Ch 55

Morris gave up on his plan since such an accomplished magus in front of him can detect a flaw, it might not be wrong. So, he swallowed his emotions and asked "What do you suggest then?"

However, no matter how much of a mistake it is, Cael can't do anything without expecting something in return.

"I didn't say why though?"

Morris as if he was expecting it said, "Stop beating around the bush and tell me what do you want to stop this madness?"

"What kind of knowledge do you have on other worlds? I'm not asking about Earth or the reverse side but something more than that."

"Going to other worlds outside of Earth is impossible unless you are a higher-tier being. There will be consequences for such actions. So, even the knowledge of it will be erased by counter force but, I can give you details of Imaginary worlds like these negative worlds" Morris answered with his knowledge.

'Ah, so that's why Touko's presence just vanished when she tried to go to another world in Bermuda and was spawned back on Earth. Looks like that contract is the only salvation I have now '

"Alright, then. Can I take this cruise ship? Mobile reality marbles are impossible to get. What do you say?"

"Subsequently,  if I found out you lied. I will kill you one way or another" Morris agreed to the negotiations.

The duo began the work. Cael created an ethereal world in the 'hole'.

Morris began summoning the third negative world.

It anchored itself in the 'hole' filling the Gap as it merged with the ethereal world.

"Acque divine, fiumi e mari, Inondate qui, riempiendo ogni varco a pari."

With Morris's spell completion. The Ocean returned to normal.

"That went well. So, since you are going to die now, how do you feel?"  Cael asked Morris.

"I'm not surprised that you know about it. Can you just promise me that you take away my sister from this ocean to Italy? I placed some high-level traps, she will be in bad shape"

Morris's body began to turn into particles as his body began to vanish from existence. 

"I can do that. I will also let her know that her brother is an idiot that sacrificed his life for his family's pride"

"That's called duty, Pretender"

Morris's soul returned to the root.

'A spell that summons multiple worlds exhausting his soul and body to their limits, just to protect this world. He's lucky, this deed is not noticed by humanity, or he would have hell to face'

Cael felt the mobile reality marble transferred to him as a small Helm trinket conjured in his hand. It is the authority over this reality marble. As long as he has it, he can control this mobile reality marble.

He shapeshifted into Christian

"Neat" He placed it in his reality marble along with his Staff and deactivated the mobile reality marble.

The cruise vanished from the waters.

Christian, Obera, and Gresel floated on the ocean.

"You look terrible" Christian commented seeing burnt Gresel and Obera has cuts all over her body.

"Christian, this is no time for your sarcasm. We need to stop my brother" Obera shouted. She tried to fly but she was too tired, and the salt water is burning her cuts are not helping either.

"Obera, I have good and bad news" Christian replied, he threw her a spherical crystal and said "That's the record of what happened while we are trapped"

Meanwhile, Gresel created a Gingerbread boat fit for three. Christian transmuted it into a wooden one.

"You can do that?" Gresel exclaimed.

"I'm a good Alchemist" he downplayed it. He's too tired of these events and couldn't care about anything now.

Obera on the other hand is watching the 'modified' events of what is happening in the crystal ball.

He made it look like Morris saving the world at the cost of his life, which is true.

But the rest of it is a modified event. He made it such that, the viewers will see his version of truth.

A guard asked why Morris is doing everything after they have been teleported to different parts of the cruise and he explained that he foresaw the rise of Atlantis but no one could see it other than him due to his mystic eyes. Hence, he has to make a choice and do this himself.

He can stop the rise by summoning the negative world in place of Atlantis and sealing it forever. The two negative worlds are used as decoys for others to chase while he completed the task at the cost of his life and the guards' life.

Christian wanted to add a dramatic, 'I'm doing everything is for my sister' dialogue but found it too cheesy and the recording will become suspicious. So, he ended the recording with the silent death of Morris.

Obera teared up. Gresel also watched the recording and said

"That clears a lot of things. I noticed your brother's bond and affection for you when we were on the deck. It confused me that he loves you more than anything but at the same time decided to send assassins after you. When I asked him, he didn't answer but I can tell he cares for you behind that facade"

Obera stayed quiet till the whole trip, while Gresel communicated with the rest of the Mages from Tanzania and told them the series of events.

Christian, Gresel, and Obera returned to Italy. Gresel left while Christian stayed behind in the quarters of the Gwinrevlis family.

They wanted to make sure He was telling the truth and tried to read his mind with various techniques.

But, they found nothing. All Christian did was stay at the bottom of the cruise and use the Crystal ball to observe the events on the deck.

After the fiasco, He returned to his temporary stay in Scotland.

He transformed back into his original form and knocked on the door.

When José and Maria opened the door, he exclaimed "Happy New Year kids!"

After he spent his time with Maria and José on new year's partying by going on a long drive in a convertible and eating whatever they like in restaurants throughout the night. He sent Beta to his reality marble.

Once the kids went to sleep in the afternoon. Cael returned to the Arctic, where his nuclear reactor is present.

"I have over-prepared this time"

However, Cael didn't regret it. He transferred the bounded field along with the rest of the homunculi working there into his reality marble and returned to Scotland.

"Now, what to do?"

He has nothing to do for a while, he's free.

José is cured. Teaching Maria is too easy.

Seeing a Raven standing on a perch with its pitch Black eyes, he smiled.

"Would you look at that? This reminds me of something"