
Chapter 36

Aiden had been woken up just 15 minutes before Amelie.He had seen the position they were in and he had been just as surprised as her.

Seeing the peaceful sleeping face of the girl Aiden felt unwilling to get up.He looked at that face trying to save it forever in his mind.He would be waking up to this face for the next week.Aiden smiled when the girl snuggled in his arms.

He slightly rubbed her waist and felt the temperature of her body against him,maybe it wasn't so far-fetched for them to be like this.

Amelie suddenly smiled in her sleep, and Aiden stared at that smile,but when he noticed that she was moving more as if to wake up, he felt a sense of crisis and immediately closed his eyes as if he hadn't woken up yet.

After processing her situation,Amelie wanted to slowly get away from his arms.It would be better for her to pretend that nothing had happened as a last attempt to save their faces.

She tried to gently remove his hand on her waist and slowly tried to move away.

Aiden felt all her movements, and because of the stress, his senses were even more heightened.His body couldn't help but stiffen.

Amelie noticed the mans body suddenly stiffen.She paused her actions and carefully looked at his face.Don't tell me this guy is just pretending to be asleep?

Aiden started to sweat.He could feel Amelie sharply staring even with his eyes closed.

Amelie leaned her face closer and stared even more at him.She wouldn't even blink.She noticed how the man's breathing had changed.

She groaned.

"For Gods sake,you don't need to pretend anymore!Just open your eyes!" and then she immediately rose up with her arms crossed at her chest glaring at him.

Aiden pretended to stretch his body with his eyes barely opened as if he just woke up.

"What's your deal?"he pretended to yawn.

Amelie wasn't buying it and just looked at his expressionlessly.

"Nice try,but you can't lie to me."

"What are you talking about?" his voice was hoarse as if he had really just woken up.

Amelie's heart skipped a beat at the morning voice and the lazy,but charming appearance of the man.His hair was a bit messy, and he was lying down in a relaxed position looking up at her.There was a slight hook on his lips,for a moment Amelie's strong composure was about to slip.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Don't even bother.Next time, if you want to pretend you are asleep,control your breathing better,relax your muscles,especially the ones in your face."

"You seem like an expert." Aiden put his hand behind his back,smiling while looking at her with interest.

"Of course,I've shared a room for almost 25 years of my life,I have a pretty good idea if one's asleep or not.Sometimes even without needing to see them."

"Then I'll take your advice for next time."

Amelie wouldn't let him go this easily.This was finally her chance to get back at him for catching her off guard more than once.

"Why were you looking at my sleeping face?"Dhe then put her hands on the bed to support her weight and leaned a bit over to him.Her voluminous hair were drapped all over her shoulder and her eyes were more charming than ever when they had gotten their fill of sleep.Her luscious lips were curled up a little as she asked that question.

Aiden just closed his mouth and didn't answer.

"Why?You couldn't help but admire my sleeping face?" She leaned even closer.Her bust was in his full view and she turned her angle in a way that her collarbone and neck were showing.Aiden involuntarily swallowed.She knew what she was doing.

Amelie was liking this quiet and mesmerised look on him.Of course, he would react like that,she was aware of how good she looked and she was also aware of the angles she looked best in.Her talents in mathematics weren't there for nothing after all.

"Aiden?Why aren't you answering?" Amelie slightly shifted her hair on one side, revealing one shoulder and a side of her neck.Aiden shivered a bit when he heard her call his name in a sultry way.These actions of hers weren't safe to happen in the morning.The previous night's tension rose again.Amelie looked at him with siren-like eyes, her lips were curled up.

Aiden didn't take his eyes off her as he got up and leaned closer to her.Now it was him who was looking down.He looked at her lips,then at her eyes and smirked.

Amelie finally felt the sense of crisis.She just wanted to fluster him a bit since he did the same to her last night.Since he was so backed away she had picked up all her mental strength and crossed her boundries to tease him,but she forgot that this wasn't some shy boy,this guy was a literal man.

