
Chapter 8

Their team entered the meeting room and started greeting everyone around.Soon everyone were assigned their seats and now they were waiting for the head of the project.

Some started chatting with eachother and asking general questions.Amelie also kept a business smile and would answer the questions that came at her

After waiting for about 15 minutes the door opened and two men and a lady came inside,but the outstanding apperance of the man in the middle made both of them fade into the background.

His tall and sturdy figure,his silky,black hair,his sharp and refined features.No flaw could be seen on him.

The look on his eyes was serious and when he smiled it instantly became charming,but at the same time intriguing.This man wasn't someone you could take easy despite his young and handsome apperance.

Amelie was also in the room looking at him and for a moment she froze.It was as if somebody had ripped a page from one of her romance books.She couldn't help,but remember that cringy novel she had written when she was in her teens.The male leads description fit him to the tee.

This guy was,this guy was.....this guy was just her type. Apperance wise at least.

But your type is anyone rich and handsome,a voice echoed in her mind.Oh,just shut up!Amelie told off the voice inside her head.

As much impressed as she was,Amelie had actually just cast a glance that immediately shifted to the other people.It wasn't the first time she had seen a good-looking person,plus she was surrounded by good-looking people her whole life.She was able to get back to normal in just a millisecond.

But she hadn't been the only one who had been eyeing people.Aiden who had also just entered was looking at everyone inside.

He cast a glance at each person and for a moment his gaze stopped at one person.

The girl looked young and fresh.Her long straight hair were ginger,contrasting the loose and nitted black vest that she was wearing.The white shirt was under it was also loose,but its sleeves were rolled up a bit revealing delicate looking and thin wrists.

Her eyebrows were long and slightly raised,her nose looked cute and her lips were plump and cupid bow shaped,stained with a cherry lipstick.But what drew him more were her big doe eyes.Her iris was a cold shade of brown,surrounded by a black ring,making them look even bigger.Her eyelids were surrounded by black long lashes,looking like a natural eyeliner.

Her small round face,her pale completion,against her cherry pink lips,made her appearance appear even more delicate,but the aura she had and the look in her eyes didn't match her cute appearance at all.Though she was smiling her eyes looked slightly detached.She didn't seem like a normal young girl.

The girl made eye contact and for a moment her eyes changed,her pupils dilated and time seemed to slow down.

What was that?Aiden immediately snapped out of it and started to greet the guests.

The eye interaction lasted for just a few seconds so no one noticed anything weird.

Aiden was shaking everybody's hand and now it was Amelie's turn.

Amelie smiled and her eyes curved slightly and shaked his reached out hand.Aiden's smile immediately became stiff when her cold palm touched his hot one.For a moment that part of his hand cooled down,but in just a few seconds it burned even hotter.

Aiden thought he was the only one weird,but the girl who had made him feel like this ,wasn't far from him.When she had touched his hand,she slightly flinched since she didn't usually greet people she didn't know and would usually just politely nod.Amelie wanted to involuntarily flinch when their hands touched,but barely controlled it and managed to look normal and unfazed.But only God and Amelie knew that that palm was a hot as if it had caught fire at the moment.

Amelie wanted to groan from annoyance.Not only did it bother her that she was getting all jittery with no real reason,her always cold hand was hotter than her face right now.She hated that.Now she had to hold a cold bottle until it cooled again.

After the greetings.The meeting started.Aiden began to present the objectives of this meeting himself and gave again a brief presentation of the project they were dealing.He didn't dawdle much since everybody was already more than familiar with the project and started with the work they needed to do.

His deep and magnetic voice was soothing and charming.Amelie had never heard a man in real life with a voice like that.He was perfect for audiobooks.

After Aiden finished,the meeting room was soon filled with discussions.

Her brother and her were very active listeners and would also be giving opinions quite often,making themselves very noticeable.Since this team was from a branch in a small country,not many had taken the seriously,but soon their opinions changed.

That was why her brother often took her when they would choose a freelancer.They always worked great,making an invincible team.It had been so since Amelie was a kid,even though their age gap was slightly big,they still managed to coordinate themselves and work well together.

During childhood was for games and errands,now it was for work.

Aiden was listening intently as Amelie spoke.Her accent was perfect,while her voice was soft and low.Aiden requested a few times for her to speak more loudly since what she was saying was pretty interesting.But he didn't know if the more interesting thing was the voice or the content.

Her brother would also add a few things from time to time.

During this Aiden spoke to his secretary.

"These are the people from the branch in country A,right?Who were they again?"

The secretary had already done a background check on everyone there so he knew how to answer

"The man is Ivan Shua and the woman is Amelie Shua."

Hearing the same surname from both,Aiden turned his head to his secretary confused.

"I don't know why they share the same surname sir,but they must be related.Mr.Ivan is the leader of the team from A country,he works as the head of the project engineers in our branch in A country.His CV is pretty rich and he has worked with dozens of companies and been promoted in them many times until he was scouted by ours 4 years ago.Many of our people have praised him and his performance seems to be outstanding.As for Miss Amelie,she was recommended by Mr.Ivan and hired as a freelancer temporarily to participate in this project,I have also heard that she has just started stabilising her once online company and gotten their offices just recently.Lately they have been working with some prestigious projects in A country."

"Her own company?She seems pretty young."

"She does seem pretty young sir,but she's almost your age,though a bit younger."

Aiden was a bit surprised ,but understood.To be here she needed to at least be 24,though she looked way younger,he wouldn't be surprised if somebody told him she was a new intern.

The meeting ended smoothly and Ivan and Amelie had unknowingly earned themselves a lot of gold stars.After finishing successfully and getting out,they both high-fived eachother just like they did when winning a game when they were younger.

(The words in "[ ]" are spoken in another language,in this case Ivan and Amelie are speaking to eachother with their mother tongue)

"[Excellent work engineer(masculine)Shua!]"

"[Couldn't have done it without you engineer (feminine) Shua!]"