
Chapter 10

From the last few thoughts Aiden immediately felt horrified.It had only been a few hours since he first layed eyes on the girl and he immediately thought about marriage.He felt like slapping himself for a moment.

It must be the wine.It must definitely be the wine.I just hope it was the wine.

Aiden was murmuring to himself.

Seeing the weird expressions and mumbling from his boss,the secretary dropped the formalities and asked directly.They were outside work hours now so his friend wasn't his boss anymore.

"Aiden,are you okay?"

Aiden reflexively answered. "Good."

"You sure don't look like it."

Aiden just silently looked at the window.

Seeing his friend not responding,Dominick was annoyed.Then he was reminded of something.

"Or did that lady leave too much of an impression?Hmm?"he smirked.

Aiden was about to lose it with his own thoughts and hearing it loudly finally broke the last straw.

He didn't talk and just pushed him like an angry kid.

Dominick just laughed at his flustered friend and didn't back down.

"Was she that impressive?Now you can't stop thinking of her?If you're worried of her being too young for you then don't worry,it's just a 2 year age gap.It's perfect,so don't feel too guilty for hitting your shot."but Dominick immediately shut up when he saw the look in Aiden's eyes become dangerous.He didn't want his girlfriend to be spending the night in the hospital for him.


The next day.

The vibe had completely changed after the dinner party last night.Everybody had gotten familiar with eachother and weren't stiff anymore.But that wasn't the only reason things were different.Now they didn't have time to slack off and take it easy anymore.From now on they had to work hard and make everything turn into success.

The first few days were more laid back since they were still new here,but soon the once excitement died down and the place was filled with a heavy air of seriousness and hardwork.

Most of the time Aiden and Amelie didn't have much interaction besides the occasional meetings.Amelie would just stay in the area where her team was and barely move from there,sometimes she would be reminded of the handsome boss,but most of the time she would forget him since she had a lot of other things to do.

Aiden had also been busy with work to the point that he would be taking his work at home almost everyday.It was to the point that he had put the company leader thing on pause for a while.At this rate he would have also forgotten the beautiful girl that would laugh with him that night but because of Dominick's occasional teasing he would constantly be reminded of her. Involuntary he would be wondering what she was doing.

After getting fed up with a document,Aiden left the papers in his table in a mess and told Dominick that no one should enter until he returned.He then went to the rooftop for a smoke.Lately he had been smoking even more than often.There was a small window at his office so he would usually smoke there,but when he was too fed up with that place he would go to the rooftop.Just because he worked hard and was ambitious didn't mean he liked work.

He had made the rooftop a good place to rest and take a breather.He had requested for it to be turned into a garden and there were also stools where one could sit down and enjoy the place.

After pushing open the door.Aiden paused for a bit and then proceeded to walk quietly.There he saw the girl who had been haunting his thoughts lately taking pictures of the blooming flowers.

She was serious as she did so and after taking a few she was checking the pictures out.

Aiden was just behind her stretching his neck to see the results.She still hadn't noticed him.

"Amazing as always Ame!" she praised herself with a haughty expression.

"Amazing indeed." Hearing the deep magnetic voice just behind her Amelie immediately turned around.Her head slightly bumped his chin.Amelie took a step back and immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorry!Are you okay?"

Aiden wasn't hurt and just rubbed that part reflexively.

"No,no it's okay we barely touched!"he then immediately changed the topic to avoid the embarrassment."So, are you enjoying the garden?"

"Yeah,it's really pretty.It's a good place for a 5 minute break.The place is really soothing."

"That's what I had in mind when I recommended this place to my fa-higher ups."

"It's actually a really great idea!The place not only is beautiful,but also gets people closer to nature,plus it helps with the environment a bit."

It then got quiet.This time to his surprise,Amelie was the first to ask a question.

"So,are you here for a smoke break?"

"Yeah,I am.How did you know?"

"Some people come here to smoke and you were smoking that night to."

"Oh,I completely forgot about that.And are you also here for a smoke break?"

"No,I don't smoke.I just came here to take a breather and also drink something.A small break will help me to enhance my performance."

"I can totally understand.Breaks are very important for better performance.I was also fed up with those papers, that's why I came up here."

Aiden took out a cigarette and lit it up.Amelie finally noticed the rolled up sleeves reveling a pair of strong arms.Then she noticed the tattoo that continued from his wrist and up,the rest covered by the shirt.

"You have a tattoo?"

Aiden looked at his arm and smiled.

"Yes,I've had this for a pretty long time.How many years have been ?11?12?"

"That long?"

"Yeah,I got it when I was in high school.I had a rebellious phase which my parents weren't so fond of."

"Wow.To be honest,you look like someone who had a phase like that. Surprisingly, I don't find it that odd."

"That's the first time someone ever said that.Usually they say I look pretty uptight and disciplined so they don't associate the word rebellious with me."

"Huh.Maybe because I can slightly relate."

"You had a rebellious phase?" He looked at her,not believing Amelie at all.He emphasized the ' you'.

"I can't say about the rebellious phase,but more about the looking uptight and disciplined part."

"Oh Really?"

"Yeah."Amelie took a sip from her can of cold latte."They usually say I look too much of a rule follower and too organized.I'm actually quite the opposite."

"So Miss Amelie is a rule breaker."Aiden smirked and took a puff from his cigarette.For a second Amelie's heart skipped a bit at his smirk,but she immediately recovered.

"Well rule breaker seems too much of a strong term.I would say I just choose what I follow."

"Then we seem to actually be pretty alike.I also choose what I follow."

Amelie looked at him with the corner of her eyes.Her usually doe eyes were only half opened making them appear siren-like.Her slight smile seemed nonchalant and lazy.Aiden couldn't help but continue staring at her.This different side of her was actually not so bad and for a minute he thought he got a glimpse of the real her.

Aiden took a step closer instinctively.