Ch 54

After sealing away the Gate in Peru. The trio began their journey to the Atlantic Ocean.

"What is the status of the other Gate?" Obera asked through her phone.

"It's almost done, we encountered some obstacles but we took care of it" The Alchemist from Atlas reported.

Obera immediately ordered "Good, after sealing it. Immediately rush to the Atlantic Ocean, we don't have much time. There is still too much we don't know"

The Trio is currently on a private jet of the Gnigrevlis family.

Obera asked Christian "Do you have any magecraft spells for flying?"

"My wings won't let me fly but I can survive falling from heights, even if it's from this height" Christian opened a pair of white wings.

"Good, that's enough"

"With the air currents in the Ocean, the jet won't be traveling far and after reaching a turbulent area, the plane will crash. Are you asking because of that?" Christian warned Obera.

"I'm aware and that's the plan. I am actively searching for my brother as we speak, Once I find him. We will be jumping from the jet, I and Gresel can fly but I was not sure about you. Now, I can rest free"

Christian asked "So, the pilots will-"

"Die. Yes, those who serve us are people who are ready for death before they even want to live. So, their lives won't matter as long as they serve their purpose"

She finally found the presence of her brother. The trio jumped down.

Christian opened his wings and waited as he fell.

Once he is just above the cruise, he activated spatial lock, stopping his momentum.

Obera and Gresel flew with their magecrafts.

The three of them saw a blonde man standing looking at them with amusement.

"Morris, you have to stop this madness. We are supposed to protect the world, not ruin it"

Obera shouted brandishing her buster sword.

"I don't care about this chit-chat, I have things to do. So, stop wasting my time and get away from here. I will allow it" Morris answered in a cool-headed manner.

Christian didn't react to the situation in any way. On the other hand, Gresel is confused as heck.

"Why are you sending assassins after your sister?" She asked Morris.

Morris didn't answer her and tried to leave but before he could do that, Obera blitzed at him and shouted "No, I won't let you get away"

But, the next second the location changed.

Inside one of the rooms on the cruise, Obera struck the wall with her sword.

"tch*, that bastard escaped"

In another room somewhere on the cruise, Gresel manifested. Looking around the thick iron-like walls and rising temperatures surrounding her. Gresel mumbled "He did his homework"

Christian appeared on the bottom-most layer of the cruise.

He still remembered the day when he gained the information about Atlantis being an important location for some reason during the 4th holy grail.

He didn't think much about it then, but now he understood the significance of it.

On the deck, Morris began chanting incantations.

The whirlpool began to surge, many symbols began to float in front of it.

All the bodyguards in the ship, turned into dust as their souls began to power the symbols.

The whirlpool increased its size rapidly as a water hole touching the bottom of the ocean appeared.

Below it is the land, however. It is like a hole where there is 'nothing'. Not even atomic particles are present there.

A portal opened up on the deck behind Morris, who sensing a presence turned around to see Cael.

"Ah~, Isn't it the potential future magician," Morris said smugly.

"Is that Sarcasm?"

"Your acting and abilities amaze me. No magecraft can manipulate Space, whether your space-locking magecraft Nor, the magecraft to open a portal. They are especially impossible for a magus who was born recently. Why don't we just stop pretending? this cruise is a reality marble. So, it's safe to reveal your identity"

Christian sighed, he revealed his true identity giving up his fake identity. Morris is also speaking the truth about the cruise being a reality marble.

" Since things have come to this, I will do this out of respect for you. Seriously, I didn't think my path to root was helping me achieve such great feats in magecraft until recently.

So, I will proudly introduce myself, I'm the beauty magus, Cael Arsya"

After he gained the eye of enlightenment,  Cael realized his magecraft got a huge boost thanks to the path and his closeness to root, allowing him to do impossible magecrafts. He's getting closer to Root and soon, he will become fully realized.

Morris with a smile said "And I couldn't care less about it, can't you see? I'm ending the world"

"Don't you think it's hypocritical to ask me to stop pretending while you are pretending?"

Morris scrunched his eyebrows and said with a threatening tone "What are you on about?"

Cael smirked at Morris and began narrating.

"In 1979, a mysterious hole, in reality, appeared, noticeable only to you with your unique mystic eyes. Despite your efforts to alert others, they couldn't perceive or remember it.

Your sister's encounter with a convergence point in 2000 connected to the hole made you realize its source. In 2004, a human soul passed through, creating another convergence point and continuing the threat even after its death. To save the world, you researched a plan to fill the hole using the negative world, preventing further destruction caused by the invaders."

Morris is first shocked to hear the truth. He tried to convey the news to everyone about the threat but he couldn't do it by any means. He doubted he was going insane because even counterforce didn't correct the so-called tear in reality.

But the creation of new convergence points only made him realize he is right, the hole is indeed a threat to reality.

But no being could comprehend it or even sense the hole in the entire reality except him.

That is until now. There he is, the beauty magus laying out the truth in front of him that he is also capable of understanding the truth.

"Just, who are you?" He asked as he clenched his fist.

'I'm the cause of that hole but I won't say it out loud' Cael thought.

He realized he was the cause of most major events in his life as a consequence of his reincarnation.

Whether on the reverse side or here, Haleth or Morris, they are the effect of his cause.

So, he didn't mind correcting these mistakes. After all, he can't expect the Eternity God to look after him like he did with Zelretch and Alaya.

He has to clear his ties with the world, he's scared that fate will tie him to this world if his presence causes major events in the world, especially in the age of man. He should stop these events and erase his presence.

"That doesn't concern you. What matters now is, we fill the hole with the negative world. After all, you want to uphold your family tradition right?"  Cael summoned his staff.

"Why does it matter to you and even if you know all this, why should I need your help?"

"Good question. Do you know your plan has a 'hole' in it? That was an unintentional pun. Anyway for your plan to succeed, you need to anchor the negative world to reality while filling the hole. The ritual you are doing won't cut it, at most it will summon the third negative world here"