
Chapter 33

Amelie started to savour the food.It was really tasty and rich in smell.She didn't forget to praise the ones who had cooked it.

"If you like it so much,then you should join us for dinner more often!" Lesley and Pierre said.

Amelie smiled and said.

"If I'm spoiled like this, then I definitely will!I hope you don't get sick of me for coming too often!"

The others smiled.Aiden's girlfriend was really shy and reserved,but she could also be so pleasant and funny.

Amelie smiled when she saw everyone amused by her.It was impressive how a white lie could make people so happy.She felt a bit guilty for lying to them like this.

Amelie secretly glanced at the man next to her, who just sipped the wine and smiled.What was in this guys head?

Then she glanced at old man Albert, who was very happy and cheery.She was more impressed by his act.For a moment, she almost believed that this was their first time meeting.

Soon, Amelie's discomfort disappeared and was replaced by excitement when she heard about Aiden's embarrassing childhood stories.

Daniel was laughing as he told the story.

"Me and Louis-Pfff-we convinced him that if he didn't-pfff-do the ritual, then the monster of the pond would get him-hahaha!"

"Don't get me started, Amelie!They brought the boy covered in mud from head to toe!"Lesley said as she laughed.

"We even convinced him to eat mud and drink three glasses from the pond water!"Louis chimed in.When an opportunity to make fun of Aiden came,he would never miss it.

"Seriously?" Amelie covered her mouth in disbelief and looked at Aiden.Her eyes had 'You were really this stupid?' written all over them.

"Honestly, he was lucky he didn't get sick!We hurried to the emergency room after we found out the whole story."Lesley said as she caressed Aiden's shoulder.

Aiden just gulped the wine and filled the glass again.He definitely needed more wine to get through this night.

"It was his fault in the beginning." Daniel said after chewing on his food."He was the one who threw all our things in the pond because we wouldn't let him get in it.I told him no and that it was dangerous,but he would just throw a tantrum.I just made up the story about the monster,the rest was Louis's idea."

Louis just smirked and Aiden sent both of them a glare.

"So you threw a lot of tantrums when you were a kid,huh?"Amelie looked at Aiden and poked him with her finger.She was really enjoying his public humiliation.

"You would think his tantrums would lessen with his age,but he's gotten worse!Iss he like that with you too?"Pierre asked.

Amelie glanced at Aiden who was also looking at her with a gaze full of warning.

Ooh,I'm so scared!Amelie exaggeratedly wore a scared look.

Then she answered the question.

"I don't know how bad it was when he was a kid,but he definitely throws tantrums now."

Everybody started laughing.Aiden just downed his glass again.His family had abandoned him the moment they started liking Amelie.

Seeing that he was drinking a bit too much. Amelie covered his glass when he tried to fill it again.She leaned her body close to him and whispered.

"You're drinking too much.Hold yourself back a little."

The light flower scent filled his nostrils.Her breath tickled his revealed collarbone,the warm air sprinkled on his hot skin,making that part of his skin even hotter.

Maybe it was the alcohol he had drank.Maybe it was her scent that made him drunk,but suddenly all everything around him went blurry, and he leaned in to that scent.He inhaled it deeply as if he was breathing for the first time in his life.

"Hey.Are you okay?"

He couldn't comprehent the words,but he could definitely hear her beautiful whisper that captivated his ears.

The man leaned closer to her.Amelie could definitely see that something was incredibly wrong with him.She straightened herself ip to avoid him,but he leaned even closer.

"Aiden!Aiden!" she nugded him slightly while looking at the people that were staring them.She had an awkward smile,while the others had a smirk.

Aiden sensed the nudge that felt more like a gentle touch.He grasped that hand and put it on his cheek.The cool hand felt really comfortable on his hot face.

The soft,cool skin that touched his rough face felt so nice that he couldn't help but rub his hand against it.All of this he did without taking his eyes off her.

His lazy and adorable look would make any other woman's heart throb and melt,but Amelie who had could feel all their probing gazes and wide smiles,just wanted to throw herself in the pool outside and drown.

