Ch 40

Obera Gniwrevlis continued "My brother is my competition. He's much more capable than me but If I inherited the family, it doesn't matter. I don't understand why but in our investigation, we found that he opened other gates to Negative worlds, what he did will destroy the world as we know"

"Is your brother a born psychopath or has he shown any symptoms of sociopathy?" Cael asked seriously.

"No, he's anything but Psychopath. He mostly keeps it to himself but he's kind or he used to be. Recently something changed and here we are, he opened 3 gates to negative worlds and the world is on the brink of destruction"

Obera's answer intrigued Cael, the world ending isn't surprising but 'The World will end in 2016 and this year is 2010. There are 6 more years. So, This crisis will be solved by then but I can't take a chance if the problem is not solved. This world will just be erased from the proper history, well it is already going to be erased anyway but I still have something to do'

"Alright, So, what's your plan?" Cael asked directly.

"Wait, you are in?"

"Of course, I'm in. You belong to a family that has precious knowledge, I don't demand Classified info but I'm sure, you will promise me the general knowledge you have. As a magus that's all I need and I'm sure you know it"

"Are you a psychic? That's exactly what I have in mind" Obera exclaimed but she's happy because Cael is the easiest to recruit.

Obera explained the plan and then said "There are still 3 more people, One is a witch, An elite from Atlas, and a Freelancer. We will start our mission next month. Come to the coordinates I gave you"

"Why 1 month though?"

"That's part of the mystery but use this time to prepare yourself" After giving her final instructions, She dropped him in the kids' apartment he's staying in.

'I have to create teleporting magecraft, it could come in clutch instead of using my reality marble' Cael thought. As he already has 'Teleportation', he could easily imitate the process and convert it into a magecraft.

He teleported back to his cottage and It took him a day but he achieved it.

A portal opened up in front of him with square-like edges.

"Efreet, is it safe for me to meet a high-wind spirit?"

"Yes, Cael. Fengshi is generally calm and collected"

" how come wind's spirit's name is different from others?"

"A spirit's name is engraved depending upon the place of birth and history surrounding them. Fengshi is the spirit of the East, even I have my Eastern counterpart but I don't know where it exists"

'Probably a spirit from the reverse side of the world or in a parallel world'.

"Alright, Let's go" Cael entered through the portal, after he passed through it. The portal closed itself.

As he knows the name of the high wind spirit. Cael began to use his divination and began to find clues regarding its place of staying.

Currently, he's in the mountains but the location of wind spirit is in

"heavens? How does that make sense? Does it mean I should look in the sky?"

With confusion, Cael used his clairvoyance and found the gathering of wind spirits in an area in the sky.

He used his mantle of invisibility and flew in the sky towards the spirits.

'I can sense the spirit is here and it is actively trying to be invisible from me' Deciding that, it is a waste of time to look for it. He asked directly "Hey, High-wind spirit. I know you are there and I'm sure you know what I want. Of course, I don't expect anything for free, I will do whatever you want in return"

It appeared in front of him and its appearance surprised him due to its combination of mythical and human creature. Unlike other high-spirits which are small in size, this spirit is 6 foot tall.

"Human, I don't expect anything from you and I won't demand anything from you. However, I would like to know the reason behind your acquisition of the elemental stones. Elemental stones contain our power hence, dealing with them is dealing with us"

'Considering this is a Chinese-based spirit, a place famous for its spiritualist type magecraft. I should give an answer that sounds philosophical' He thought and said one word.


".... Human of Age of man, you have the power to change the direction of the world, I hope you change paths and help humanity in reaching the stars"

'If I did that, the Mages association will kill me and my soul will be a slave to humanity and the planet. No thanks' Cael thought hearing the words of Fensghi. He didn't understand the notion of helping others unless it profits him.

It's not like this is a normal world where helping others doesn't change anything.

In this world, every action has a consequence. Helping others on a grand scale means ascending into heroic spirit status. Becoming a heroic spirit means eternally being a slave to this planet and humanity, which Cael hates more than anything.

"My apologies, my goal is gaining independence from the shackles. Not chaining myself to humanity or this planet"

"It is regrettable but I respect your decision"

The wind spirit vanished, and in its place, an elemental stone appeared.

"The collection is complete. Now, for the ritual"

Cael teleported to his cottage. After entering it, he ordered his homunculus.

"Alpha, have you found the coordinates for the leylines?"

A projection of Alpha appeared and said "Yes, master. There is a powerful leyline flowing through Arabian countries. Please choose a country"

"Arabian countries? Okay, check the coordinates in Iraq"

"Yes, the coordinates are of a place called Yabir in Iraq"

"What about the embryo of grail?"

"It's nearly completed, master. Estimated Time of Completion 17 days"

"Alright, observe the grail for any anomalies. It's a sentient object and a pain in the ass"


Cael opened a portal to Yabir and did the preparations for the ritual arranging the magic circles and bounded field on the leyline for 4 Elemental ritual.

