
Chapter 12

And Aiden kept the promise of his decision.For the past month he had stayed as far away from Amelie as he could,avoiding all the places she could be in.

After being frustrated with her work,Amelie closed her laptop and went to the rooftop for a mental break.The situation in work was even more stressful than before,with a few small problems popping out here and there.

Amelie took a sip of her energy drink and sighed as she looked at the flowers.Occasionally her eyes would drift at the door.He didn't come today here either.

Amelie sighed a bit disappointed.When realisation hit her she shook her head.

"[I'm definitely not okay!I definitely need a break, because obviously my mind isn't in the right place!]"

Amelie took a last gulp from her energy drink and threw the can in the rubbish can near.

As she was making her way towards her office to continue her work,she saw a familiar face walking opposite her.

Amelie didn't know wheather to greet the man since they hqd never spoken to eachother ago.As she was about to pass him,he suddenly stopped.

"Miss Amelie,right?"

Amelie blinked.This place was really polite,this was the second time someone knew her name,while she had no idea about theirs.


"Would you mind helping me with an errand?"

She frowned slightly,seeing this Dominick continued."I have another place I have to go,it's an emergency,but I have to send this documents to director Yoxal.Can you help send these documents in my stead?"

Director Yoxal?That sounded familiar.

Seeing Dominick's eyes that were full of expectations,Amelie couldn't say no.

"I'll do it,but can you tell me where his office is?"

"Just go down the hall and you will see the inscriptions just outside the door.It's pretty easy to find."

"Got it."

"Well then,I'll get going.Thanks a lot again Miss Amelie!"

"Not at all." Amelie politely smiled and saw how Dominick almost sprinted off to the opposite direction.

No need to thank me, man!Dominick proudly thought in his mind.His friend was really lucky to have him.

Amelie walked down the hall,trying to remember where she heard the name Yoxal before.

Yoxal,Yoxal,Yoxal.As she read the inscriptions on the door it finally hit her.

"We haven't introduced ourselves properly,Aiden Yoxal,pleased to meet you!"


He was really behind that door.

Amelie took a deep breath.For a moment she wanted to adjust her hair and tidy herself,but just when she raised her hand she was finally reminded that this wasn't a bathroom mirror,but a hall where people were passing and working.

Amelie gently knocked and entered as she heard that deep,enchanting voice say "Come in!".

It sounded really different today.It was cold and serious,but she could also hear that hint of tiredness that it held.

"Finally found the way to the office?What took you so long?"

Aiden didn't raise his head and continued typing on his computer.Hearing no answer he spoke again.

"Why so quiet today,Nick?Usually you won't stop shuting up.Cat got you tong-"

When Aiden finally raised his eyes and saw the person in front of him,he froze in place.

The long straightened orange hair were tied back in a loose ponytail.She was dressed casually in a white blouse and a pair of loose jeans.On her exposed arm,she wore a black watch,that contrasted with her white wrist.

Her eyes were wide open,and her lips were in a light pink shade and a bit pouty.She blinked twice,obviously a bit stunned.

There was something different in her face compared to the other times.Aiden noticed that today she wore an eyeliner.Her already raven lashes had her beautiful eyeshape stand out,but today it was lengthened by the eyeliner making it even more evident adding a bit more charm and allure.Aiden couldn't take his eyes off for a moment,it was until she spoke that he finally broke from his trance.

"I was asked to deliver these documents in someone's stead.I think these are what you are looking for."Her voice was a bit hesitant and low.

Aiden noticed that she wasn't as close as the last time they met,but then he remembered that it had already been a month since they last conversed with eachother.Of course an already distant person like her would be more stepped back after a long time of no interaction.

"You can leave them on the table...Would you like a cup of coffee or do you prefer tea?"

"Um,I was already on my way to the office to continue my work,so I don't think it would be appropriate." Amelie smiled politely."I think I should be heading out now."This situation alone was a bit overwhelming for her,plus she also felt that it was a bit inappropriate for her to take a second break in front of the boss,while her team was working hard.

Aiden stood up and made his way towards her.Amelie's brain panicked for a bit at his unexpected movements.Then she realised the situation she was in.

She was inside a confined space,with a man,alone.The door was closed.For a minute her fight or flight instinct was creeping in.

Aiden came closer and closer.Amelie tried hard to calm herself down.Having a few conversations with this man had lowered her guard down,but now her emotions were starting to get the best of her.

"Hey,are you okay?"

"Huh?"The question pulled Amelie back to reality.A tall shadow had fallen on her.The tall,sturdy figure was there,just a step away from her.His shirt had two buttons on his collar free and his sleeves were rolled up,revealing a pair of strong arms and the balck tattoo that continued upwards.That arm also had a watch.The tattoo and watch on the same arm looked pretty paradoxical,but surprisingly it suit this man a lot.

Amelie raised her eyes only to see those oscean eyes look at her with concern.Suddenly the baseless anxiety went away.She didn't know how,but since day one,this man had the ability to make her feel secure.

Amelie smiled and assured."I'm fine.Just a bit lightheaded."She had to make up a lie to save face at least.

"Are you sure?Don't take things like these so easily.Speaking from experience.I once ended on the hospital because of too much exhaustion and I had the exact same symptoms .Don't push yourself too hard and don't ignore your body's warning signals!In fact just take the rest of the day off.Yeah,that would help more.You can't possibly continue working like this!"

One white lie to save herself from embarrassment had gotten him to think this far.Amelie couldn't help,but panic from guilt.

"I'm good!I'm good!Happens all the time,it's not concerning at all!I just have low blood pressure, it's just my body that's like this.No worry!No worry!"

"Are you sure?"

"100 %!No need to concern yourself sir!"

Now Amelie felt even more like dying.How could you even possibly feel like that!Stupid!Stupid!

"That's good then."