
Chapter 41

Day 6.

Since her foot was all bandaged up,Amelie could only sit on a sunbed as everyone else was playing in the pool.Even if she wanted to stand up,she would be forced to sit down again by everyone.

Amelie just scrolled on her ipad,trying to find something fun to read,like maybe a comic or a novel,but as if to add to her boredom,nothing would catch her eye.

Amelie sighed and put down her ipad,then her eyes caught something interesting.

Aurora was talking with Vivienne who held a familiar book in her hands.Amelie's mouth opened wide.She knew that 'romance' book pretty well and it was one of her favourites.Not many people knew about that book and Amelie had to specially order to read it.

Finally, she had found her people in real life,but there was a problem.Not many knew about this little hobby of hers, so she didn't know if she should approach them or not.Amelie's ears perked trying to listen to the convo.She stared as they got even more excited in their conversation. They were talking about the book.

Amelie took a deep breath and stood up,going to them.She had nothing to lose.

"What are you two talking about?Sounds fun!"

Aurora was smiling as she said."We're talking about this book.I recommended this to Vivienne a long time ago and she finally decided to read it."

"Really?" Amelie then glanced at the book and pretended to be surprised."I've read this one too!"

"You too?" Vivienne and Aurora said at the same time,both of them were excited.They made space for her to sit and Amelie sat down.

"Yes.Though it's been a bit since I read it."

"Did you like it?What did you think about it?Which one is your favourite part?"Aurora kept hitting her with questions non stoppingly.

"Aurora,you'll scare her at this rate."

"No,it's okay."Amelie giggled."Yes,I did quite enjoy it.It was a fun read." Like my very favourite read.

"I'm so glad there's someone else I can talk about it.I barely convinced Vivienne to read it just so I can have someone to discuss it with."

Vivienne made a 'look at her gesture'.

"You have no idea how annoying she becomes when she wants to get her way."

"But you are enjoying it.Don't pretend that you're reading it because you're forced."

Vivienne just rolled her eyes.

The three then excitedly discussed their favourite parts of the book,giggling and covering their faces like three teenage girls discussing boys.

Their men looked at them.

"Sounds like they're having fun."Louis said as he took a sip of his beer.

"They've found their common ground,it seems." Daniel said as he stared.

"You're right.They'll be staying hours discussing that book."Louis who had been a victim of Aurora's book obsession countless time, could easily tell what his wife was discussing with that smile.

"Things will probably get fun tonight." Daniel had a slight glint in his eyes as he drank a gulp.

Louis just grinned.He knew what this guy was talking about.It was true.Things would really get fun.

Aiden didn't know why they had those dirty expressions,but he really didn't wanna know.But Louis wouldn't let him off easily.

"Why do you seem like you didn't know about this side of your girlfriend?"

"Why do you think I don't?"

"You wouldn't be so...calm." Louis said without breaking eye contact.

Aiden just chuckled and threw his head back, taking a huge gulp from his bottle.Then he said as he smirked.

"It's exactly because of that that I'm calm."

"Oooooh!"Both Louis and Daniel said and then started laughing."So my baby brother has finally become a man among men!" Daniel said and rubbed his head.Aiden annoyingly pushed his hand.


Meanwhile, the girls had discussed countless books and now were discussing their romantic life.

Amelie was excitedly listening.She was a sucker for other people's love stories.

Vivienne was the first to start.

"So me and Daniel had only seen eachother a few times in university where he studied art.It was next to my ballet academy.Though we never talked we always seemed to cross paths or make eye contact and I could always sense that tension."Vivienne would tell the story while gesturing everything with her hands."Then we met at a club near,where I had gone with my friends.He was also with his friends and our groups decided to party together.Daniel then approached me.We spoke,danced and then we slept together that night at my place."

"[Aah?]" Amelie involuntarily exclaimed in her own language.

Both of them looked at her weirdly and Amelie said 'sorry' her cheeks burning a bit.

It wasn't her fault.She came from a ex-communist country with a consevative mentality.Though it wasn't that severe,the society was a bit more relaxed and layed back,it still was shocking to her.Being from a slightly strict family too didn't help.

Vivienne continued."That honestly was something I had never experience before.Our compatibility was perfect so we slept together a few more times.Then we went on dates and started dating together casually.I couldn't say I was exactly in love back then,but when I was with him I wouldn't even think of looking at another guy." suddenly her gaze became all mushy and in love."When I found out I was pregnant at 22,I was really scared and thought that everything would be over when I told him,but to my surprise he immediately got down in one knee and proposed to me with a bottle ring."Vivienne smiled."At that moment I couldn't think of a more beautiful proposal.He made me promises and told me the words I exactly needed.It was hard because I had to put my future on pause,but honestly even if I had the chance to,I would still never change anything."

Amelie's eyes reddened a bit. She barely held them so they wouldn't see.It was just so beautiful. She hoped they would be happy forever.

"You had never told me the full story before?"Aurora side-eyed her.

"I didn't know enough engilsh words to tell you before.",Vivienne lied without blinking.

"As if!" Aurora scoffed.

Amelie was trying to process this new information.

"Wait...You're not native here?"

