight chance that Pitoni was hiding the power to actually see into people. If he did while Enzo was thinking in that direction, the woman-posessing immortal would know that the water spears couldn't eat his energy; they were a bluff.

As Enzo and Apocalyph tensed their bodies, waiting to see how Pitoni would react, he suddenly vanished.

"!!!" They looked around the sphere with their senses on high alert.

But there was no sign of Pitoni.

#Those are your own rules. And why should I play your game?#

With her face contorting into one of panic, Nova stepped back in order to escape the danger that had just appeared before her eyes. Alas, her reaction time was inadequate.