Chapter 7

For several weeks Aiden had tried accepting the fact that he wasn't getting the company.

But he didn't know wheather his grandfather was trying to pressure him to marriage or that it was just his imagination,but a few things were changing around him.People were getting more daring and going against him.

Some clients would refuse to work with him and requested to directly speak with his father or grandfather instead,some even trusted that bastard brother-in-law more.

Seeing this loss of trust,Aiden needed something to get himself back in track.A very important project with the participation of other branches in other countries and the meeting was taking place in just a few days.If he managed to finish this project successfully then maybe there was still a chance for him to get the position.


"The flight leaves in 11 o'clock.I'll be picking you up in the morning in 8 o'clock.Don't be late."her brother told her as he was checking the file in his hand.

"8 o'clock.Got it."

"Make sure you really got it.We don't want to be late." Ivan would still tell his sister a few times,he knew how bad she was with mornings and how she would struggle to get up on time.

"You really have no faith in me." Amelie sighed dejectedly.

"If I had no faith in you we wouldn't be working together,but punctuality isn't your strongest point."

"True."Amelie couldn't help,but admit.She remember how she would always get to work all sweaty since she would run to get there on time.During her university days,she would always be late and awkwardly walk to her seat in a room full of students and the professor speaking while everybody stared at her.She probably got some nickname back then.

That night,Amelie prepared her luggage.For this project she would need to stay a few months out of state.She had at first been worried that this would make it harder for her company,but if she managed to succeed she would get a good reputation that would help her business in the future.Plus she could always fly back do fix things that Dennis couldn't handle.It would only be a 2 hour flight at max.

The next day she ran at outside at her brothers car,he obviously looked very pissed.

"I told you in 8 o'clock!"

"It's just 8:14!"

"We'll be late at this rate!"

"I'm coming!I'm coming!" Then she sighed to her parents "What's with this son of yours?" She hugged them tightly and kissed them goodbye.

Her mother was crying.She had never been used with her leaving the house for so long.

"Don't worry,mom!I'll be back in no time!"

"Fine,fine!" Her mother sniffed "Don't forget to call often!"

"Everyday,I will."she gave another hug.After her brother also greeted his parents,they both got in the car and headed for the airport.

Meanwhile in a certain country.

"The teams will be arriving today,right?"

"Yes,the last team that will be arriving will be that of A country.They'll be shown to their facilities to settle in for the project.The building isn't that far from the offices.Just about a 20 minute walk."

"Good." Aiden nodded.He then took a sip of his coffee.If this project went smoothly under his supervision then the people would recognise his abilities and wouldn't doubt him anymore.

After a few hours,Amelie and her brother were shown the accommodations they would be staying.Luckly for Amelie she had been an extra member and coincidently didn't have to share a room with anyone else.She had dreaded of what to do with the people she would be sharing a room with,since she had never shared a room with strangers before.She barely knew her brother's coworkers and her shy, detached combo of a personality didn't help.The universe had been spoiling her a lot lately.

Amelie threw herself on the big bed and immediately fell asleep.Trips be it by any means of transportation always made her drowsy.

By the time she woke up it was already dark.She rubbed her eyes with drowsiness and opened her mouth checking the time.She had slept for like 5 hours.Amelie stared at the time showing 20:34 and sighed in relief.She hadn't missed dinner with the others at least,but she had most certainly lost her face,since they had all planned to visit a few tourist attractions today.

Amelie got up to get ready hurriedly after a lot of struggle and texted her brother for where to meet.She glanced at her unpacked luggages and decided to do it later after dinner.

The next day.

Amelie touched her makeup after dressing up and checked the time wheather she was late.She couldn't act as she wanted now since not only wasn't she the boss,she was also under her brother's supervision.

After twirling and looking at herself in the mirror,Amelie nodded satisfyingly.Took her backpack that contained her laptop and made her way outside.

The meeting they would have was related to the project they would be participating these few months where her brother was their team leader,but this time they would be meeting the other teams and also the real head behind the project.

The main office wasn't that far from their accommodations,but the company people decided to be generous and drive them there.Since she wasn't wearing any heels she seemed even shorter than she already was.Amelie sighed when she stood next to the mostly 6' locals.This place was a short persons nightmare.

After a 10 minute drive they were finally in front of the huge glass building.They entered the building and were guided by three people.First they would be taking a tour to learn more about the place they were working and later they would be attending the meeting with the head of the project.

It wasn't the first time that Amelie had been in a business trip outside her country,but this project was a very important.She couldn't help be a nervous and worried,but also excited.What ever will happen,she would most certainly take it head on.She wasn't someone who went down easily.