After seventeen days, the embryo of the Grail is complete.

He took the grail embryo and the elemental stones to Iraq with the portal and ordered Efreet and Nixie to guard the place just to be safe.

First, Cael focused on the grail. He planted the grail and connected it to the leylines and began the chanting.

"Grail of ancient power,

vessel of sacred might,

I call upon thy essence,

shining in purest light.

From realms beyond,

I summon thee, Mystic union,

blessed key.

In this sacred quest,

Grant me wisdom,

blessings anew.

Unveil secrets, transcend time.

Through grace and purity,

I seek the way,

Guide me on this mystical pathway.

In union with the ancient lore,

The Holy Grail, forevermore"

The Grail went into a reactive state and matured with all the energy it got from the Leyline.

The Holy Grail is just a 'mass of pure mana', it is shapeless unless it is given form.

Cael shaped the Holy Grail into a cup giving it physical form. A Golden cup manifested in front of him.

However, he didn't plan on using it for now.

At least that's what he planned initially.

"I can sense aspects like Fate and certainty. It is only a matter of time before we interact so, why don't you do it now?" Cael directly warned, as his mystic eyes are fueled by mystery which grows with time, he could easily sense fate and other unseen aspects of reality.

The Golden grail glowed, and a string of words entered his mind. This is a form of communication the Holy grail used to chat with Cael.

"Cael Arsya, I request a contract between us"




After chatting for a while, Cael stored the Grail inside his reality marble.


"....that f-u-c-K-I-N-G GRAIL!!!!!"

Cael shouted and vented his anger on the land.

After some time, he calmed down.

"Sigh~, I should get done with the ritual"

Cael started placing the Elemental stones on four corners corresponding to different cardinal directions on the ritual circle.

He then started chanting, beginning the ritual.

"By the flickering flames and gentle flow, By waters deep, with currents that bestow, By the winds that dance and swiftly blow, By the steadfast earth, from which life does grow.

In the East, where the sun's first rays appear, I call upon the element of Air so clear. Grant me clarity and wisdom, I beseech, Serenity of mind, emotions within reach.

In the South, where the fire burns so bright, I call upon the element of Fire's might. Ignite my passions, but temper their flame, Grant me control over anger's claim.

In the West, where the waves crash and swell, I call upon the element of Water's spell. Calm the storms that rage within my heart, Grant me peace and healing, a fresh new start.

In the North, where the earth stands firm and strong, I call upon the element of Earth's lasting song. Ground my emotions, bring stability and grace, Let me find solace in a balanced inner space.

By the power of these elements combined, I claim control over emotions, heart, and mind. With this ritual chant, my will is set free, I am the master of my own destiny.

By fire, water, air, and earth, I stand, Emotions under my command. So mote it be, this ritual complete, I embrace my power, in harmony we meet."

The elemental stones burnt away as a concentrated thick light formed In the middle of the ritual circle.

An empty aura formed around him.

The light in the center of the ritual circle shot itself toward Cael and filled the empty aura.

At the same time, Cael felt all his emotions in his control and he can even bring them out physically.

At that instant, reality distorted as an empty area formed In the place of light on the ritual circle.

Cael's eyes widened because he could see the root from the hole in the real world.

"I finally did it!!"

Cael shouted in ecstasy however that moment is short-lived.

"I̸̘͙̤͉͍̭̺͗̾̿̄ͅͅ ̶̢̡̧̧̠̘̯̹̻̜͚̼͚̄̇̀̄̆̉̎͐͐̚w̷̡̲̻͈̜̼͕̩̟̱̻̎͑͐̉̂̋͂̚͜͝͝ờ̶̗͙̰̦̰̖̫̬̺̃̅͠ǹ̷̛̪̓̂͝'̷̨̡̢̨̡͈̠̗̻̭̭̻̥̟̈́̅͆͛̈͗͘͠ẗ̶̨̨͇̘̞̙̝̠̦̖̪̀̍̉͐̌̇͝ ̷̗̘̻̳̣̪͈͇͌̍̏̈́͌̍̾̀̏͊̚a̴̮͚̥͇͔̯̱̤̻̱̒̍̎̌͒l̴͈̱͇̻̺̙̀̀͜l̶̨̡̛̗͕͇̺͇̞͉̘̯̏̑̿̀͊̅̓͛̊͜͝ö̷̡̧̤̲͇̼́͜w̴̫̭͈̗̼̼̰̥̑̑̀̃̿̈́̋ ̴̣͙͉̲͔̀͑͜͝í̵̡̛̬̝̟̖̺̈͒̇͂̈́͊͠͠͝t̶̨̖͆̐͑̈́̈́̓̏"

"Counterforce?, I f*cked up"

A strong pressure descended on him.