
Chapter 9

The same night of the meeting,Aiden had organised an event for the project members in a high-end restaurant.

Amelie looked at the clothes she had packed and couldn't decide what to wear.She wanted to wear something that looked good,but wasn't too attention-seeking.Something that gave her a trusting and sophisticated vibe, but also comfortable.

Amelie groaned.Now she just didn't wanna go.

After many and many considerations she finally chose a black dress with tieable straps.Wearing the dress only,Amelie thought it would be a bit inappropriate since it was a dinner with unfamiliar coworkers and the weather didn't match for it yet,so she wore a victorian white shirt she had.

It looked good,but for a moment she thought it would look a bit too immature for her age.But checking the time she didn't have much time to dilly-dally any more.She just kept it.Put on her make up,brushed her already straightened hair and twirled in the mirror.

She put on a black headband and a pair of pearl earrings,but still wasn't satisfied.

Her brother was already calling her so she just gave herself an unsatisfied look in the mirror and headed outside.It was better for her to not just see her reflection today.

Her brother impatiently waited for her outside the building and scolded for a while and she just rolled her eyes.

They were already early.If it weren't for their similar faces and similar personalities she would wonder how she who would always come last minute and he who was soo time obsessed were related.

Both of them got in a cab with a few others and headed for the restaurant.

After greeting a few who were already there,they waited for the others.The last to come was the organiser of the event and also the most important one,Aiden.

This time they greeted each other normally and there wasn't as much tension as when their first met,but sometimes Amelie's eyes would drift at him.She didn't know if it was because of his face or just that different look in his eyes.She didn't know why,but she found it pretty alluring in more of a curiosity aspect.

Aiden would also glance at her from time to time.He didn't know why,but every single of her actions looked in slow motion compared to the others.He noticed how she would smile when talked to,but it seemed shy and stiff,but when the guy she shared a surname with talked to her.She immediately changed and her movements would be more carefree and her smile more genuine.

He didn't if she noticed him staring too long,but she also looked at him and her eyes changed and she immediately avoided her gaze like nothing happened.

If Amelie was confused with herself,Aiden was having a whole identity crisis,because he didn't know why he was so blatantly and rudely looking at a girl as if he hadn't seen one in his whole life.He didn't know why she drew him so much.

Finally he decided to not look at her anymore for the rest of the evening and stood loyal to that thought.

The evening became more lively after everyone had a few glasses of wine.Aiden had also drank a bit,the air inside felt hot so he went outside to freshen a bit and also smoke a cigarette.

He went outside the big balcony and put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it up.Still feeling hot,he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar,puffed the smoke out and took a breath.The light wind felt especially good right now.

He had sweated a bit and his skin glowed under the soft lights of the balcony.Since he had rented the whole restaurant tonight,no one was outside having dinner,so he could relax alone.

He looked at the city that was lit under him and puffed the smoke he occasionally inhaled.

He then looked at his surroundings and froze.

The girl was under the warm light looking even more charming.Her cheeks were a bit rosy and immediately stood out since her complexion was always evenly pale.Her long hair drifted gently with the wind her eyes seemed even more glossy, reflecting all the light around.They were like a universe full of galaxies.

The girl seemed a bit flustered as if she didn't know if she should approach him or not.

Aiden had been right for the last bit.Amelie had gotten outside for a bit of fresh air since she felt that the place was too stuffy.She couldn't have a proper conversation with anyone,but her brother and she couldn't just stick to him like glue all night,so she went outside to get some air.

Admiring the night view,she noticed that the door had opened and someone had come out.

Amelie had turned her head and saw how the man was loosening his tie,heading for the railing with a cigarette in his mouth,leaving her stunned for a bit.

His sweat glistening against the restaurant lights.His profile as he looked down at the city lights.The cigarette that touched his red lips and his casual posture as he smoked.She couldn't help,but stare for a bit.

Her book fan self couldn't help,but admire.After a few seconds of admiration, her face immediately changed to panic.

She didn't know what the hell to do!!!

Should she approach and greet him?But they weren't that close exactly.But he was technically her temporary boss,so she should go and greet him.Amelie looked at him again.Aiden was still immersed in his thoughts and looking at the city view.

But now he looked like he shouldn't be bothered,so when would be the right time to approach him?And if she approached him,she would then be forced to have a conversation.

Amelie was almost having a meltdown.No matter how much he looked like her dream guy,her feelings of wanting to avoid any social situation came first.

Then a great idea came.What if she pretended that she was about to go inside,greet him and immediately leave?That should work.

Taking a deep breath she took a step forward and immediately turned back.

No way she would walk up and say hi!She wasn't mentally prepared!

After more considerations she decided to just hide and make her presence as unnoticeable as possible and wait for him to leave with the hope of not being seen by him,but that last one was invincibly crushed by Aiden who happened to turn his head in her direction.

He then walked towards her and smiled,taking the first step.Suddenly a tall shadow fell on her.Because of their height difference,her vision was blocked by his chest.She raised her eyes to look at him properly,but they stopped on the messy tie and unbuttoned collar.She then immediately raised her eyes properly, making eye-contact with him.

"You are Miss Amelie,right?We haven't introduced ourselves properly,Aiden Yoxal,pleased to meet you!"He then reached out his hand.

Amelie was surprised and stammered for a bit.

"A-Amelie Shua,pleased to meet you too!"

She was a bit surprised that he had learned her name,but she had had many situations like this in her life so it wasn't something weird.

"Are you enjoying X city?"

He really wanted a conversation.Amelie's brain was in full usage mode,trying to think of the right things to say and also in a different language,so this conversation was 10 times more stressful.

"Yes,it's quite lovely here.I'm planning to see more of it the next few days.The sights are amazing."Amelie smiled,but she didn't know if her expression was on point.

She had basically seen nothing until now,since she spent the first day here sleeping.

"If I had to recommend a few spots it would be blah,blah,blah"Aiden was very talkative and carried the conversation on his own,so Amelie who was listening didn't feel too awkward.After a bit she felt more comfortable and she also became more active in the conversation.The topics started changing and soon both of them found themselves sitting down at one of the tables chatting to happily.

Time had passed and soon the door of the balcony opened and Aiden's secretary came outside.

"Here you are sir,should we wrap up the evening now?"

Aiden checked the time and saw how it was quite late.He asked if the people were still there and his secretary said that some had left before and some had started to get bored.

For a moment he felt a sense of loss.He couldn't even make an excuse to stay.But noticing how despite her energetic smile,Amelie's eyes seemed a bit tired,he decided to retreat for the night.

It was only after they said goodbye to eachother that Aiden realised what he had done.

Was he drunk?Did he drink that much tonight?That wine he drank was barely anything so there was no way he drank too much or was he just getting old?

But remembering the girls eyes that shined when she talked,he thought that it wasn't so bad after all.But still Aiden felt it was a bit weird that he was drawn to her so much.He had met other women before,but never felt this way.Never had this chemistry.It only took him to make an eyecontact with her and everything suddenly clicked.

He then remembered the things his grandfather had told him about family.Maybe that thing wasn't so impossible.Maybe he just hadn't met the right person until now.