
Chapter 31

2 hours passed, and Amelie had just been tossing around on the bed, not getting even a wink of sleep,but she still forced herself to stay for a bit so she could properly rest her eyes.

When the alarm rang, she got up and started getting ready for the dinner.

After taking a long shower and blow drying her hair.She put on a face mask and lay down for a while.After removing the mask, she put on a pair of eyepatches to get rid of the dark circles and started curling her naturally wavy hair.

Then she started to apply her make-up.Amelie was doing everything slowly and with precision since it was the first meeting and she had to give a good impression.Her make-up shouldn't be too light since it would seem like she hadn't taken the dinner seriously and if it was too-heavy then in would seem like she was trying too hard.

While applying her eyeshadow seriously, Amelie suddenly snapped out of it.Why was she so worried about leaving a good impression to his family?It's not like they'd spend their lives together or something.But then again,despite that Amelie still wanted to leave a good impression.That way their short time together would be more bearable.

After admiring her beauty in the mirror and checking herself out,Amelie went to get the dress she would be wearing today.

The dinner would be a normal family dinner, so Amelie had chosen a leafy patterned green,summer dress.The fabric was flowy, light and fresh and went to the end of her feet,it also had a slit that went up her thigh.It wasn't that big of a slit and her leg didn't show much unless she wanted to.The bust had a square neck and puffy sleeves that you could adjust off-shoulder and in the middle there were a few buttons with decorative purpose.The dress emphasised her strongest asset,her thin waist and it also had a beady belt that you could tie on the side making its design more special.

The dress made her seem young,fresh, and feminine.When she had put it on, she had fallen in love.It wasn't too formal,but neither was it too simple,just perfect for an occasion like this.

When the dress was finally on her hands,Amelie was finally reminded of something important.How was she going to iron this?There was no iron around!

Amelie just looked around, knowing really well she wasn't gonna find anything,but she still thought maybe a miracle would come around.Just as she guessed,miracle didn't happen around her.

Amelie sighed,she would have to ask that guy.

She looked in the mirror.Her face and hair were completely good and ready,but she was just wearing a bathrobe.

Amelie checked her phone and noticed that she didn't have much time to think about her crisis.

Either go and ask for help or not go.

Putting on something would inevitably ruin her hair and make-up,but she couldn't go look for him with a bathrobe on.There was no way she would go to him in this state.

Amelie paced around the room thinking of what to do.She couldn't go meet her in-laws with a wrinkled dress.

She paced around some more and stopped. Suddenly, an idea came.

Amelie took her phone and texted Aiden.Though she disliked it,it was better than going in front of him with a bathrobe.

"Can you find me a clothing iron and bring it in front of the door?Thanks in advance!"The gritted her teeth as she wrote that text.

5 minutes later, she heard the notification sound.


Aiden was putting on his shoes when he heard the notification sound.He had already gotten ready.

He was wearing a light green linen shirt in a white pair of trousers since it was a dinner with his family.His hair was messier than usual, making him appear more youthful and carefree.

After he wore the shoes, he took his phone and read Amelie's text.

"Can you find me a clothing iron and bring it in front of the door?Thanks in advance!"

His eyebrows furrowed.Iron?Clothing iron?

Were they seriously going to be late?She hadn't even put on her dress?

Aiden sighed,obviously annoyed.Where the hell was he going to find an iron?It had been years since the last time he had ironed his shirt,now he usually sent his clothes to the dry cleaners and the lady that cleaned their house would pick them up.

Aiden walked out of his room and went to the unused laundry room.Maybe there was one in there.


Amelie heard the knock and jumped out of the bed.She went to the door and rolled the key.She slowly rolled the doorknob and opened a small gap ,where just half of her face was peeking out.

"Did you bring it?"

It took Aiden a few minutes to react.His face became expressionless then.

"Here it is."

"Thank you." Amelie said softly and tried hard to hide the fact that she was only wearing a bathrobe.She strechted out only one hand from the small gap and reached out for the iron.

But alas, the gap was too small, and the iron wouldn't fit.

"Just open the door properly!" Aiden said impatiently.

Amelie didn't say anything.She made the gap a bit bigger and immediately took the iron.


She closed the door on his face.Aiden felt disrespected in his own house.What was her deal?

Then he remembered the delicate stretched out arm in a long sleeved bathrobe.Then he guessed.

"Oh." Suddenly his imagination started getting wild and his face started to heat up.

"Not now!Not now!Calm down man!Calm down!"

Aiden went to the kitchen to get himself a cold glass of water.

