
Chapter 37

After brushing her teeth,Amelie had put on the sundress from last night and brushed her hair absentmindedly.

She looked at herself in the mirror with emotionless eyes.She was really hating that relfection that always made others sad.

Realising her negative mind she immediately chanted the words with a smile.

"[This is a beautiful day!Life is beautiful!Life is great!No need to be negative!Today is going to be another great day!Even if things go wrong we will try to make them right,because we are a no quitter!]"but the spark in her eyes wouldn't come back.How long had it been since she had this dim look in her eyes?She couldn't remember.

Amelie looked at her reflection for more and her smile fell again returning to that blank, expressionless look.That was more what her real self was.Someone bleak and lost.

She started chanting the happy spell again.This time it worked better,but she noticed something on her neck.

Amelie immediately leaned on the mirror.

"[Oh no!Oh no!Oh no no no no no!]"

That was really a ,a...a love bite!

It wasn't just one,it were three.Two were on her neck and the other was on her collarbone.How was she going to show herself infront of his family?What would they think of her?

Amelie immediately got out of the bathroom and got infront of Aiden who was still on the bed, staring at the sheets absentmindedly.

"I need an cooling pack!A really cold bottle!Anything!Just something cold!"

He looked at her who was in a panicked state.


Amelie looked at him with disbelief.

"You're asking why?"Amelie pointed at the marks.

Aiden understood and pointed at the hidden refrigerator.

"There must be ice packs there."

Amelie ran and took two and put the one on the marks on her neck and the second on her collarbone.

"We need to go downstairs so go and get ready."

Aiden nodded absentmindedly.Ameloe could see that he was still off and went closer to him,she hesitated at first,but reached out and patted his back with comfort and lowered her head to be in his eye-level.

"Are you okay?If you're still beating yourself about...that...then don't.I told you I'm fine and that I was just surprised...You didn't hurt me."

Maybe the pat and the words finally managed to comfort his heart,but Aiden nodded with a slight smile and got up to change.

When he entered the bathroom,Amelie started to fix the room while supporting the two cool packs with one hand.

Aiden turned on the shower and let the hot water rain on him.He was rewinding what had happened.He thought that he had finally healed,but apparently he was wrong.

The image of the girl gasping for air overlapped with certain bad memories.

"Help!Please help!"the girls screams still rang on his ears."Let me go!I don't want you!Get off me!Get off!"

Suddenly his chest went up and down.The hot water fell on him,but it wouldn't wash his bad memories away.They were vividly replaying in his mind.

Aiden started gagging and went to the bowel vomiting everything that was left in his stomach.

The shower water blocked the other sounds from escaping the room,so Amelie continued folding the sheets without hearing anything going wrong.

Aiden vomited and vomited until nothing but acid and saliva would come out.

He breathed loudly and sat on the cold bathroom tiles tiredly staring at nothing.

He would never try to get closer to her again.What if he hurt her?What if he did something that she didn't want to her?He would never be like them!Never!


Everyone sat down on the table cheerfully having their breakfast.They didn't spend much time since they would be taking off today for the house in the villa.

Amelie and Aiden were completely quiet during the car ride.Amelie glanced at him but didn't say anything,maybe it had been his first real time seeing someone experience a panic attack so he might have been left a bit traumatised.Amelie had comforted him again time to time,but Aiden would just nod and smile.

She didn't know what to do anymore.She wasn't very good at comforting people.

After they reached his apartment,Aiden immediately went to his room and shut the door.He only texted her during the afternoon,if she had any requests for lunch so he could order her something.

When Amelie had gotten down to eat she had just found a layed out table with the food she had requested.

They wouldn't be eating together?

She was a bit disappointed,but decided to give him some space.


Even during their car ride to the vacation villa, Amelie and Aiden were both silent.

The ride had made Amelie very drowsy, and her stomach turned.She opened the door and made her way to the trunk,her footsteps irregular and messy.She could get motion sickness very easily and that 4 hour car ride didn't help her case.

Amelie's face was as pale as a sheet when she tried to unload the luggage.

Aiden glanced at her and took all the heavy bags, leaving nothing for Amelie to carry and silently made the way to the villa.

Amelie looked at his leaving figure and just slowly followed behind.

It was already dark and all the lights in the villa were turned on giving it a beautiful and majestic air.

Amelie wasn't that much in a mood to admire.She was too tired for anything.She greeted everyone with a smile as she entered.

Everyone sat down and started having pleasant conversations until dinner was finally ready.

Amelie's stomach was still bad from the ride and barely nimbled her food.

After another bite, Amelie started gagging and tried her best to hold it in until she calmed down.

The people at the table finally noticed that something was wrong.Amelie's face was so pale that they couldn't help but worry.

Lesley, who was next to her, patted her back and asked.

"Are you okay?"

Amelie tried to smile and nod,but the smile was uglier than crying.

"Oh dear!" Suddenly a realisation hit Jeanne and she covered her mouth in happiness "Are you?"

The rest of the people on the table understood and immediately had their eyes filled with expectations at her.

It took Amelie a few seconds to process the question,when she understood she immediately denied.

"No,no.It's just motion sickness.I get motion sickness pretty easily."

The people were a bit disappointed by the answer,though Jeanne couldn't help but ask again.

"Are you sure?"

The sudden thud from the cutlery made the people around jump.Aiden who wasn't participating in the conversation and silently eating had made the sudden noise.

"It's just motion sickness,nothing else."

He coldly spit out,making the atmosphere awkward.

Amelie noticed that the atmosphere became wrong.She smiled and started explaining.

"I get motion sickness pretty easily even if the ride is short and I travel by car a lot.When I'm driving, I don't get it since I'm too focused on the road.It gets a bit more severe when the scent of the car is too heavy.I forgot to take the travel pill this time,next time I'll make sure to take it.Sorry for worrying everyone!"

"Then it's better if you go to take some rest." said Pierre worriedly.

"Yes.Eat a bit more and go to sleep."Lesley said after.

"I'll just get up now.Sorry again for making everyone worry!"

"Aiden go and help her to the room." Pierre said as he gestured with his head.

"No,no,no.It's okay.It's not that severe for me to need help.I'll head upstairs now.Again,my apologies for making all of you worried!Please enjoy your meal!"She smiled and nodded apologetically as she went outside the dining room.

Amelie went upstairs and took a light shower. Then changed into another set of more comfortable close,a pair of light pink loose T-shirt

with a matching pair of shorts.After blow drying her hair she tied it in a braid and lay down on the bed after drinking a medicine that helped for her stomach.

The motion sickness was the one that made her stomach feel bad,but it was the stressful situation she was currently in that made it way worse.

Amelie closed her eyes and easily drifted to sleep.

Today had been another long day for her.


Not long after Amelie had fallen asleep the door gently opened.The man saw the sleeping beauty and approached to see closely if she was all right.

Seeing how her face was relaxed and her breathing was regular, Aiden finally relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Aiden sat on the floor and stared at her sleeping face in thoughts.He strechted out his hand wanting to touch her face,but retreated his hand mid action.Then he stood up to take a shower.

After finishing his night routine,he got on the other side of the bed and lay down with his back turned from her and after a long time fell asleep.

Day 1 at the villa ended.