
Chapter 34

You want more, don't you?

Aiden stopped from wiping his face.His body froze in place, and the hot water just slid down his toned body.He looked down at himself and moved the handle towards the cold water and just let it rain on him.

Meanwhile, Amelie had just gotten the clothes from one of the maids.She stared at the clothes on the bed and fell on the ground.

Except for a change of inner wear that were still unpacked,there was also one nightwear and a sundress for the next day.The sundress was very beautiful and she had no problem with it,but the problem were the nightwear.If she could call them nightwear,they were straight up lingerie!

A thin, satin,light-blue dress.It barely covered the parts it should've covered,the lacy bust could easily show her bra and it was so short it could barely cover her underwear.

In a setting where she would probably be sleeping in the same bed with a basically not so very familiar man,who had been acting all chummy with her barely a few hours ago,she had to wear this thing?Even if she were a nun and he a priest,no one would guarantee nothing would happen.Even if they weren't so fond of eachother, that slight tension was still around them and the wine they had drank today wouldn't be helping their situation.

They were both healthy adults.They were a couple in the eyes of the people.And they were attracted to eachother to a certain degree.

Amelie groaned.How would she even get out of this situation?If anything actually happened between them,then there was no way she could actually get over him.At this rate, they would be having their child at the wedding.

At those thoughts her heart started beating loud and her chest rose heavily several times.

"[Omg!Omg!Omg!Breathe in!Breathe out!Breathe in!Breathe out!]"

Amelie looked at herself in the mirror and tried convincing herself.

"[If you don't want it to happen,then it won't happen!If your will is strong enough,then nothing will be able to happen!]"

That slightly calmed her down.Then Amelie started laughing at her previous silly thoughts. Nothing had happened to her for so many years,how could it possibly happen tonight?As long as Aiden didn't try something then they were safe,since even if she were desperate she wouldn't be initiating anything.She could barely initiate a conversation.

Suddenly,the door lock opened, and Amelie immediately took the spread out clothes and covered them with the bathrobe.

"You can enter now."Aiden said as he was on his phone,not even sparing her a glance.

Amelie was even more relieved seeing this reaction.He was completely uninterested in her,so nothing would happen,but it still was a bit unpleasant to have somebody completely ignore you as if you don't exist.

Amelie just got in the shower and let the warm water wash away those unpleasant thoughts.

To Amelie's ignorance,the real reason she was ignored was completely the opposite.Aiden had spent a lot of time trying to calm himself with cold water and felt too embarrassed to look at her.

He really felt like an animal,but that hook that Amelie unknowingly had on him was too dangerous for the both of them.

When Aiden glanced at the only bed it finally dawned at him,what the situation was.

No way.There was no way he would give in!There was no way he would let those instincts go wild!

Suddenly, the thoughts he had in the shower started creeping in,invading his mind.

You want more,don't you?

That little voice spoke on his head.

Why don't you show her what a man you can be?Why don't you show her how much better than that guy you can be?

Aiden shook those thoughts off his head.He took a pillow,a sheet and lay on the ground just listening to the sound of the running water,but that water made his imagination go even wilder. She was using the same shower as him. She was probably gonna smell the same way as him.That hot water he heard was running on her curves right now,on every single millimetre of her body.

Aiden suddenly got up and went outside the balcony,trying to run around and even do some push ups.He had been too naive to think that the cold water would solve everything .

"What are you doing?"

There it was, the voice of the source of his problems.

Aiden instinctively raised his eyes to the source and paused mid-way through his pushup.

Amelie had her arms crossed on her chest, and her usually straight posture was a bit slouched.

That light-blue dress showed her white bare legs.Aiden stared at her thighs.You would think that someone with a small face like her was petite,but only her waist was the thin one.He raised his eyes to the hip dips,the wide hips,it trailed to her thin waist and then to her closed arms.She would sometimes move her hand to lower the hem of the dress and he would manage to get a slight glance.



"...Why aren't you answering my question?" It was probably that she felt his disrespectful gaze because Amelie took a step back and tried covering herself more.

"One,two,three,four..."Aiden continued his pushups even faster, starting the count from the beginning.Amelie sat on the chair,next to the study desk, and just looked at him, working out.

The sweat was glistening on his forehead because of the rooms light, and his muscles were bulging because of the workout.

Amelie stared at him.She had already lost count of the pushup he was in.She proped her hand on her cheeks and supported her arm on the desk.She didn't know why watching this guy working out was so interesting.Well maybe she knew a little bit.

The sweat had stained his T-shirt completely and Amelie involuntarily bit her lip a bit,the other hand had a string of her hair that she played with.She looked at hit tattoo that glistened and the veins that bulged on his arms and hands.Amelie felt her body shiver a bit.

Aiden looked at her and immediately shifted his eyes starting to do his pushups faster.

Amelie was in a lazy posture,her bare legs were crossed,her naturally wavy hair spread on her shoulders, and since both her hands were occupied with different things, he could see the view.The lazy eyes wouldn't move from him,it seemed so inviting that for a moment he wanted to stop what he was doing and throw her on the bed.

After a while Aiden was still doing pushups and Amelie was still looking at him.None of them were planning to stop what they were doing.

Aiden gave up first from the tiredness and just layed facedown on the floor to rest.

Amelie approached him slowly.Walking barefoot on the icy cold tiles.The poor man was completely tired and she felt a bit guilty for looking at him that way.Her cheeks had flushed a bit from embarassment.

Amelie bent down and asked him.

"Do you need help?"

The question was repeated several times in Aiden's head.

"Help with what?" he said with a struggling voice. As he raised his head and backed away immediately. She was so close to him.

"Help to get up."Amelie noticed that he was a bit weird and glanced at herself.When she saw the straps that had fallen on her shoulders and the dress that had lowered a bit revealing what it shouldn't reveal she immediately straightened up and covered her chest again.She turned her face looking at the view of the garden.Her face was probably hotter than the sun now.

"No need."Aiden stood up and tried to sneak past her so she wouldn't notice his problem."I'll go take another shower since I'm completely sweaty,you lay down in the bed first."then he ran to the bathroom as if his feet were on fire.


Amelie layed down and heard the water running in the silence.That guy was using the same shower as her,she had infact used the same shower as him.She could feel the familiar scent on the sheets.It smelled the same way as him. She turned sideways and inhaled the smell of the pillow.She closed her eyes the scent she smelled,the water she heard,involuntarily the mind started to produce the images itself.That water was probably trailing on his toned muscles and that huge tattoo.With that body he probably had abs so that same water would also trail down them and contnue lower,lower and lower


When she finally understood her actions and thoughts her face heat up.She was now officially a pervert. An uncontrolled,weird,twisted pervert.

Both of them were having the same thoughts without the other knowing.Both of them were hoping for more and both of them were willing to cross the line if the other did first.

Aiden finally got out of the shower and saw the girl on his bed.She had her eyes closed and he didn't know if she were asleep or not.

He went to the other side and saw the pillow and sheet on the floor.He didn't know what to do anymore.He wanted to be on that bed,next to her, he wanted her to be in his arms,but he couldn't just do that against her wish.

He tossed and turned on the uncomfortable floor, hoping to finally fall asleep,but there was no way a man like him who was pampered since childhood to sleep in those conditions.

"You can sleep on the bed too,if you want." he heard Amelie's soft voice.