Amelie on the other hand was blushing even more than Aiden.Her face and ears felt completely hot and she wanted to cool them down with water,but she couldn't since she had already applied the makeup.

Amelie fanned herself and after a bit,started ironing her dress.

It had already been 25 minutes since Aiden had given her the iron.Her hair and make-up seemed to be good.What could possibly take her this long?

Aiden grunted as he got a taste of the couple life.Just as he was about to call her out.

He saw the beauty hurriedly climbing down with several bags on her hands.

Her ginger curls were resting on her shoulders. Her bewitching eyes that were looking down at him seriously, always luscious lips were moving to say something.They looked even more savoury now.

Amelie's steps were quick and irregular,to his eyes it seemed like she was walking slowly and elegantly.That green dress on her was really illegal.

"Is there something else we need to bring?"


"Have you forgotten anything?"Amelie looked at him weirdly.What was his deal?He looked completely out of it.

"No,nothing!Wait,I mean yes!Let me get the sweets from the fridge!"

"Oh,and I almost forgot!"Amelie told him."I ordered a bouquet a few hours ago and called the flower shop.We'll pick it up along the way."

"We're already late!We can't make stops!"Aiden said as he tried taking a few of the bags from her hands.

For a bit Amelie rejected,but since there wasn't any time for petty fights she let him help.

"It's not far from here!" she opened the map from her phone and showed him.

"This is already too much!" he said as he pointed at her bags full of presents.

"But flowers are a must!"Amelie said, coming out a bit as a whine.

"You know what fine!It doesn't seem so far away,but if they say we're late I'll definitely blame you."

"I'll take the blame." Amelie nodded and followed him behind as he went to the elevator.

"What took you so long to get ready?You just had to put on the dress."Aiden asked,obviously showing how annoyed he was from waiting.

"Just a few touch ups."

Aiden just took the answer.Whatever.

The real reason Amelie had gotten late was because she had started to clean up and organise the room properly.If it were her house then she would just do it later,but here she was a guest and the least she could do was fix her mess.But if she told Aiden he would probably look at her strangely so she just kept quiet.

Amelie looked at the good-looking man that was putting everything on the trunk.

His strong arms were revealed and she could see his black tattoo.His collar had a few unbuttoned buttons,revealing a part of his strong,toned chest and a continuation of the tatto.The linen shirt was a bit see-through so she could track the lines of his muscles easy and the shadow of that big tattoo.It continued from his arm to the middle of his chest and the middle of his back.

After loading the trunk he looked at her and she looked back at him.

Those deep blue eyes seemed like they were swallowing her whole.Amelie avoided them since she thought she was staring too much and got into the passenger seat,now she had to play the role of his fiancè.

His arm was resting so close to her,just a few centimetres away.Amelie secretly glanced at his face.His profile line was perfect and his jaw seemed so strong.His eyes were focused and his brows a bit furrowed as he stared at the road.

Amelie sighed.Such good looks were wasted in that personality.

She had always thought of herself as someone objective that didn't get swayed easily when making a judge of character,but this guy had proved her wrong.It took her a few months to figure out that he was trash.

Maybe not totally trash since overall he seemed like a relatively good person,but as a partner the rating was lower than,zero.

Suddenly the car stopped.Amelie was a bit confused when she saw him get off the car.Her eyes followed him entering a flower shop,then she was reminded.

Amelie quickly got out grabbing the hem of the long dress,trying to run with her heels.

With a card on her hand she got infront of him.

"I will be paying." she said with a sweet smile to the clerk.

Aiden glanced at her.

"That won't be necessary."

"I ordered them."

Aiden didn't insist.Since she wanted to pay then she can pay.She once almost cost him billions of euros of a project.This wasn't that much.

Amelie got the big bouquet and Aiden snatched it from her hands,taking it to the car himself.

He could be such a gentleman when he wanted to.Amelie thought.Then she noticed how his shirt was light green.She then looked down at her dress.They had accidentally matched.

"Miss!Miss!" Amelie turned around at the clerk who was calling her.

"Your boyfriend forgot his wallet!" the clerk said as she handed her the black leather wallet.

Amelie hadn't recovered from the word 'boyfriend' and just absent mindedly accepted and thanked.

As someone who had been single her whole life,the term 'boyfriend' together with her felt very weird.

Amelie's face started to get hot.

When he saw a quiet Amelie entering the car, Aiden thought nothing since her not being chatty was something he already got used to from the first car ride.

"The clerk gave me this.You had forgotten it."Amelie said as she handed it with one hand to him,while looking at the window.


"...No problem."

He then started the car and drove through the city lights.