
Chapter 35

"You can sleep on the bed too,if you want." he heard Amelie's soft voice.

Aiden rose up and looked at her who still had her back turned to him.

Amelie felt too bad for occupying his bed while he had to sleep on the cold,hard floor.

"Huh?" Aiden couldn't comprehent what he had heard.

"I said that we can sleep in the bed if you want. We can use a pillow as a boundary,that way, it won't be that uncomfortable."Amelie paused for a bit and then continued."We'll have to get used to it sooner or later.They won't be giving us separate rooms tomorrow, neither."

Aiden lowered his head in thought.She was right. They would have to share a bed again during their time in the villa.For a night, him sleeping on the floor could be a solution,but for several nights, it wouldn't work.

Aiden took his pillow and lay on the bed.Amelie felt the bed sink a bit and could sense the temperature of the other person next to her.

Aiden looked at the back of the person in front of him.To think that she was so close to his reach ,but he couldn't do so.

"...I apologise if I do something inappropriate based on my subconscious.My family says I usually don't have really weird sleeping habits,but rare cases exist."

The man didn't speak,but after a bit of silence, his hoarse,magnetic voice reached her ears.It was so close compared to before.

"Okay.I apologise for my sleeping habits in advance, too."

Time passed.Amelie had no idea how long it had been since they had spoken,all she knew was that she wasn't even able to sleep a wink.

She wanted to change her sleeping position but was too scared of waking the other person up.At this rate, she would hear the birds.

After a bit more of the 21st century Hamlet, 'should I turn' or 'should I not',Amelie decided to do the previous for the small hope for sleep she held.

She slowly turned around and almost jumped when she saw the face of the man who was gently breathing.

I thought he had his back turned.You know what,she'd just turn back.

She wanted too,but thought that the other sudden movement would fully wake him up.So Amelie bit the bullet and closed her eyes with the hope to sleep.

The bed was big,but the distance between them was a bit small.Amelie found it a bit weird since she was at the farthest corner and one slight movement could throw her off the bed.

She looked at the man sleeping in front of her and sighed.It must be nice to fall asleep this easily,in this situation.He probably had slept with many women,that's why he was so comfortable in this situation.The last time she had slept with a male on the same bed was a 2 years ago when she put her nephew to sleep.

Amelie looked at the man who was sleeping peacefully and rolled her eyes in annoyance. She was again reminded of the anger she felt towards this man.She would sometimes be distracted by his fake sweet act,but that didn't mean she was stupid and would easily give in to him.To think a few moments she was willing to let this man jump on her.No way!She was probably still drunk from the wine.Now that she was sober,she could think clearly again.

Looking at him again, Amelie's eyes got a bit sad. Why did he ignore her so easily?One day the were on a date, and the next few days, it was as if they had never met before.If it weren't for the flowers, she had kept hidden,then it would really feel like everything was just a dream only she had had.

It was really impressive how cruel some people could be.He cut contact with her for months, and today was holding her hand like nothing had happened.He would take her hand and rub his face with it,then give it a kiss while looking at her full of affection,thrn after that he would still avoid her completely.

She was the one who thought how pathetic people who got swayed by their ex were,but after experiencing something similar herself,she could understand a bit. Experiencing that affection again after being deprived of it for so long made you completely forget about the bad things.You would only see that affection.

It was true that she found it embarrassing during that moment.It was true that she felt like she wanted to die at that moment.But it was also true that she was swayed a little.It was also true that she had hoped for more.

But it was also her wishful thinking.Things could never be so easily,especially when he was so unpredictable.

Amelie felt the impulse to hit him right now and there.Player!Was it so much fun to drag her around?Did he enjoy it when a girl would fall on his feet?Well, not her!She would never fall for these stupid tricks of his.

Amelie closed her eyes and tried to get a bit of sleep.She wouldn't let herself be awake because of this stupid man anymore.

Maybe it was because she was tired from this eventful late day,but her tiredness finally catched up with her, and Amelie managed to fall asleep.

Aiden heard she shallow breathing of the person in front of him and opened his eyes.

He looked at the beautiful sleeping face.It was so near.She was there,sleeping in his childhood room ,on his bed.He just needed to stretch his hand and could easily touch her.

Aiden picked one of her hair strands and gently played with it.He had noticed the gaze a few moments ago and had pretended to be asleep.Just like he was staring at her now,she had stared at him.

You can really be so cruel.

She had breaked his heart but still pretended to be innocent as if nothing happened.But maybe that was also just a mistake by her side.A mistake she had regretted,a mistake she didn't want to happen.The way she acted so innocent and shy from his touch made him feel that that relationship with Gabriel wasn't real.Aiden remembered those misty eyes that begged him to stop his actions during dinner.

How he hoped that it had been just a slight greed of money?If it were he would immediately take her in.He would immediately forgive her.If she apologised and admited that she had done everything for money then he would never let her go.

Amelie,can you please give me the chance to forgive you?Can you please shed a tear of regret for my sake?

He took the lock of hair and stared at it.Then he gave it a kiss.

He resented her,but he also couldn't stop himself from falling for her.He couldn't describe what feeling were taking root in his heart,but his desperate heart hoped that it could just be a mere attraction,a mere temptation,because that would be easier to get rid of than actual love.

The girl slightly furrowed her eyebrows and scrunched her face as if she had felt his movements. Aiden immediately let go of that lock of hair.Seeing how her face relaxed he sighed of relief.

He looked at her sleeping face.Maybe it was just that tiring day, or maybe it was her shallow breathing that made the best lullaby,but Aiden was also able to sleep.


The next morning.

Amelie snuggled against the source of warmth she hugged and breathed in deeply.She was too lazy to open her eyes,but unfortunately, she had to,because the glaring light would keep reminding her that morning had come.The cold air made her even more unwilling to get up.

Amelie slowly opened her eyes.Closed them again.Opened them.Closed them again.Opened them again.

This time, they were wide open.Amelie's body stiffened.

You are now invited to Amelie's funeral during the afternoon, which will be the follow-up of her killing herself right now.

The man's face was just a few centimetres away. And she could feel his breath on her forehead.

She had an arm around the man she had probably mistaken him as her teddy bear back home.She was all snuggled up inside his arms and he held her waist.

They were holding eachother so tightly.What happened to the distance the fell asleep in?What happened last night?