Aiden got closer and didn't hide his eyes of desire.He looked at her body and leaned his face near her collarbone,but wouldn't touch,just sprinkle his breath,he then leaned on her neck,his lips were just a few millimetres away.

Amelie's breathing changed and she gripped the covers on her hand tightly.She refused to back down easily,even if it were her that was flustered.She refused to give up.

Aiden just paused on her neck and looked at the white,delicate skin.He wondered how nice it would feel for him to get a taste of that.

The warm breath on her neck was starting to get unbearable and Amelie closed her eyes tightly.Her shoulders stiffened and Amelie immediately regretted.He definitely sensed her change now.Why did she do something so stupid?That wine from last night was probably still in her system.

Aiden leaned closer and his lips finally touched the soft white neck.Amelie gasped at the sudden touch and her chest rose towards him.Aiden held her waist as he planted the kiss on her neck.

Should he suck on it?He thought has the skin was on his lips.

He opened his lips and the slick,wet tounge slipped and licked her flesh.Amelie's eyes widened and this time her body shivered.Aiden felt the shiver and his eyes got dark.He pressed her even more towards himself and sucked the flesh in his mouth.

Heat rose from Amelie's heart to the rest of her whole body.No way!This thing was getting too dangerous!They should stop!They should stop!

But her body had involuntarily gotten soft and would barely follow what her mind said driving her into a bigger state of panic.

Amelie's breath became irregular.She was not mentally ready.She was not mentally ready for anything beyond!They hadn't even kissed yet!Now he was giving her,he was giving her a,a!Even her mind would inevitably censor the words!

Aiden had sucked enough on that part and started kissing the middle of her neck.The chains of control he had on himself had finally broken.He was finally giving in to his carnivorous desires.He inhaled the sweet smell of the woman in his arms and kissed her neck deeply.

Amelie's breathing was quick,but she wasn't getting enough air.Her chest went up and down,but her lungs weren't filled with any air.She was having a literal panic attack.

Aiden who was pressing her tightly against himself didn't help in the situation.

"A-A-Aid-Aiden!L-l-let g-g-go!" she could barely say the words 'can't breathe'.

Aiden hadn't even noticed anything wrong yet.He had moved from her neck to her collarbone.When Amelie gasped again at the sudden wet feeling did he look up.He wanted to see her face.

Amelie's mouth was wide open from trying to gasp for air.

Aiden then finally woke up from his lust and panicked seeing her state.

"Are you okay?Hey!Amelie!Breathe properly!Take deep breaths!" He gained his composure and gave her space calmly guiding her."Breathe in!Breathe out!Breathe in!Breathe out!Follow with me!Breathe in!Breathe out!"Amelie nodded and started following his pace.


After a few minutes he hesitatingly asked.

"Are you okay?"

Amelie nodded.

"Let me get you some water!"he went to the small hidden refrigerator and grabbed a water bottle.Amelie drank the cool water.

"Feeling better?"

She nodded again.After a few minutes of silence she raised her eyes to look at the man who was staring at the sheets.The look on his eyes wasn't right,it seemed as if he was beating himself up from what had happened.

Amelie lowered her head again and made a decision.

"Don't beat yourself up,it wasn't your fault."

Aiden flinched and raised his head.The girl avoided his eyes and spoke.

"I've had social anxiety since middle school.From my last year of middle school until my years in university it was very severe and I would have panic attacks constantly out of no where.I've had panic attacks happen to me since a child,but it happened only during very mentally stimulating situations.Now my social anxiety isn't severe anymore,but I still get panic attacks here and there.This situation was a bit too mentally stimulating for me,so it isn't really your fault."

Aiden was quiet and avoided her eyes,he said with a really timid voice."But I still scared you."

Amelie looked at him and denied shaking her head.

"No,no!You didn't!I wasn't scared!I,"she wanted to say that she liked it and wanted something to happen,but it was her first time and out of nowhere so she panicked,but she didn'twant to sound too pathetic like she really was."I was just surprised."

She then got up."I'll start to change!"she got up and went in the bathroom,looking at the man with a lingering gaze.Her weak self did it again!Why did she always make others feel bad?