
Chapter 39

Louis had been right since Aiden was now actually taking off his shirt.

Amelie, who had just lowered the shoulder strip of her dress, had noticed the action and involuntarily paused mid action.

All the people here had actually trained and good bodies,both the men and women.Amelie was impressed at how Daniel,Louis,Vivienne and Aurora all had fit and great bodies,despite Vivienne and Aurora being mothers.

But when Aiden was taking off his shirt Amelie couldn't help,but stare with her eyes wide open.

The whole action felt like a thirst trap in slow motion.First revealing the V line,then the toned abs she had only just imagined.The T-shirt went up and up revealing his strong,toned chest and that rebellious tattoo she had always been unconsciously eyeing when together.

Amelie's gaze didn't move,but was completely trying to imprint this scene in her memory.Her heart beat fast as she stared lost in the trance.

Amelie realised what she was doing and screamed inside her heart.

He was so,so,so,ahhhh!She was definitely crazy!There was definitely something wrong with her,that was the only logical explanation!There had never been a day in her almost 27 years of life where she had been staring and admiring a man like this.Never.

Aiden casually threw his T-shirt on the sunbed and slid his hand on his messy long bangs,trying to remove the uncomfortable feeling.Maybe he should get his headband next time since his hair had grown a bit too long.He didn't know what this casual action of his did to the person who was staring at him.

Compared to what it, what Amelie saw through the filter in her eyes, everything seemed blurry and in slowmo.Well the blurry part was because of her short-sightedness.

That's illegal!!Amelie screamed in her mind.

Aiden just made his way to the pool,while Amelie just saw him walking slowly,while the thin layer of sweat on his toned body glistened under the sun.

Amelie swallowed a bit as she saw his muscled shoulders,the rest of the tattoo on his back and the line of his spine.

Yeap,she was a far gone case!

It took her a bit to process the fact that he was entering without her,so she hurriedly took off her dress,took off the hairl clip that held her long waves and waved and called out to him.

"Aiden!Wait for me too!"

Aiden turned his head instinctively and stopped mid track.

The beautiful girl was running towards him as she waved her long hair bouncing with her movement.

Aiden froze when he looked down.She was wearing a white bikini,with a neck stripe.The skin seemed to be a bit tan,probably from the previous days in the beach.He could finally see the complete curves that were previously hidden by the clothes.

Aiden's gaze stopped at the moles that seemed to purposely be on the most provocative places.One was on her inner left thigh.One seemed to be right next to her bellybutton.When the girl was finally just infront of him telling him something,he noticed a small one that had escaped her bikini top.

"Thanks for waiting!"


"Let's go in!"

"Hm?Ah,yes!" Get your act together!Aiden chanted to himself.

After getting to the pool Aiden dipped in first and swam to the deepest part.He raised his head out of the water and his wet strands sticked to his face.He used his hands to slide his hair back and wipe the water droplets.

When he opened his eyes Amelie was already next to him and had already wiped her face.He stared and said.

"It's a bit deep here."


"Your feet won't reach."

Amelie's smile dropped and she looked at him with no emotion in her eyes.


Aiden swallowed the words he was about to say.Currently the water was on his neck and he was standing.Amelie who didn't even reach his shoulders,would obviously not stand on her feet here,but he had touched a sensitive topic for a short person.

Aiden would go deeper since the pool was very big and Amelie would follow him behind.The others around would compare the situation as with a little duckling following the big mother duck,but only Aiden could see that scary, emotionless look she had on her eyes.She was trying to prove something to him.

Amelie easily floated on the pool so she wouldn't tire herself much even if they reached to the part where even Aiden couldn't touch the pool floor.

But even if they were next to eachother,it was just a silent competition.None of them said a word and none of them was planning to say a word.

The two took laps around the pool and accidentally bumped into Aria who was playing with her grandfather.

"I want to go with uncle Aiden!I want to go with uncle Aiden!" she cried and splashed her legs under the floatie.

"You go on.I'll take care of her."Pierre said apologetically.

"It's okay!"Aiden smiled."I don't take kids who are crybabies." Aiden scoffed as he said to her. Obviously he wasn't serious.

