
Chapter 32

The car drove towards a huge modern villa. Amelie was staring at it impressed even though she lived in a pretty outstanding one.

When they drove inside the main gate,a few people were waiting outside at the door.Amelie felt like she was some important delgation from a different country.She didn't think they would be taking it so seriously.

Amelie opened the door, and just as she was about to push it,someone opened it for her.Amelie raised her head and saw Aiden, who had his tattooed arm strechted,offering a hand to her like a gentleman.

Amelie immediately lowered her gaze,looking at the floor, and accepted it.His hand felt rough and was very big compared to hers.She could feel the hot temperature of his hand as he grasped her hand spreading slowly on her palm.

He pulled her outside, and Amelie got out,her head lowered all the time as she was already standing next to him.

They walked towards the people, and there she saw the side of this man she had seen once before.No,it was also a bit different.It was more carefree and probably more genuine.

Aiden introduced Amelie to each family member.

"Amelie,"she flinched when he called her name like that.It had been a bit since he had referred to her with her name."These are my parents.Pierre and Lesley."

The middle-aged couple were still charming,they probably were quite good-looking when they were young.

The lady had a sweet smile and an elegant air around her.She had blonde hair and greyish blue eyes.Her nose was straight and thin, and her lips were red and plump.Amelie couldn't tell if it was her natural colour or the lipstick.

The man, on the other hand, had black hair that had been greyed by the years.His eyes and eyebrows were sharp,with a pair of deep blue irises.They were smiling warmly at her.

Amelie realised that Aiden was a perfect blend of his parents.His eyes were just like his father's, while his nose and lips were just like his mother's.

Amelie smiled sweetly as she shook their hands.After shaking hands with his father,she wanted to shake his mother's,but she immediately took her in a hug,leaving her a bit frozen in place.

Nope,she hadn't expected this warm welcome.

After introducing herself to his parents,then there was his brother and sister-in-law.

"This is my brother and sister-in-law.Daniel and Vivienne."

Amelie greeted them, too.His brother had a bit of Aiden's shadow,but he had a completely different air.He looked so gentle and sweet that Amelie doubted if this was his brother.But his face told the opposite,since it was another blend of his parents.Though he had his father's eyeshape,he had his mother's eyecolour,the rest was exactly like Aiden.

His wife was very charming.She had silky black hair,a pair of charming green eyes, and refined features.She was tall and slender,no one could guess this woman had two preteen children.

"Hello!Nice to meet you!I'm Amelie!"

Aiden then introduced his sister.

"This is my twin sister Aurora....and this is my brother-in-law...Louis."Everybody heard the pause.

Amelie's face became a bit stiff.She almost laughed because of his weird pause and face.She could tell he wasn't very fond of this brother-in-law.

Louis just looked at Aiden with an amused smile and then greeted Amelie together with Aurora.

Aurora also hugged her like her mother.

Amelie thought that since they were twins, they would look very alike,but Aurora looked more like Daniel and also had blonde hair like her mother.

Just as they were saying a few pleasantries,Amelie was reminded of somethings.The presents!The flowers!

"Oh,I almost forgot!" Everybody, including Aiden, turned to look at Amelie when she said that.

Amelie's cheeks reddened at the sudden attention.She softly said with a bit of a shy expression.

"I have prepared a few small things for all of you!Let me get them!"

"You shouldn't have!"Lesley said.

"No,no,it's nothing big, really!Just a few simple things!"

First Amelie went to pick out the bouquet of flowers and handed it to Aiden's mother, who received them with gratitude.

Then she went to the back of the car.Aiden opened the trunk for her and she started to get the several bags out.

Aiden was just waiting for her to finish so he could hand the car keys over and suddenly felt a chill on his back.His family members were all looking at him,some moved their heads trying to gesture for him to go and help Amelie,while some looked at him with dissapointment.

Aiden swallowed the sigh of annoyance he had before and just went to help Amelie with a sweet and loving husband smile.

This earned him an awkward 'thanks' from Amelie, together with a side-eye.That overly sweet attitude of him was really giving her goosebumps.

After handing out their presents.They hurried inside where she met the rest of the family,the grandparents,Jeanne and Albert,and also the little children who were playing around.

After handing out their presents, too,the adults sat down and started having conversations together.Or more correctly, they started bombarding the couple with questions, Amelie being the best target.

Amelie just answered all of them.Her posture, voice and expressions were all elegant and natural,but no one had noticed yet how she had been crumpling her dress a bit.

Aiden's eyes happened to catch this small action.For a moment he wanted to ignore it,but since they were planning to play a perfect couple he was going to play that role perfectly.He swiftly took Amelies hand and gave it a squeeze as if to calm her down.

When Amelie had her hand suddenly grabbed her reflexive action was to push it away.Her actions scratched Aiden's palm a bit,but he didn't let her hand go.As if nothing happened.

Amelie's expression became a bit stiff and her cheeks started to heat.Some had noticed her blush and just gave them a teasing smile,but they didn't know that Amelie currently wanted to push that hand away and leave from this stressful situation.Aiden's 'romantic gesture' had made her even more nervous and stressed.Someone get her out of there!

Aiden had understood her discomfort and squeezed her hand even more,while also rubbing it with his finger.He was obviously taking rejoice out of her discomfort.

Amelie looked at him with the sweetest smile ever.Her eyes were so sickeningly sweet that Aiden almost got goosebumps,but he understood their secret meaning.

"You'll pay for this later."

Aiden smiled back at her, annoying her more,but the people watching thought of these as some great loving gazes.

How much they loved eachother!

Suddenly, one of the children started to cry.It was Aurora's 4 year-old daughter,Aria.She had a fight with her 11 year-old cousin,Eugene,who wouldn't allow her to play with his video game.His twin,Emiliè,had been trying to break them apart,but that had only escalated the fight bringing the adults to the front.

Vivienne and Aurora got up and their husband's joined too.Aurora tried to calm Aria down,trying to explain to her that it wasn't her game,so she couldn't play it,but how do you expect a 4-year-old to understand calmly.

Vivienne on the other hand gave Eguene a good scolding.

"Are you seriously arguing with a 4 year-old?"

"She started it!" Eugene wasn't any more mature than Aria.

"Fine!Then what have I told you about taking electronics in family events?That's it this is the last time you take this with yourself!"

Amelie was just watching quietly and thanking the children for fighting inside her heart.Thank you for getting me out of this situation!

Jeanne smiled as she watched the commotion.Though the situation was chaotic,she enjoyed the noise of her great-grandchildren.

Lesley on the other hand apologised.

"I'm sorry you had to witness this!"

"No,no it's okay!I've grown up with a lot of cousins and now have my own nephews and nieces.This is nothing compared to them!"

She was really honest about that last sentence. They were only 3 fighting.When Amelie went to family gatherings, they would be about 14 children of all ages.Imagine the caos.

After the children calmed down,Lesley invited everyone to the table to fix the atmosphere.