
Chapter 42

"So Amelie,now is your turn.Tell us about your and Aiden's story."

Amelie smiled and looked at her phone.

"Oh,look at the time!I have to go reapply my suncream!It was a lovely chat ladies!"then she got up to escape,but Vivienne and Aurora would never miss the chance.These two cats weren't planning on leaving this little mouse go.

"We're in the shade so you don't have to worry about the burns.Speak."

Amelie was pulled back by both and just stared at them silently.Neither Vivienne nor Aurora broke eye contact.

She turned her head to look at Aiden's direction, but he immediately avoided her gaze.She understood that the three men were looking at them the whole time.They probably had an idea of what was happening.

That scoundrel was purposefully abandoning her!

Amelie thought of every possible way to get out of this situation,but none would work properly, so she bit the bullet.

"It's not really a special story.You'll find it very boring."

"We don't care.Tell us."

Amelie sighed.

"My brother works at Yoxal branch in A country, and there was a project where they needed a programmer.Though I now have opened my own company,I still do freelancing with him,because we're a great team together.For this project,we had to come here,in the headquarters for a few months.So I came here as a member of country A team."

Vivienne and Aurora nodded,listening intently.

"The second day here,we had a meeting where we would meet the one who supervised the whole project,I didn't know who it would be,but since we were told it was someone in a high position,I was expecting some bald 50 year old man."

Aurora and Vivienne laughed out loudly, earning the men's attention again.

"Aiden,they're making fun of you."Louis stated.

Aiden glared at him."Why do you think so?"

"Because it's Amelie who's speaking."

"Then again, it isn't as bad as when Aurora was speaking.They were laughing as if she was giving a comedy show."Aiden then smirked."No matter what,I can never be as big of a joke as you are."

Louis just smiled,but he knew that if he hit him,he wouldn't be able to win.This rascal, who he met when he was half his height, was now half a head taller and he wasn't a father who had no time for the gym.

"Why are you so quiet?" Aiden put his arm over Louis's shoulder and grabbed his cheek as if he were a little kid.

"You'll see tomorrow when Aurora has told me everything."

"You're right.I'm also curious about what Aurora has said."

Louis just brushed his arm away,obviously annoyed. It was way more fun when he was a kid.Back then he wasn't neither smart or strong enough to get back at him.


"And what was your reaction when you didn't see the bald man?"Aurora asked.

Amelie avoided her eyes a little.

Vivienne grinned."Must've been quite the reaction."

"Not really.In everybody's eyes, I seemed pretty normal."But inside, I was screaming internally."I was surprised because he was so young."Amelie pretended she wasn't moved.

"Right."Vivienne and Aurora didn't believe her.

"Fine.I might've found him pretty handsome and was taken aback."she finally admited.Then Amelie's gaze was slightly lost."I guess it was pretty similar to Vivienne's case.I first moment we layed eyes on each other,I felt a weird spark and tension."

Aurora gasped."It was love at first sight?"

"I don't know.. but it was definitely something I had never,ever felt before, and it flustered me...But I quickly had to get my composure since we had a meeting to do.The meeting went smoothly and it was obvious me and my brother gave an impression."then Amelie rolled her eyes and scoffed."Of course,since I had to answer a looot of questions Aiden made."

Vivienne and Aurora gave eachother a look and giggled.

"I never thought that things would come to this back then." Amelie looked up."...Then we met again at the dinner that day.I had gone out to freshen myself a bit at the balcony,after a few minutes he came out for a smoke.He didn't notice me at first and just was in his own world."

Vivienne and Aurora leaned closer to her with a playful smile.Amelie backed away a little and continued."I was in a dilemma if I should greet him or not.He was a stranger,but he was also my boss so after pondering for a while I decided to run away before he noticed me."

Vivienne and Aurora started laughing again.

"Oh, you sweet little innocent thing!"

"She got cold feet,hahaha!"

"What did you expect me to do?I can barely hold a conversation!"Amelie protected herself."Anyway, he approached me before I could leave and introduced himself,prying for small talk.Surprisingly, it wasn't that awkward having a conversation with him and I enjoyed myself that night."Amelie smiled a bit.

Vivienne and Aurora looked at eachother with a knowing smile.

"After that we met coincidently again at the company,we would have our small breaks together, so we got to know each other a bit more.After a few months,he held another company dinner amd he followed me,when I went outside for some fresh air.We,"Amelie paused for a bit "...had a chat together again and he asked for my number."

"You hadn't given him your number yet?"

"No...And I didn't give it that night either."

This time, they were both mind-blown.

"What!You didn't give him your number?"

"I didn't."Amelie said weirdly.Was it really that shocking.

"My poor brother suffered a lot!I didn't know you could be so mean Amelie!"

"Is it really that mean?I hadn't given him my socials accounts yet so how could I give him my number?"Amelie said matter of factly.

"You hadn't even sent eachother a friend request?!"Aurora gasped again.

"She's cold!Too cold!"

"I don't think I was cold.I was completely different compared to others."

"I'm too scared to ask what you did to the others."

"I didn't do anything.I just ignored them."

Amelie said innocently again.Now she was really questioning herself.

"Anyway, what happened next."

Amelie suddenly went quiet.

"This one sounds interesting!"Vivienne and Aurora gave eachother the look and nugded Amelie to tell.

"I accidentally sent him a friend request !There I said it!"Amelie's cheeks burned.

Vivienne and Aurora laughed out loud.

"This is better than anything I imagined,hahaha!"

"Wait,"Aurora stopped."which account?He has two."

Amelie lowered her head and barely with a squeak said.

"His private one."

The two stopped and burst out laughing again even louder.

"You actually stalked him on social media, hahahahaha!"

Amelie wanted to deny the stalking part,but she couldn't since it was actually true.

"I was sleepy,okay?I hadn't realised I had sent him a request and was planning to sleep!I almost died when I saw the notification of him accepting the request a few minutes later!"

But the two women wouldn't stop laughing with her.

"And then?Hehe!"

"And then we just talked a bit on text.He gave me an errand.Since it helped him a lot,he decided to reward me with a bonus...and a dinner."

"I didn't know my brother could be so smooth!"

There's a lot you don't know about your brother. "Anyway, we went on that dinner date.He was so prepared,with flowers,opening the door like a gentleman and all.The dinner went well,we had quite a lot of fun."Amelie's eyes dimmed a bit remembering everything else that happened."...That's it."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"There has to be more!What about the rest of the dates?"

"I told you it was nothing special."Amelie shrugged.

"There are things you aren't telling us!Spill them!"

Suddenly an arm grabbed her waist and pulled her behind easily,away from the two.Amelie was caught of guard and froze in place.

The skin of her back,not covered by the dress,was sticking to a strong bare chest.A deep and magnetic voice was heard from the top of her head.

"What are you two doing to her?"