
Chapter 40

The atmosphere between Amelie and Aiden had gotten cold ,but in front of everyone they acted as a happy and couple in love.

Aiden would completely ignore her and Amelie would completely ignore him too.Even when they lied down to sleep,they acted as if the other side of the bed was just air.

During day 5,the family had gone hiking in the mountain near so they could climb over for a picnic.

The younger children couldn't come so Louis and Aurora had left them at the villa under the care of the workers,while Eugene and Emiliè were travelling with them.

This family of giants had already left her behind for quite a bit and Amelie was left behind with the two children and the elderly couple who were walking slowly.

Amelie glanced at the long-legged people in front of her climbing at ease as she panted like a dog in the middle of summer.It's like they were doing this on purpose.They had chosen the activity she hated the most,hiking.

During one of her school trips she had to climb a hill in the middle of a hot,sunny afternoon and when she saw how there was actually a shorter,alternative way the school bus could've taken just at the entrance of the castle,Amelie almost wanted to throw all the adults off the castle walls.Since that time in middle school ,Amelie swore she would never hike in her life.

But there she was doing it for her fake fiancè.If she had a chance today she would make sure to push him so he could roll off the hill,but even that would be doing him a favour.


The foods and drinks they had taken with themselves were almost finished,so the people were mostly chatting with eachother.

The young ones went to swim in the small lake where they had their picnic,while Amelie stayed to chat with the rest of the people that didn't go in.

After a while the topic changed to one that had nothing to do with her so she quietly retreated and went to dip her feet in the lake.

The water felt cool and refreshing,but it felt too cold for her to swim,so Amelie just walked on the shore playing with the water on her feet while lightly humming a song,slowly entering her own world.

She walked towards a pile of rocks and tree trunks and sat down there while sloghtly splashing the water on her feet.She also glanced at the people playing in the water.She saw a very happy smile on Aiden's face,a smile she had never seen him have with her.She also saw the other people who were chatting together happily sitting on the grass.

Amelie lowered her head and glanced at her feet.She didn't know why she was a little depressed and she didn't know why her vision had gotten a bit blurry so suddenly.Amelie climbed oof the trunk and walked barefoot on the grass heading a bit to the surrounding forest.She didn't want to even get her shoes because then people would notice that something was definitely wrong with her.

Amelie walked as she felt the rays of sun peaking from the leaves and was reminded of her family.

Even though it had been just a few days,she missed them.Her parents were the only people who actually cared if she was alright or not.To others,even if she disappeared like this they wouldn't notice.

Amelie questioned herself why she was even there. It was true that Aiden's family were really nice and welcoming people,but she inevitably felt awkward around because the situation of her and Aiden was the opposite of what they knew.She was just constantly deceiving good and honest people.She was even deceiving her precious family.

It was already hard for her to normally interact with people,but now, to interact while only telling lies?No.It felt too suffocating.She just wanted to run away and never come back.

She remembered how happy they looked without her.Suddenly a tear slipped down her cheeks and she murmured with a smile that ridiculed herself.

"[It's just like 9th grade all over again.You never properly grew up Ame.]

She didn't see the rock in front of her and fell.Amelie felt a slight sharp pain on her foot,but ignored it.

What she was holding in,completely fell appart and her tears wouldn't stop as she sobbed on the ground.Her ankle length white dress was stained brown and green from the dirt and grass.

Amelie grabbed the dress and crumpled it with both her hands as the tears finally fell on her hands.

This is what was hiding behind that always cold, indifferent and proud face,an actual fragile crybaby.But no one ever saw her tears expect her mum or sister.No one but her closest family knew what a real crying mess she actually was,that's why they always tried to protect her.

After a few minutes, Amelie wiped her tears and slowly made her way to the picnic area.That crying session had helped her relieve the stress that had built inside a bit,but now she just hoped that no one would notice that she had cried.

Just as she came she saw everyone gathered and talking to eachother.She slowly approached them with a light expression to listen what they were discussing.

"Are you okay?" Aurora said as she looking at her worriedly.

"Hm?"Amelie froze at the words.

"Your dress is all dirty!Did you get hurt?"This time Jeanne asked.

Amelie looked at her dress and finally noticed the dirty dress and just siled sheepishly.

"I did trip over a rock,but I didn't get hurt."

This time it was Vivienne who gasped,pointing at her.

"Are you okay?"

Amelie panicked a bit.Did they notice she cried?

But then The others also started to gasp and ask 'if it hurt'.

Amelie lowered her head at where they were pointing,her eyes widened a bit.Her foot was completely stained with blood.Amelie raised it and noticed the cut at the place that hurt when she hit the rock.

"Oh my gosh,there's so much blood!"Vivienne immediately turned her head and held her mouth.

"Do we have a first aid kit?"

"Why are you still standing?Sit down now!"

"It's just a slight scratch.It doesn't hurt at all."

"What do you mean it doesn't hurt?Look at your foot!"

"It's just superficial and looks scary.A bit of alcohol and bandages will do fine,though I'll got to the emergency room to get if I'll need a tetanus shot just to be safe."

"A tetanus shot?!That must be really serious!" then Lesly turned to yell at Aiden"Why the hell are you still standing there!Do something!"

As if his mother's words had woken him up,Aiden walked to Amelie and immediately lifted her off the ground in a princess carry.


Amelie instinctively hugged his neck.After finally realising what was going on, she kicked her legs and told him to put her down,but Aiden didn't listen.He took her to a cut trunk near and sat her down.

Daniel gave him the first aid kit, and he started to clean her wound with everybody's eyes on them.

Amelie lowered her head since she was too embarrassed to look at anyone else.

"Tell me if it hurts."

Amelie nodded and watched as he cleaned the wound on her foot.

Aiden's actions were very gentle and careful. Amelie wasn't raising her foot for him to see properly, so he grabbed her calf and held it while cleaning the wound with the other.

Amelie flinched from the touch and Aiden paused his actions.

"Does it hurt?"he asked softly.

"No."But she couldn't tell him the real reason either.

For the rest of the trip, Aiden stood next to her and even insisted on carrying her during their way down,but Amelie strongly refused.

She didn't know if it was really out of care or if it was just to keep the act,but Aiden insisted on at least holding her hand.Both of them went down the mountain hand in hand.

He also sent her to the emergency room to check the wound.


In the evening,everyone sent Amelie upstairs early so she could rest no matter how many times she tried to convince them that she was okay.They wouldn't believe her even when she recited the doctors words.

Amelie felt even more pathetic at watching them worry about her.She felt like she had ruined their good time.

Aiden didn't stay much downstairs either.When he entered the room, he saw Amelie, who was staring at the ceiling with a look he had never seen in her eyes before.

"Do you need me to get you anything?"


"...If you have any discomfort,just tell me."

Amelie softly hmmed.

Aiden took a quick shower,but by the time he got out, the girl was already asleep.

He stared at her silently for a while and then turned off the light.He layed down and tried his best to fall asleep.

A few minutes as if the girl had felt his warmth in her sleep,she turned around and put an arm over him,while nestling her face on his chest.

These days he had learned that she had a habit of hugging something in her sleep.Sometimes it was her pillow,sometimes the covers and sometimes him.The times he was awake and saw her hug him,he would avoid or lightly push her away,but tonight he didn't.

He hated how she made him so weak like this. When he had seen that blood on his foot,he had almost lost his mind,but there she was smiling and walking as if it wasn't her bleeding.

Aiden stared down at her sleeping and gently caressed her face.He then retracted his hand and closed his eyes hoping he could sleep.

Day 5 was over.