He found this situation to act spoiled and coquettishly?!In front of his whole family?!In their first meeting?!He was definitely doing this on purpose!He definitely had some grudge that's why he was being like this!

By now, Amelie's face had gotten the colour of blood because of the embarrassment.She tried removing her hand,but Aiden wouldn't let her.

For the love of God,let my hand go!

She was begging him with her eyes as she tried to pull it,but he would just stare at her and rub his cheek with it.

The people on the table couldn't stay quiet at this historical event of Aiden acting spoiled with his girlfriend,so they immediately made the situation more embarrassing for Amelie.

Louis and Danile whistled at the couple.

"Should we leave and give you two some privacy?Hahaha!"

"Like they would care if we left or not!Hahaha!"

"I didn't know you had it in you Aiden!"

"Look at how red she is!Haha!"

This time, Amelie spoke to him.

"Aiden,for the love of God,let me go!"

As if the meaning had been the opposite,Aiden gave her palm a kiss.


Amelie froze and felt her body numb.It was like loghtning had hit her and she couldn't react.The cheerful voices and applause had faded since long and her eyes had become moist and red.

The others couldn't see,since her hair blocked them from seeing her face.

For a moment Aiden's eyes widened.Seeing how the girls face was completely red,her lips a bit pouty and trembling,while her eyes glistening,he sensed that something was very wrong.

Amelie lowered her head to collect her emotions,slid her hand under the table and pinched his thigh with all her strength.

"Ouch!" Aiden jumped from his chair,in front of anyone.Earning laughs from everyone.

Amelie pretended to be normal,as if they weren't the protagonists of the show.

It was the pinch that finally brought Aiden back to reality to horrifyingly think about what he had done.He had really crossed the lines he had put himself.

The rest of the dinner continued cheerfully,but none of the people noticed the slight difference around the couple.

After another round of conversations in the living room,it had already gotten late.

Amelie's eyes were a bit tired and drowsy,but she still kept her composure and smile.That was until someone yawned,then as if it was addictive she yawned too.

Amelie immediately apologised.

"Parden me for my rudeness!"

"You don't have to worry about it!"Pierre and Lesley comforted her.Daniel checked the time.

"It has already gotten this late?"

Aiden stood up from the sofa and Amelie also did as him.

"We should head home now."

"How about staying here tonight?" Lesley recommended. "Everyone has drank quite a bit,it wouldn't be a good idea to drive at night.Everyone just stay over,we have plenty of space anyway."

"No,we wouldn't want to intrude." Amelie said politely,but Lesley wasn't planning to let the go.

After going back and forth, they finally agreed to stay the night.

"Aiden,go bring Amelie to your room.I'll tell someone to bring some clothes for to change.

Amelie silently followed Aiden behind.When the door was closed, she glanced at the room.

The room had one huge painting of a speeding car on the head of the bed.There was also a study desk and in front of it were a few books and decorations just like in his office.In one of the walls there was also a hanged electric guitar and in another a few swords,they were all in one big glass case.

When her eyes drifted on the bed that was when a sudden realisation hit Amelie.There wasn't any sofa,nor an armchair,nothing.Just that bed.

The man in front of her just went to the walk-in wardrobe and took a few clothes with him.

"I'm taking a shower first." he spoke as he opened the bathroom door.

Amelie just nodded and avoided his eyes.Aiden turned his head to look at her,obviously, he had noticed her shift of attitude.

He couldn't tell what was in her mind.Did she hate his touch so much?Was she disgusted by him?Did she only want that man to touch her that's why she was like this?If so then why agree to marry him?If she found him so unbearable,why agree to play a happy couple with him?

Aiden closed the door and got in the shower.The hot water droplets fell on his skin.As he was wiping his face and closing his eyes,she would appear.Her shy expectant eyes he had drowned himself in a few months ago.Then he remembered her soft whisper at the dinner table more than an hour ago.

"You're drinking too much.Hold yourself back a little."

How did those big,brown eyes of her,have that much power on him?Just a look and he forgot everything she had done,everything that was around,he could only see her.His senses would lower around everything else and be heightened just to seize everything of hers.

That cool, soft skin across his face.Just that single touch could hook him up so easily.

You want more, don't you?