Ch 39

"Are you sure he has seen the note?" A young lady asked the man in a bodyguard suit.

"Yes, ma'am, that magus could sense me and he also picked up the note. I have seen it with my own eyes" The guard answered to the young lady.

"Then, why isn't he here?"

"...I will go check once again ma'am"

Meanwhile in the cottage on the remote islands of Scotland.

Cael is observing the conversation between the young lady and the guard.

"The blessing is surprisingly useful"

With the blessing of nature, he received, he can even 'communicate' with plants and trees all around the world, he can even share their 'senses'. In a way, he has eyes and ears all over the physical world.

"It seems she's desperate, let's see what benefits you'll give me"

Cael ordered all his homunculus to stay in the cottage and sent 'human-looking' golems into works while they operate from the cottage.

He merged the mansion he created in Japan with the cottage increasing the size of his cottage into a giant mansion on the inside while outside, it's just a small cottage. He achieved this with his logic magecraft. This allowed the homunculi to operate more freely due to increased space.

He then arranged a special bounded field around the cottage so that it can teleport to his reality marble whenever he wanted and stays hidden from the outside world.

He continued his research in his workshop on spirits and souls with the data he gathered from José.

"To think the kid can replicate an entire soul without degrading it. His psychic ability attracts too much trouble, converting it into a magecraft is a pain"

With his alchemy experience, Cael tried to replicate the ability of José.

José psychic ability from Cael's understanding is the replication of souls and manipulating them. Theoretically, José at his full potential could replicate his own soul and still exist in the real world even if his physical body has been destroyed.

Cael set his goal to recreate this ability within a short amount of time.

It reminded him of third true magic.

"Wait, third true magic? are the siblings related to Einzberns?"

Immediately, a projection of Gamma appeared on his side.

"Master, we found the siblings' history. Their DNA matches with Einzberns. however, they are far distant relatives, according to the records, they are descendants of an Einzbern who lacked magic circuits, he is expelled for the inability some centuries ago. Nothing much is recorded"

Cael understood why the siblings are special now.

"Okay, that's enough about them. Ghost their history, create a fake but believable one "

"On it, master"

After ending the conversation, Cael fell into deep thought 'I should conceal their bloodline after meeting them'

At that instant, he groaned.

"Who is it now?"

He teleported to his bedroom in the kids' apartment and he busted through the door.

"Mr. Magician!!! help!!"

"Shut up, kid!" A man in a black suit tried to shut her mouth.

At that time, he felt like he was punched by a moving truck.

His face shattered into multiple pieces. Cael used his beauty magecraft, creating an illusion that the man was only knocked out.

Maria quickly hugged Cael and cried.

"It's okay, Maria. I'm here, everything is fine"

After comforting her, Maria fell asleep. He locked her in the bedroom and saw the mess he made in the living room.

Cael could see through the illusion and sighed "Let's see...So, you want to force me to come by kidnapping this child, what an incompetent employee"

Due to his powerful clairvoyance, he could comprehend reality, and reading memories of his shattered brain is too damn easy for him.

He cleaned up the surroundings, as for the body. Well, let's just say the home got a new set of flowers.

"Transmutation is so convenient"

He praised it and then left for the clock tower.

Classes are just finished for José and went out of the clock tower to see Cael standing there.

"Get in the car"

José did as told. Seeing him looking out in a gloomy mood, Cael asked "Discrimination?"

José nodded.

"It's pretty bad for everyone that doesn't belong to a long-line Magus family. After your basic studies, you can enter the neutral faction, no one cares that much about others in there"

"Do you belong to one?"

"Yes, I'm in the Department of Archeology. You can join there in the future"


Cael stopped his car and then activated autopilot mode in his car. He exited the car saying "I have work to do, don't worry the car will drive itself to your apartment. "

José didn't have time to process the words as the car door closed itself and drove off.

Cael drew a rune discreetly creating a mini isolation bounded field. He then took out a gun from his pockets and pointed at a car in the back that has stopped.

"I don't care whoever you are, get out and explain yourself....or I can just disintegrate you"

To demonstrate it, he shot the car, when the bullet hit the car, the car begin decaying at a rapid pace.

A woman and a man got out of it quickly, the woman yelled "Can't you be patient?"

Cael acted like he didn't realize her and said "The first time some suspicious person left an address, then someone tried to kidnap my student and now this, you think I'll be patient when my life is in danger?"

"kidnap? I told that idiot to just check on you" the woman said in confusion.

"So, you are the mastermind behind it?" Cael pointed his mystic code gun toward the woman.

"Wait! Mr. Cael, it's me, Ms. White. We met a decade ago in the U.S"

"So? That doesn't change the fact that you sent assassins to kidnap me?"

"No, this is a misunderstanding. I just wanted to meet you discreetly, what my guard did isn't part of my plan"

Cael saw multiple assassins surrounding the perimeter.

Cael lifted his gun towards the sky and said a chant "Congifure change"

The gun changed into a unique design barrel gun, and Cael then shot it. A red light split into multiple directions and vanished.


At the same time, multiple bodies fell from buildings.

" What about these guys then? Are these part of your plan?"

Seeing Cael kill so many assassins so effortlessly amazed the woman.


"Hey," Cael said pointing the mystic code at the woman.

"Wait! Wait! , I actually want to talk to you. These assassins are after me, not you, and I'm sorry about the kidnapping incident" She desperately said.

"Very well" Cael pulled down his gun.

He then went with the lady to a new limo while the guard decided to manage the bodies.

Before boarding the limo, Cael gave a jewel to the guard and said "After cleaning up, destroy the gem it will cancel the bounded field"

After entering the limo, he heard praises once more "I underestimated you a lot. You are extremely skilled. Please, I need your help"

"You sound extremely desperate, what happened? And what kind of help do you exactly need?"

"The situation is worse. Let me get straight to the point. My actual name is Obera Gniwrevlis, Gniwrevlis family is a prestigious family that deals with otherworldly events"

Obera explained her family's purpose and their current situation.

The Gniwrevlis family is like a mini Chaldea. They secretly protect humanity by observing the world in real-time and interfering with events. They are an extremely powerful family to the point that even the clock tower is unaware of them, only Atlas knows about them and even there, the Gniwrevlis family is known by top executives.

They don't operate like Chaldea though, they are strong by themselves and don't depend on the shared power of heroic spirits.

After learning this, Cael gained a positive impression of them.

'Not bad, people like these are respectable. They aren't weak either'

"The battle of inheritance started a few years back but things came to a standstill when the Rashamon gate started showing signs of cracking open"

"Rashamon gate?"

"It's the gate to 'negative world'. A negative world is another world where instead of humans, other beings developed. They don't pose much threat and won't interact with our reality for some reason. But, we observe them in a just case scenario"

'A gateway to another world? That will be the second place to travel if I want to go to another world then'

Cael knew that there is a way to another world in Bermuda Triangle, Touko traveled there in canon.

He didn't know any other ways. So, this came as a surprise for him.

"Is it in Japan?"

"Yes but that's just the start of troubles" Obera explained.