"Who said I'm a crybaby?" Aria immediately wiped her tears and put on a strong face.

"Oh.I guess it was just pool water on your face.Then,let's go!"Aiden pushed the floatie deeper and Amelie followed behind.

Aria giggled,but suddenly stopped when she saw Amelie following them.She then whispered to Aiden.

"Uncle,who is she?"

How was he supposed to answer that so a 4 year old could understand?

"...She's...a very special friend."

"You mean like Eve is to uncle Kai?"

"...Yes...Do you want me to introduce you to her?"

Aria slowly nodded.

"Aria,this is Amelie and Amelie this is Aria!"

"Pleased to meet you!" Amelie said with a sweet smile.

"Pleased to meet you too!Amel-Ameli."Aria was obviously struggling with the name.

"You can just call me Ame!"


"So you are Aria?You're so adorable and you have such a beautiful name!"

"Thank you!" this time Aria smiled a little and then it got silent.Aria spoke hesitatingly after a while.

"Ame,you won't take uncle from me?"

Amelie was speechless,but then she laughed.

"Of course not!How can I take him when he has such a cute girl like you?"

Obviously,compliments were the way to Aria's heart because she couldn't stop giggling and smiling.

"Then you'll let us play?"

"Of course!But.."

Aria got a bit worried.


"I'll allow you two to play,if you also play with me too!"

"Okay!" Aria immediately agreed and giggled.

Aiden was impressively watching another family member be snatched by Amelie like a pokemon.

The three weren't noticing how everyone was watching them play with eachother.


During dinner.The topic had already changed to the children and Aurora was mentioning how fun Aria had playing with Amelie and Aiden.

Taken over by the atmosphere, Jeanne asked, "So when are you going to have one?"

Aiden's stopped chewing while Amelie almost choked on her juice.


Lesley tried to help her with water.Amelie thanked her as she took the glass.

"We won't." Aiden said solemnly without raising his head making the situation awkward.

Amelie tried to hide the complicated look in her eyes and smiled.

"We will have plenty of time for that.Now we just want to enjoy our time together."

"Oh.But don't leave us waiting for long."Jeanne laughed.

"Then have you started planning when to get married?" For the first time, Albert asked a question about their relationship.He was smiling cheerfully,but Amelie and Aiden could feel the pressure from his gaze.

Amelie stuffed food in her mouth and left this question to Aiden.

All eyes were looking at him.Aiden glanced at Amelie and looked at everyone silently.Finally he opened his mouth.

"...We haven't planned an exact date,but we were thinking around next year."

Amelie's eyes flashed,but she didn't give herself in. She wiped her mouth and looked at him like everybody else.

"You've already proposed?!" Aurora asked excitedly. Then she looked at him angrily."Why haven't you told us anything yet?"

"...Because I haven't."

"She hasn't told you yes,but you have already decided a date?"

Aiden grabbed Amelie's hand and rubbed it with his thumb.

"I know her enough,that I know she trusts me."

Amelie wanted to laugh at him.He knew her?

Aiden continued."Besides what I'm planning is my business."

He gave look Aurora and she shut up smiling.That meant he was planning to surprise Amelie.

The dinner ended on a cheerful note,but the atmosphere of the couple alone was completely different.

After Amelie ended the phone call with her family, she listlessly stared at the balcony.

Today had been mostly fun,but the dinner had finally pulled her in reality.Usually she could tell other people's intentions,but she didn't know why she couldn't tell Aiden's intentions.

One day, he would be smiling and acting nice to her,the other, he would be looking at her with a cold and spiteful glare.

She knew that what he did at the dinner table was just an act,but that time he also acted like that even when they were alone.

Amelie sighed.She said she would be unshakened,but these little acts made it a bit hard.She was done for.

Then Amelie's eyes became a bit sad.

He didn't seem like a bad person,so why did he completely change towards her?Which one was the real him?This situation was too confusing.

Space might clear her mind,but for at least one week, she had to stay close to him or everyone would be suspicious.

Amelie groaned and entered the room.

Aiden had already lied down and his back was against her side.Her eyes dimmed a bit,but she didn't say anything and went to lie down after turning off the lights.

Just like that, day 2 was over.