
Chapter 13

Amelie avoided Aiden's eyes.She was scared that if she stared at them too long,she would be lost in them.As she tried avoiding them her eyes fell on his lips.She stared at them for a few seconds quietly,forgetting what to say.It was as if all the other senses had gotten blur.What would happen if they were closer?

Aiden had also been looking at her this whole time.He noticed how her gaze stopped somewhere on his face and the way her eyes got hazy.They were half closed now,and the winged eyeliner became more evident.Now her eyes looked siren-like and seductive.Looking at his lips like that,Aiden also lost himself.He inched himself closer.

Now their faces were just a few centimetres away from eachother.Their breaths intermingled and sprinkled on eachother's faces.

Just a bit more.Aiden thought to himself.If he held that thin waist and bend his shoulders a bit more,those light pink lips would be his,then there was no turning back anymore.

As his face was getting even more closer,Amelie raised her head a bit and was about to welcome him,but just as their lips were about to join,Amelie woke up from her trance and took a step back.

Her heartbeat was irregular,reflecting her heart full of panic.What was she about to do?What was about to happen?Had her desires finally broke out of their prison and started to take over?What was the difference of her and an animal right now?

Aiden who had his hands raised about to catch her waist,changed his actions and straightened himself out.

Seeing Amelie who was breathing irregularly and looking at him full of panic,he felt that he had to calm her first,before trying to calm himself.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry!I-I have to g-go!Have a nice day sir!" Her voice was trembling and she immediately ran outside,avoiding his eyes.

Before Aiden couldn't even outer a word.

"F***!" He kicked his armchair and held his head. He had definitely scared her away this time.

Amelie almost ran and her face obviously wasn't well.She couldn't go to her team in this state so she immediately went to the bathroom.

Looking at her red face in the bathroom and her chest that would go up and down so quickly,she almost felt like crying.

We were just about to!She couldn't dare finish that thought.Amelie was almost having a panic attack.Her breathing became more irregular and her eyes were red,she was about to cry.

"[D-Deep breaths!In*inhale*!Out*exhale*!In*inhale*!Out*exhale*!In*inhale*!Out*exhale*!]"

It took her a few more rounds until she finally calmed down.But just as she remembered again,Amelie would burry her face on her palms.

You animal!Have some bit of self-control!What were you about to do to your,your boss!!!Pervert!

I'm so sorry Mr.Aiden!I'm so sorry!

Amelie looked at her own self in the mirror.

Well he did seem to like the idea.Amelie then saw how her face had a shy smile and her expression immediately changed to a horrified one.

She was a lost cause.How would she be able to face him in their next meeting?That's it!From now on no romance books in her free time,only work.

She needed to be purified.

Aiden who still hurt from the rejection and Amelie's scared look,was still being hard on himself and couldn't even work properly.

Seeing Dominick enter with an evil grin,annoyed him even more.

"So?How did your quality time with your little crush go?"Dominick didn't notice anything strange from Aiden's dark look.He thought he was being shy like always."No need to thank me!That's what brothers are for!"

A pen flew on the side of his cheek,the wind felt sharp.He heard it hit the door with a bang.

"Get out."So it was this a******'s fault!

"Did something happ-"

"Get out!"Aiden roared.Because of this guy she probably never wanted to see him again!

After hearing the door shut,Aiden decided to distract himself with work,but seeing no pen near him he stood up to grab the one he threw.He grunted as he bent down,then he noticed that the place he was,was exactly the place where he had leaned to kiss her.

Aiden leaned on the armchair.Thinking of that moment.Her eyes that were lost on him.That feeling,he wanted to experience it again.The feeling of being the only one in someone's eyes.Him a few months ago would be laughing at himself for thinking this way,but now...Aiden sighed.He hated how he was starting to understand his grandfather more and more.

But if she got herself lost on him,that meant he already had a chance.It meant that she was attracted to him to a certain point.

Aiden chuckled.She looked adorable when she was flustered.He wanted to see more of those reactions.He wanted to learn more about her.

After this,Aiden made a decision.Avoiding his feelings didn't remove them,but only made them stronger so now he would face everything head-on.