"No."Vivienne said."You couldn't tell?"since she had a slight accent when she spoke.

"I just thought it was some type of dialect I didn't know of."Amelie replied honestly.

"No,I'm from France,but I've been living here for many years so most of my accent has been lost."

Vivienne continued."You have no idea how thick my accent was in the beginning.Daniel could barely understand me when I spoke english,if he wasn't fluent in french I would be f*****."

"Daniel's fluent in french?"

"We all are."Aurora said."We're actually part french.Grandma is french,so she taught it to dad and dad taught it to us."

"Ahaaaa!No wonder their names are french!"

"Barely anyone believes us when we tell them." Aurora said.

"Enough with the heritage.It's your turn Aurora."Vivienne then leaned on Amelie."You'll love her story!It's the most fun one!"

Amelie's eyes shone at the words.She looked like a child listening to her favourite fairytale.

Aurora started.

"So me and Louis met when I was 6.He was Daniel's classmate and he had brought him home for fun."

"Childhood sweethearts?"

"No.He was like 12 and I looked like a baby to him,but for me it was love at first sight,I had a major crush on him for YEARS."

Amelie then remembered the age difference between Daniel and Aurora.

"I wouldn't leave him alone for a single moment and would throw tantrums just to stay with him.He wouldn't even try to hide his annoyance,but I didn't care,because I always get my way."Aurora giggled.

"Poor Louis!"Vivienne said,earning a push from Aurora.

"Anyway he soon got used to my presence and would even use it to his advantage.He loved to get into Aiden's nerves since he found his reactions amusing.I don't blame him.I was enjoying every second of it."

Amelie laughed loudly.She had tried getting a few reactions from him and they were 100% right.

"But that guy was so cruel.He would bring his girlfriends knowing really well that it would annoy me and as the 10 year old brat I was,I would try and sabotage their relationship."

"You think you're not a brat now?"Vivienne side eyed her.


Vivienne leaned to Amelie telling her."That Louis would take advantage of everything so he would bring his girlfriends at her house when he started finding them annoying.Not only would he get a fun reaction from her,but he would also get rid of them.He thrives of chaos.Daniel told me everything."

"Wow!"Amelie was speechless,but then found it understandable.Louis always had that look of mischief in his eyes.She looked at Aurora with a bit of pity.Louis seemed like a handful.

Vivienne noticed and said."Don't pity her!She's the one who runs the long game!He fell later,but harder!"she laughed loudly and Aurora just smiled.

Amelie raised her eyebrows.

"Anyway,"Aurora continued her story"Soon came the time he had to leave for his studies because his family pressured him to leave."when she mentioned Louis's family,her eyes dimmed a bit. "They always had very high expectations for him.We didn't see eachother for years then and I slowly moved on from my childhood crush.He wouldn't visit as much anymore and soon I also had to leave for university."Aurora played with her hands as she spoke."Maybe it was fate or just coincidently,but we met there."

"Where?"Amelie asked.

"I studied in the same city he studied previously.Louis had decided to rebel from his family and never returned and just settled there for years.I didn't know back then because I refused to remember 'my dark past'.When I saw him at my internship,I immediately recognised him.He was in a different department,so he didn't recognise me.At first I took advantage of that to avoid him,but due to my role as an intern I was often sent for small errands in his department and we got close.It was funnly because when he first saw me,he said that I looked like someone he knew really well and that we even shared the same name."Aurora smiled slightly amd lowered her head."I thought how stupid he is back then."

"Don't tell me he had immediately recognised you?"Amelie asked.

"Not since the beginning,but he had understood later and just went with it.With his personality,he would never give up the chance to make someone look like a fool."Aurora laughed."But of course I wasn't that stupid kid anymore,so after a while I also understood he knew,since he wouldn't flirt as much.I played along for while,until he slipped."

"Really?He seemed like someone who would continue the game until the other broke."Amelie said surprised.

Aurora's look in the eyes wasn't playful anymore as she said a bit sadly.

"Yes,he's like that,but one night he called me to a bar,drunk.There were only a few people who would made Louis drink his sadness away and they were his family."Aurora sighed slightly."I drove there to pick me up and there he just dropped the pretense and poured his heart out.I think it was that night that my just revived childhood crush,turned into adult love.I still remember that look in his eyes,the complete opposite of the playful look he always has.Then we silently stared at eachother and he leaned closer to me.I didn't avoid him and just heard him mumble 'is this alright?',I told him that it was okay." Aurora smiled a bit."He chuckled a bit saying 'Daniel and Aiden will kill me' before he we finally kissed."

Amelie covered her mouth.

"Then I just drove him home and took care of his drunk ***.After that day you can guess."Aurora shrugged and ended her story.

"You're missing all the fun parts!"Vivienne complained."Tell her about Daniel's and Aiden's reactions!Tell her about the real fun!"

"We would be staying for days here if I told her everything!"Aurora told her "Plus we have another story to listen!"then she looked at Amelie. Vivienne then realised and also turned to look at her.

Amelie had a bad feeling.

"So Amelie,now is your turn.Tell us about your and Aiden's story."

Yeap.That bad feeling wasn't for nothing.